Military Diet Review Part 2

I’m proud to announce that my husband has joined my “MilItary Diet” journey!

After much consideration …(like many of us, he loves food & hates diets ) Mark decided he wanted to give this unique weight loss technique a try .

If you haven’t read of my first experience last month with the 3 day military diet, then please read link here..then return!

As you may remember, I lost a total of 4.0 lbs on the diet during my first experience . After 5 days off, TRYING to maintain, I only gained 1lb!!

I was very pleased with my overall results for the week.

Directly afterwards, we had a couple of “all week” meetings which provided 3 meals a day, that we attended.

My determination lagged a little and I did not stick to the 3 day plan for the next several weeks.

It was with my return last week that my husband decided to join my endeavor. ❤️

Mark’s first week, my second, was definitely a challenge, especially with his love for fast food. But the end results were soo rewarding!

With the 3 diet days under our belt, onto the scales we marched …..

I, myself, lost everything I’d gained on my time off, PLUS extra. Making

a total weight loss of 7.2 lbs!!

I held my breath as my husband weighed next. I realized this could make or break the diet for him…

We we’re both pleasantly surprised when Mark weighed in with a weight loss of 9.2lbs!! The smile and motivation I seen come forth was well worth the past 3 days of hard work.

The next 4 days we worked hard together, trying to eat reasonably. Our goal has not been to loose additional weight on the 4 days off, but to eat a “maintain” amount of food portions, minimizing weight gain until the next week began.

At The End Of The Week

Here’s our total week’s results! See how much we gained back.

Mark’s Results

3 DAY ON Military Diet

-9.6 lb


+1.4 lb


Weeks total loss of


Erica’s Results





Weeks total loss of


Most of us want our weight loss chart to look something g like this….

But in reality true weight loss usually looks more like this….

This is very true on this diet! It’s kinda like an overlapping weight loss . But when It’s done right, the loss will always come out on top.

What I love about this diet , besides the results, is the flexibility I have on the off days. Sure, 3 days of the week may not be so flexible, but those 3 strict days really ease up the rest of my week which helps so much with our lifestyle right now.

I also love the category of food choices. I don’t necessarily mean the exact meals chosen, but the fact that protein, dairy, fruits, vegetables, carbs, and even sweets are incorporated into each day .

I’ve found that some people are under the impression that you are only eating a couple hundred calories a day with the military diet. That is not true.

Although the diet is low calorie, and may be a lot lower then your current eating habits, It is still a reasonable amount of calories for most people. If you eat everything listed in exact or substituted form, you may be hungry but, you should not starve.

Take notice when reading through the menu provided how much food you are allowed on the first two days of supper. It is seriously a nice portion for most. Especially when you’re hungry. ????


My favorite lean meat substitute right now is ..

Rotisserie chicken! It’s so yummy & simple for busy nights. And considering your meat intake is limited, it is PLENTY to go around.

If you are interested in reading more about our Military Diet reviews & updates please

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Have A wonderful weekend!

-A Simpler Life-

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