How To Save Time In The Home Part 2

How to save time part two is here! head over to part 1 if you haven’t yet!

If you can save 30 minutes a day with these time saving tips you will have saved over 7 days of time in one year! That’s enough time to plan a entire vacation! imagine saving 3hrs a day with just a few tweeks to your habits and you will have a extra month and a half that you didn’t know you had! even at just 5 minutes saved per day you would have a whole extra days worth of time each year.

Now that your head is spinning with ways to save time let’s jump into these time saving tips!

How to save time with technology

Set limits

Set personal time limits for online “browsing”, YouTube etc. Setting time limits & tech times or even rewarding yourself for some relaxing quiet time “AFTER” priorities are met, are all great ways to utilize tech limits. Another idea is to only use leisure online time in conjunction with a dreaded task such as dish washing or treadmill walking.

Regularly unsubscribe from unwanted email list This saves you time from constantly checking and deleting unwanted emails

Use mobile banking

I’ll admit, mobile banking can be frustrating when the app is not working or you forget your password, but over all, it really can save so many trips and so much time! If you are not on board with mobile banking, you need to be! Tracking purchases, checking for suspicious activity, balancing accounts, transferring money, paying bills, and even temporarily blocking debit cards can all be done in moments from anywhere on your phone. Do not underestimate this time saving opportunity.

Set up automatic bill paying

Automatic bill paying has became a widely available option. I love using this future, just make sure you keep track of when these automatic transactions are being made and use your mobile banking to insure the money is in the correct place to cover them.

Make use of other time saving apps

Mobile banking apps are just one of so many time saving apps. It’s about time we stop wasting time on technology and start using its benefits to save time instead. What are a few of your favorite time saving apps? Check out this card sending app, that I love, to save trips to town to the post office! You can send a post card (postage included) for only 2 and even less when using there bulk card credits. I love how it doubles as a address book and even lets you know when your card has arrived. Use my link below to get a free card for both of us when downloading the app!

Save time in the laundry room

baskets clean color cotton
Photo by Pixabay on

Don’t wash clean clothes!

When my sister was little, everything went into the hamper (AKA dirty cloths basket) and I mean EVERYTHING. She would try a outfit on, decide she didn’t like it, and instead of hanging it back up…. you guessed it, in the basket it went. It took my Mom a little while to catch on but when she did, she put a stop to that real quick 😂. Boy, was she glad she did when her laundry load decreased by the load count. My point? Teach your kids to put away, and even re-wear, clean and lightly used clothing such as PJs , house worn hoodies, etc. and don’t forget to practice the same with your own clothing.

Clean out the dryer lent

Your wondering how in the world I’m going to tie this one in, right? So, if you’re like me, you may “sometimes” forget to empty the lent tray on your dryer. First of all, that’s a fire hazard 🤔 but secondly, have you noticed how long it takes to dry clothes when the lent tray is full? Clean it out regularly and you won’t be running that dryer twice anymore. You will be saving electric & time 😜.

Purchase the same socks

YouTube Jordan Page, has a rule that all the boys of the same size have the same white socks and the same rule for girls. This keeps her laundry super simple and quick when it comes to matching, folding, putting away, and finding socks for the day. I do not have 8 kids but I picked up on this little tip for the individuals in our household. Each person has the same style and color of sock. Sock matching has never been faster! This also makes it so easy when there’s a hole in a sock, just put it aside to match with the next sock straggler.

Steam your cloths

If you do a lot of ironing, steaming clothing can really speed things up.

Purchase wrinkle free clothing

Men’s clothing often needs a lot of ironing but I have found that us ladies have plenty of option of wrinkle free clothes. I have a rule that Only wrinkle free clothing is allowed when possible! This really cut back my ironing.

Save time when getting ready

(No skipping showers here… we’ll almost lol)

Choose your outfit the night before

If you fumble through your closet every morning half asleep and can’t think what to wear, try laying out your outfit the night before while your wide awake.

Stop hitting snooze

Every time I hit snooze I regret it later thinking of the time I wasted. If you are making sure to get the amount of sleep you need, before you set your alarm, then NOT hitting snooze can really save you some time! A good way to break this habit is to set your phone across the room.

Stop washing your hair everyday!

I think this generation is a lot more apt to except the fact that hair does not always need washed every single day. Hair washing, especially with a lot of length, can take a lot of time. Imagine if you could wash your hair less and not feel a bit of guilt or neglect in doing so. If you are interested in the benefits of washing your hair less then check out my link here or below. it is truly eye opening and time saving.

Do bath-time at nighttime

I have always been a night bather. It wasn’t until I was listening to YouTuber, Jordan Page (again😂) point out why she bathed her children at night for smoother mornings, that I realized bathing at night makes way more sense. Now, if you love waking to a morning shower then go for it ! On the other hand, if you want to go to bed feeling clean and making sure your “sheets stay clean longer” then I would recommend bathing “before” bed. That doesn’t mean you can go months without washing the sheets 😂 but every little bit helps.

Dry your shower

Another shower tip is to use your towel to dry out the shower each time your done. This keeps the shower looking good and decreases the amount of water spots. The biggest advantage is seen with tile showers though. Drying a tile shower helps resist moldy grout and I don’t think I need to explain the time saving benefits there.

Save time by de-cluttering

De-clutter your home

You have heard it again and again and yes, it’s true. De-cluttering will save you time because “owning less stuff is less stuff to manage”.

De-clutter your closet

Living in a RV, I have learned that I really don’t need a lot of clothes. I recommend getting rid of some clothing and see if you miss it. Keep tabs on how many outfits you have for that person and continue to lessen until you start noticing a difference. Then you can decide how much farther you want to go or if you want to stop then. Keeping up with less clothes has so many time saving benefits.

Give everything a home

As you de-clutter your home, be sure to “make a home” for everything in your house. If you can’t make a home for it, then you probably still have to much inventory. Having a designated home for every item makes it so much easier to keep a clean house. It also gives you perspective on how much you have and if you need anything else. Read more on this below!

Put things away

Now that everything has a home, begin making the habit to put things back in their home after each use or at least at the end of the day. Once your family learns the homes of the items it should be easier to get them on board too!

Save time by adding these items to your home.

Parents Choice Baby Unisex Multi-Purpose Pads, White Fleece Sheet Sets, 2 pack –

Something else I often added to my diaper changing stations mentioned above, was water proof, fabric bed pads. Ladies, these are amazing! I am past the baby stage (for now) and we still have several of these rotating the house. They have saved me so many extra loads of laundry and couch scrubbing. I use them through sickness to toss over beds or pillows. We use them under car seats to prevent stains and lots of extra car scrubbing, I keep one on hand for me and “that time of month” to protect my sheets, we use them for potty training on beds and couches at nap time. Wet hair on pillows at night. I even used them to sponge bath my newborns right on my bed! They are seriously water proof, super soft, and oh so durable. I have washed and dried mine uncountable amount of times. You can just imagine what all you can use these for to save you some major mess and major time!

Rubber cleaning mitt hanging in your shower.

A rubber cleaning mitt can be used while your showering to wipe down the shower walls of dust and soap build up. This really limits and decreases the amount of shower scrubbing needed later.

Use a robot vacuum or mop for large homes

I, myself, have not had one of these but I have family that love them. If you have a large home you might wanna ask for one of these this Christmas.

Use a Bissell mop vac

Before moving into a RV I loved using this tool to save me a ton of time sweeping & mopping! It works great on linoleum, wood floor, and tile. It sweeps & mops at the same time and will even give your door rugs a little scrub. Ollie’s Carrie’s these very frequently for a fraction (like less than half!) of the normal price. Sign up to their email for coupons & adds here.

Save time on the GO

Plan town days

Planning all your town running together on a specific day keeps you from running here and there through out the week . If you happen to forget something try to pick it up on the way to another appointment, utilizing this trip time wisely. One day town trips work best when you are meal planning and keep a organized schedule.

What goes in the car comes out

Making this family habit can save time when cleaning out the car

Say NO

Saying no to activities or invites when your plate is already full, can save sanity and time. Just remember to prioritize when making plans and never put the most important things on the back burner. Before you do this, make sure your most important things are really important.

Saving time with general Homemaking

Fill cans with bags

Are you constantly running. To the kitchen to grab a bag for the bathroom trash? Worse yet, did you have to wipe out the can because someone already used it before you got another bag in it ?🤦‍♀️ Save your self this constant timely inconvenience by tossing a roll of bags into your trash cans.

Let the perfection go

Not being perfect does not mean you are dirty! Sometimes our own “perfection expectations” wear ourselves out.

Put hobbies on hold

Have you been feeling overloaded and short on time lately? Consider putting certain hobbies on hold until this season passes. Don’t feel obligated to hobbies, if you don’t enjoy them you don’t have to do them!

Take it with you

Every time you head to a new room, glance around for anything that belongs there that you could take with you. This not only helps keep the house up, it also saves you a extra trip later, therefore “saving time”. This is a newer tip for me and I can fur-sure see the positive effects on days that I implement it.

Use a planner!

Planning, always saves wasted time because it reminds you what you need to do and keeps you on your toes instead of wasting time with non important things that you became side tracked by. Planners can be used and kept in so many ways. Whatever your style, using one has the same benefits. Here is my favorite planner also linked below

Keep a running to-do list

Speaking of planners, a running to-do list is a must have in your planner or even if you don’t have a planner.l you can still grab a notebook and make a to-do list! Curious how I keep my to do list? Check it out below.

Make good housekeeping habits

Implementing good housekeeping habits keeps your house “up” saving you time trying to “catch up”.

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Related post –

How to save time in the homw part 1

Why I don’t wash my hair everyday

How to quickly clean out my closet

Benefits of giving a home to everything

My to-do list

Related Links

Parents Choice Baby Unisex Multi-Purpose Pads, White Fleece Sheet Sets, 2 pack –

Rubber cleaning glove

My favorite planner 2022

My favorite planner 2023

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