How To Cook A FULL SIZE Turkey In Your Crock Pot !

Today’s post, will hopefully, inform you on “how to cook a full size turkey in your crock pot”. My favorite way to cook a “turkey breast has always been in the crock pot, but this past week I went a step further, I cooked a 15lb turkey in my regular size crock pot! Today I’m going to show you exactly HOW I DID THIS. Please note that you can also cook a turkey breast (without disassembling!) with this same method. For those who love the white meat, this is a great option!

*This is my all time favorite crock pot shown above . I have had this, 4 in 1, Ninja crock pot, for 7 years and it is AMAZING! Unfortunately , I couldn’t find this product anymore to share a link, but I did find a 5 star, 12 in 1 , Ninja instant pot/ slow cooker, which I have linked in its place. If it is anything like my Ninja then you will LOVE it! # Christmas idea!

Why Should I Cook A Full Size Turkey In A Crock pot?

A couple reasons I would consider cooking a turkey in a crock pot instead of the oven, are …

  • To save oven space for cooking casseroles etc.
  • To prevent leaving the oven on overnight or while away
  • For the juicy turkey it produces!

How To Cook A Full Size Turkey In The Crock Pot


If you have dealt with cleaning game in any way, then this step should be a breeze!

You are going to begin by thawing your entire turkey per the instructions on the turkey packaging. (This usually takes a few days!)

Next, you are going to “quarter” your thawed turkey . This just means you will disassemble each section of the turkey. Similar to how you would do your rotisserie chicken before serving it.

Before you quarter your turkey, you will want to lay your thawed turkey on a cutting board. (I like to lay a towel under my board to keep juice from spreading).

Then you will remove any internal organs or bags.


You could begin at any part of the turkey, but I began by cutting along the back bone on each side.

I then cut around each leg joint, once cut to the bone you can twist until disconnected. Finish by cutting off any remaining skin attaching the leg to the body. The same process is used for all bones attached. You should not have to cut through any bones with a knife.

Remove each section one by one then go back and make sure you didn’t miss any meat.

Once your done you should have all of the meat (on bone) in sections, with the biggest part of the turkey carcass out of the way and ready to be discarded. This is the key to fitting that turkey into the crock pot.

quartered turkey in crock pot
This 15lb turkey (pictured above) fit easily in my crock pot once quartered!

Ready For The Crock!

Stack your turkey sections into your crock pot.

You are now ready to season or marinade as you wish!

I cooked my turkey on low for twice the time listed on the turkeys package.The packaging recommended baking for 3-3.5 hrs for my 15lb turkey. Therefore, I cooked the turkey in my crock pot for a total of 5hrs on low and 1hr on high for a total of 6hrs. It was well done after 6 hrs but next time, I will probably cook it a little longer or overnight.

Every hour I dip[ed the broth over any meat that was not fully covered. You can also turn any meat that isn’t covered, in rotation.

After The Turkey Cooks

This step is crucial for a super moist, crock pot turkey. You will want to debone & skin your turkey. ( The skin will not have a crisp texture as with baking).

Clean your crock pot broth by using a slotted spoon to remove any skin pieces etc.

Now you can add your meat (no skin or bone) back into your clean broth. Hopefully, you have enough broth to cover all of your meat. If not, you could add some melted butter.

Turn your crock pot on warm or low, depending on your crock pots heat, and let the meat soak up its broth for a good hour or more.

Time To Serve!

Now your ready to serve your “very juicy” turkey! I personally like to serve my turkey right out of the crock pot with a set of tongs, but you could remove it from the broth into a dish if you like.

cooked turkey

What About The Left Overs?

I do recommend placing the turkey back into the broth inside a covered or sealed container or pan before storing leftovers. Turkey kept like this, taste AMAZING reheated!

Cooking Alternatives

Cooking A Turkey Breast In The Crock Pot

If your family prefers white meat or you don’t need that much, you can cook a TURKEY BREAST this same way by skipping the quartering process. Just try to purchase a turkey that will fit into your crock pot.

What If My Lid Won’t Close?

That’s ok! You can take aluminum foil and tightly clamp it around the edge of your crock pot lid and the edge of your crock pot. you shouldn’t be able to see any cracks for air to enter.

How long Should I Cook It?

Personally I always Cook my whole turkey breast over night in the crock pot (a good 8hrs). Be sure to keep the last steps I listed for best results. (debone and putting back into broth)

Frequently Asked Questions On “How To Cook A Full Time Turkey”

What Seasonings Do I Use?

To be honest, the only “seasoning” or “flavoring” I ever used is butter. A LOT of butter lol… try to stuff/line the butter underneath the skin as much as possible then rub butter lol over the outside! I love the taste of a buttery turkey!

seasoned crock pot turkey


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In Closing

I’m curious how you cook your turkey or how you plan to this Thanksgiving. Feel free to share in the comments below!

If you have any questions about “how to cook your turkey in a crock pot” please contact be via contact form on my home page and as always please Like Subscribe and Share! Happy Thanksgiving Planning!

One thought on “How To Cook A FULL SIZE Turkey In Your Crock Pot !

  1. I love cooking Turkey in my crockpot this way! Makes delicious, juicy Turkey!! My family likes white meat best so I normally do just a large Turkey breast myself . I also have cooked my Turkey breasts all the way up to 12 hour on low before with great results (just make sure there is plenty of liquid—broth/butter!) I love this easy simple way to enjoy traditional Thanksgiving Turkey all year long!! ❤️

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