5 Bathroom Cleaning Tips To Help Maintain A Cleaner Bathroom!

Is it just me or is the bathroom quite overwhelming from time to time?

Here are a few tips I’ve came across to keep a clean bathroom 24/7 , (well… almost 24/7 ????)

The biggest and best way I have found in helping me keep up with my bathroom is to maintain in between the “bathroom deep cleans”.

Doing this cuts down on how often bathroom deep cleanings are needed. It also shortens the work when you actually do them, and it provides a cleaner bathroom until the deep clean happens!

So, how do I maintain? I’m glad you asked! It’s so easy, I can’t wait to share with you my 5 favorite maintaining tricks below!


When I began tackling the task of maintaining my bathroom, the shower seemed like the first mountain looming ahead of my journey. Here is the best trick I found in succeeding my shower challenge! I hope you love it like I do!

Now I’ll admit I did not come up with this trick on my own, so you may have heard of it before, but just In case you haven’t….

The idea is to keep a rubber shower/ dish cleaning mitt hanging in your shower at all times. You then, wipe off all the dust and soap scum while your taking you’re daily shower.

You’re already in there, so why not?! You will still need to disinfect occasionally when you deep clean but this keeps the dust and soap scum build up from getting out of hand until then.

People using certain safe ‘all natural’ cleaners could even do the disinfecting part! I personally just use the water and mitt.

Don’t have a mitt? Try this technique out by grabbing an extra wash cloth or cleaning rag before hopping in next time.

My shower always (usually) looks so clean now! If you have never tried this before, you seriously should! I personally LOVE this trick.


My next tip is to keep disposable cleaning wipes, home made or store bought, under your bathroom sink at all times. You could also keep a bottle of bathroom cleaner & rag if you prefer.

Anytime you are washing your hands and notice the least bit of dirt, dust or grime on your sink and or toilet, quickly grab yourself a cleaning cloth, do a quick wipe and toss!

It will seriously take you like 30 seconds (maybe a minute at most) , and your surfaces will look, feel, and be, so much cleaner.

The fact you don’t have to walk across the house or pause your current project is the key to this tips success.

Just make it a new part of your potty break routine! No one will ever know, and they will wonder how you keep such a sparkly bathroom ????????.


The toilet bowl, it’s just gross, right? No one wants to see a dirty, stained, or germy looking toilet bowl.

Although grabbing the toilet bowl cleaner and brush seriously takes no time, if you want a couple extra, quick alternatives I’ve got them.

You can purchase this bottle of toilet bowl cleaner from dollar tree, (similar types sold at other stores like Walmart), the bottle hooks to your tank and releases cleaner into the toilet bowl water with every flush.

Another alternative that I now use in my RV life, is to use bleach tablets, (sold at Walmart), the instructions on back say to place one tablet in toilet bowl until dissolved then flush.

Your toilet bowl is now disinfected and ready to tackle a few more days till “deep clean time”!


This tip is super simple and is probably already practiced by many, but I feel like sometimes we over look the obvious things that can simplify our daily lives so much .

When you ‘do’ deep clean your bathroom, be sure to fill the bottom of your can with enough extra bags to last until the next deep clean.

Then every time you take out the household trash, take a minute to grab the bathroom’s also. Or, if you see the bathroom trash is full before hand, just grab the bag, tie it up, and add it to your main trash (Don’t forget your replace with a new bag).

Keeping extra bags in view and at hand makes trash taking more simple, quick, and clean. It also illuminates stinky/dirty cans.


Does anyone else’s bathroom floor get sticky from hair spray, covered in toilet paper dust and just plain dirty feeling, way before mopping day arrives?

Here you can take advantage of those same “bathroom cleaning wipes” under the sink.

Grab a couple and quickly wipe down that floor! If your bathroom’s small, you may be able to get it all in just a couple of minutes. If it’s larger, then this would be more like a ‘spot’ mop, hitting the grimy & prone to be dirty areas like around the toilet and sink. (Anyone have toddler boys???…Lol) .

This is not a deep mop clean and not have the results of one. But it will help illuminate stickiness, extra dirt, dust, and smells ..????????) .. remember though, this is just to help maintain until the real mop comes out .


Cleaning Mitt (For shower)

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