50+ Tips To Save Money On Your Electric Bill This Winter

These 50+ Tips To Save Money On Your Electric Bill will get you thinking about where your electric really goes. Keep reading for all 50+ tips!

wooden cottage with burning lantern during snowfall
Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

With winter comes Christmas , snow , hot cocoa, and… unfortunately…sometimes large electric bills!

When me and my husband first married, we set on a mission (real quick) too save money on our electric bill. And yes! We did have success! It’s those tips (plus a few extra) that I plan to share with you today.

50+ Tips To Save Money On Your Electric Bill

  1. Turn the temperature down! As obvious as this sounds, it’s the truth. Decreasing the thermostat by 7-10 deg can save up to 10% on your electric bill! The key is, to not lower the temperature to quickly. Our bodies adapt, so turning it down a couple degrees at a time, letting your body adjust, is the trick. Once you find a lower temperature that suits your family, keep this temperature as your new norm.
  2. Use magnetic register vent covers to distribute excess heat to needed rooms. Do you have a unused room that gets way to much heat? Push some of that heat in the right direction with these!
  3. Purchase/use a space heater. Make sure to use these in a clear space away from furniture, clothing, toys etc.
  4. Hang dry part or all of your clothing. Drying your clothes for 10min then hanging them saves a ton of energy while still softening them a bit.
  5. After cooking, allow your oven to cool by leaving the oven door open (only safe with no little ones or pets in household!). This allows for a little temporary heat boost. *Never use a running oven to heat your home this is not safe.
  6. When baking a small item, use a toaster oven or air fryer in place of the full size oven. Your food will even be done much quicker while cutting down on a lot of electric usage.
  7. Only wash full loads in the dishwasher. If you have just a few items and want them done for the night, try washing them by hand, it will only take a minute and save a ton of electric & water. Save the dishwasher for those large loads.
  8. Check your refrigerator’s cold setting. too cold of a fridge uses excess energy and also freezes your food, ruining produce, eggs, and such.
  9. Swap incandescent light bulbs for LEDs. LED bulbs use about 75% percent less energy then incandescent bulbs & they last longer…💵!
  10. Take advantage of natural lighting. Open the blinds/ curtains instead of using the lights. Set up work spaces in a naturally well lit area of your home when possible.
  11. Seal windows with weather stripping and/or caulking.
  12. Check for and seal any cracks around doors.
  13. Make sure your home is insulated well, don’t forget to check the attic.
  14. If you have a glass front door, be sure to close the main door during the day. Yes, this does cut down on the natural lighting but these storm doors can let massive amounts of heat out & air in (even more than windows). Try focusing on the windows as your source of lighting throughout the winter.
  15. Use ceiling fans on reverse to push heat from the ceiling down to you.
  16. Dig out the blankets. Staying cozy will help you keep the temperature lower. Keep reading for more ways to stay warm.
  17. Purchase family house shoes.
  18. Layer your everyday clothing.
  19. Wear hoodies or comfy fleece jackets.
  20. Sip on hot drinks throughout the day. Who doesn’t want an excuse to drink hot cocoa and coffee? Just don’t forget to unplug that keurig?
  21. Use floor rugs on hard flooring to feel cozy & insulate the floors a little.
  22. Have a maintenance check up done on your furnace system to make sure it’s working top notch. I’ve heard that many companies offer these for free on occasion.
  23. Have a professional cleaning job done on your furnace system to maintain & enhance its performance.
  24. Clean furnace filters regularly. This can literally make it or break it! The furnace in our first home completely quit from so much clogged dirt in the furnace coils. The previous owners had failed to even use filters, resulting in a lot of excess dirt sucked in. Dirty filters can do the same thing, just at a slower pace .
  25. Close doors on spare/unused rooms. Don’t t forget to close or cover the vents first.
  26. Make sure your emergency heat does not run unnecessarily. Emergency heat ran unnecessary will sky rocket your bill. If you ever receive a ridiculously high electric bill for seamlessly no reason, you had better check and make sure your emergency heat didn’t get turned “on” instead of on “auto”.
  27. Keep used vents uncovered and unblocked by furniture etc.
  28. Run fewer loads of laundry by washing full loads instead of multiple small loads.
  29. Take advantage of sensor dryer settings or make sure that you do not over run your dryer while using the “timed dry” setting.
  30. Swap your laundry loads quickly, taking advantage of the already “pre heated” dryer.
  31. When out of town, set your lights on a timer instead of leaving them on 24/7 for safety reasons.
  32. Always set holiday lights on timers.
  33. Unplug all unused electronics including phone cords! The average family uses approximately $100 in “standby” energy each year!
  34. Close your blinds & curtains at night to seal in the heat and keep out the cold.
  35. Consider installing a water efficient shower head to save on excess hot water. (Water heater + water bill savings!)
  36. Make a mental note to speed up on the hot showers this winter.
  37. Set bath tub water limits for children.
  38. Insulate hot water pipes.
  39. Insulate your water heater. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines for this process.
  40. Lower your hot water heater setting, if needed. Recommended temperature setting is 120. If yours is much higher then that, you could possibly save money by lowering the temperature. Keep in mind, overly hot water can be dangerous for children too.
  41. Consider washing your clothing in cold or warm water. Most detergents, now days, work just as well in cold water as in hot.
  42. Look into purchasing a “smart” thermostat. These thermostats can raise and lower your house temperature on a schedule, saving you money without even thinking twice about it!
  43. Not ready to invest in a smart thermostat? Adjust the temperature manually. Make a habit to lower the temperature when you are gone or at night time when you are cozy in bed. Be sure to raise it back up slowly, preventing the emergency heat from kicking on.
  44. Make use of your fire place /wood burning stove, if applicable.
  45. Make sure your fire place damper stays properly closed when not in use.
  46. Turn the lights off when not in use!
  47. Teach your children energy saving habits. I remember growing up, we had some friends that deducted a dollar from their child’s allowance each time she left her unattended bedroom light on… yikes! I’m not sure I would go that far 😂 but I do agree, she quickly caught on to that energy saving habit!
  48. Check your electric company’s website for energy saving tips. Some companies even have a news letter that you can sign up for to continuously learn about saving on your electric bill.
  49. And while you’re on there, check for any money saving programs they may have to offer. Our electric company offers a program that figures up the monthly average of your electric bill, and from it, charges a monthly “average” bill amount. You then have one month a year that is your “settle up month”, sometimes you owe a little more that month, while other times they may owe you! This program doesn’t exactly “save” money but it does make it so much easier on your budget during the hard winter months.
  50. Monitor your electric bill’s monthly usage. As you apply new energy saving habits, notice which ones lower your usage and for how much. Take advantage of this knowledge.
  51. And if none of these tips work, you can try my dear husband’s advice… “go stay with your in-laws” 😂 This was his exact input when I asked his advice on this topic lol.

I’ll admit I do live full time in a RV, so unfortunately all of these tips do not apply to me personally. I have included my personal tips along with other peoples input and research to make this list.

I have tried several of these in our home and the ones I have tried, DO WORK!

My current ‘top favorite tips’ while in camper life, would have to be …

  • Lower your temperature setting at night & over all
  • Bundle up in hoodies & house shoes (who doesn’t love hoodies?)
  • shift heat with magnetic vent covers
  • Drink hot drinks, I love waking up to a cool house of the morning and drinking my hot coffee in the peace and quiet while all bundled up.
  • Use a space heater
  • Oh and for a 6th favorite…I’d have to say, I do kinda like my husbands tip… because any excuse to go see my mama will do 😜.

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