12 Days Of Christmas Holiday Tradition For Hubby

The 12 Days of Christmas tradition is the perfect opportunity to do something sweet for your husband! It’s so customizable and sure to be loved by the man in your life. Keep reading to see how we do our yearly traditional 12 days of Christmas in our home . Hopefully, this post will inspire you and spark your creativity to create your own 12 days of Christmas for your soul mate.

A Peek Into The Past

Before we discuss “how I do the 12 days of Christmas” for my wonderful hubby, let’s take a peek into the origin of the 12 days of Christmas song.

Personally, I love researching traditions to unveil the original source of why we do them. You may be surprised by what you learn and can therefore, pass (or NOT pass) on to your children.

I found this article written by goodhousekeeping.com (original link below) on the origin of the 12 days of Christmas. I found many similar accounts from other sources confirming the stated facts.

The twelve days over which the song takes place is a reference to Christianity. “The 12 Days of Christmas” historically does not reference the days leading up to Christmas, but rather the 12 days following it, also known as Twelvetide. The period begins with birth of Christ on December 25th, Christmas Day, and ends with the coming of the three wise men on January 6th, also known as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. The weeks before Christmas are known as Advent, ending on December 24 — hence, advent calendars.”

A Few Fun Facts

Though some scholars believe that the song is French in origin, the first printed appearance of the song was in the English children’s book Mirth With-out Mischief. If you haven’t heard of it, that’s probably because it was published in 1780. You could ask the person who shelled out $23,750 at a Sotheby’s auction for a first edition to borrow their copy, but even so, you may not recognize the lyrics.

In the original lyrics, the “four calling birds” were actually “four colly birds.” The term “colly” is Old English slang for birds dark as coal, a.k.a. blackbirds. In other old versions of the song, the partridge we all know and love is replaced with a “very pretty peacock upon a pear tree.” If you think that’s weird, consider a Scottish version that gifts “an Arabian baboon.” It wasn’t until 1909 that British composer Frederic Austin penned the version of the lyrics that we are all familiar with today.

“Most historians believe that the Christmas carol started out as a “memory-and-forfeit” game in 1800s England. These types of games were played by British school children, and the rules were simple: When it’s your turn, you repeat all the previously sung lyrics, and add the next one. If you can’t remember a verse, you owe your opponent a “forfeit,” which was usually a kiss or piece of candy.”

Link to Original Credit HERE https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/christmas-ideas/a29212592/12-days-of-christmas-meaning-facts/

Although I don’t necessarily agree that the wise men showed up 12 days after Jesus birth, a discussion for another time 😂. I was still excited that the song was penned with a spiritual aspect and centered around the story of Christ; birth. I love when traditions focus on, or point back to the true meaning of Christmas.

How To Turn The 12 Days Of Christmas Into A Family Activity Or Tradition?

In the traditional song lyrics, that we all know and love, the song tells of a lover receiving gifts each day for 12 consecutive days.

The idea here, is to mimic the giving of 12 gifts over 12 days in some form or another. The details are all up to you!

What Types Of Gifts Should I Give For The 12 Days Of Christmas?

The flexibility of this tradition is what makes it so personalizeable and unique. You can literally gift anything!

A Few Ways To Give The Items Would Be..

Gift Items by number

Give Items by theme

Forget matching themes or numbers and give completely random items

Replace physical items with acts of kindness or gestures.

Theme Ideas

Here are a few of the themes I have incorporated over the past 8 years for my husband’s 12 days of Christmas.

  • Fishing
  • Romantic
  • Candy
  • Food related
  • Random items
  • Literal amount of items (11 razor blades, 12 Reece cups etc.)
  • Gift cards (If you have the extra cash, this could be so fun!)

Example: 12inch pizza=pizza gift card, 2 holiday coffees = Starbucks gift card .

How do I Present The Gifts?

Presenting your 12 days of Christmas really depends on what you are giving. If you are giving tangible gift items, you might consider a few of these ideas listed below.

  • Wrapping each gift with its corresponding number taped on it. Then place the gifts under your regular Christmas tree
  • label a envelope for each day telling what the gift is or where it is located
  • Set up a display for the 12 days of Christmas as part of your holiday decor.
  • Try using traditional Christmas cards, write a little note inside with instructions to find that days gift.
  • Turn each gift into a scavenger hunt of sorts
  • Set up a “12 days of Christmas” tree. Decorate it a ornament (homemade or store bought) representing each 12 days. Set the gifts under it.
  • Skip the hassle and just hand each gift to your husband, he won’t mind!

What If I Don’t Have The Money For Another Expensive Tradition?

That’s ok! It might take a little more effort on your part, but you can totally customize a “12 days of Christmas” without purchasing even one gift!

Some of my sweetest ideas were established around little favors like ‘5 minute back rubs’ etc. My husband loved these “cheap” versions just as much as the the others.

If you would like to have a example of the FREE 12 days of Christmas then please subscribe below! For you who have already subscribed, go back and check your email announcement for today’s post 😜.

Can I Do This For Someone Besides My Husband?

You sure can! Considering the song, I think it’s most fitting for your lover, but either way, this little tradition can be a fun idea for your children or anyone else in your life. The idea of “12 days of Christmas” is such a popular phrase in our culture that most don’t stop to think much about the roles played by those in the lyrics. Any excuse to get or gift 12 gifts is good enough for most 😂.

When Should I Begin The Twelve Days Of Christmas?

This, is also up to you. I used to do our 12 days leading up to Christmas Day. I soon realized the tradition went much smoother and was enjoyed much more if I began earlier in December and was done about a week before Christmas. This made sure we was done before heading out of town for the holidays

This year, I plan on following the tradition of its origin. Which means we will begin the 12 days of Christmas on Christmas Day. I think it will be a fun way to close out the Christmas season whilst giving me a few extra days to plan amid the holiday chaos.

In Closing

I hope this post has inspired you to do something special for the man that God has placed in your life. It’s so easy to get caught up in our responsibilities as a mother and set our husband’s on the proverbial “back burner”. Let’s remind our husband that he is NOT forgotten this Christmas season and move him to the top of our priorities with a little love and thoughtfulness!

If you try this idea or already do something similar, please share in the comments below! And as always, don’t forget to tap the heart below and share!

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