Lessons I Learned From My Mammaw

One of the greatest way us young mothers and wives can learn is to follow in the footsteps of the Godly examples in our lives. Today I want to share with you just a few lessons I have learned from my Mammaw.

Lessons I learned from my Mammaw

This Christmas I said good-bye to one of my greatest Godly examples of a wife, mother, and homemaker. As we prepared my dear Mam-maw’s funeral a couple days before Christmas, I sat down and made list of some of the lessons my Mam-aw taught me. These were not necessarily things she taught me by mouth but in a even a greater way, these are the principles Mam-maw lived and even died by.

After reading over my list, I believe other ladies could be encouraged by some of these same life tips and advise. So I decided to share them with you. After reading my post. I encourage you to take a moment and notice the things you have and can learn from the examples you have in your life.

Put Others First No Matter What.

Mam-maw always put others first .In Heaven, the last shall be first… I can’t wait to see that.

When Messes Happen Just Laugh, Getting Upset Won’t Help Anything

As a child, I made a huge mess in her kitchen floor, Mam-maw just laughed. She told me she learned a long time ago that “you just have to laugh.”

Pray Always

During visits I’d peek into her room to find where Mam-maw went. It was common to find that she had slipped away, in the middle of everything, to pray.

Stay Consistent

You never had to wonder if Mam-maw would meet her responsibilities or keep her word.

A Clean Home Is Better Then A Dirty Mansion

No house felt more like a home then my Mam-maw’s tiny abode. Her things were not new nor her colors up to date but she new the importance of keeping home and she did it with no complaint.

No Prayer Is To Small

At 16 I lost my iPod, after about 4mo I’d given up finding the thing. My Mam-maw heard about it and told me she was gonna pray I find it because God could tell us or show us right where it was. A little time went by and we heard a ding, my iPod was laying flat in between the gears of the our recliner. I excitedly texted my firmed back who had caused the “ding”. The txt just said “hey” I was astonished when I found my friend had never sent the txt! I couldn’t help but wonder if God sent the txt 😂. Either way He must have turned the volume up because we had txt & called the thing many times while looking in the chair.

Be Content

Mam-maw was one of the most content people I ever new. New things were usually gotten out of necessity or as gifts. Everyone noticed when Mam-maw got something “new”.

•Take Care Of A Task Before It Get’s Out Of Hand

Mam-maw’s dishes were always washed soon as dinner was eaten (or before lol). I can remember growing up, the Christmas gifts were not opened until all of the dishes were done and the food was covered. Us young girls never jumped to help with dishes more quickly then on Christmas 😂.

Love Your Family No Matter What

Mam-maw didn’t care the situation, she would always say “I still love them I just can’t help it”. This is a perfect example of God’s love for us.

Maintaining Your Physical Appearance Speaks Of Your Character

Many people have told me “ your Mam-maw looks so elegant the way she dresses and keeps herself. She just looks like the perfect example of a Godly woman”

Give Mercy Freely

Mam-maw always thought the best of others even when they didn’t deserve it.

Stand By Your Man

Mam-maw took care of Pap-paw till the very end. She would have had it no other way. She never talked bad about her husband or ran him down. She new her place and stood happily in hers, right by him .

Be Willing To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Mam-maw had a regular routine, she also had a fear of snakes. When Pap-paw’s heart got to weak to weed eat, Mam-maw didn’t wait for anyone else. She got her some tall boots on and stepped right out of her comfort zone and into the yard. I can’t help but smile when I think of my 83 year old elegant Mam-maw, with her big fancy ‘up do’ and long dress weed eating away.

Stay Busy But Never Get To Busy For Relationships

Mam-maw was one of the hardest working ladies I knew. She could hardly sit from working. But one thing that would stop her in her tracks was her family and friends. Mam-maw was never to busy for your phone call or visit. Never to busy to help a friend, never to busy for you.

Marriage Is Worth Fighting For

65 years of marriage and mam-maw couldn’t stand the thought of Pap-paw leaving this world without her.

Small Things Mean A Lot

Especially things like snowmen, chocolate pie, flowers for a grave, puppachinos… and the list goes on. Mam-maw found a small thing special to each of us and made sure we got it . She never forgot what you loved because that was her way of loving you.

Be Faithful

Mam-maw’s hearing loss prevented her from hearing 80percent of church services for the last several years. She never used this as a excuse to skip out. In the end, when attending church wasn’t a option, multiple church services played across her iPad day in and day out. Mam-maw found that If you are faithful to God, He will be faithful to you.

Technology Ain’t Just For The Youth 😂

Who would have thought that Mam-maw would love her iPhone and iPad like she did. She loved keeping up with the family’s new pictures and listening to preaching. I think Mam-maw showed us that technology can be used for positive things if our hearts stay in check with God.

Be A Servant

The hardest part of Mam-maw’s last days was being served. She had been a servant for so long that it had became part of her.

When You Are A Child Of God, Death Is Not A Bad Or Fearful Thing

Mam-maw showed true peace till the end. Tears and sadness were not part of her last days. She was excited to near her life long goal. She truly had no fear and no regrets.

Cherish Every Moment

As my Mam-maw took her last breath I realized that I could never say ‘I love you’ enough, call someone to many times, or share to many memories. My mam-maw taught me to cherish every moment for they are indeed limited on this earth.

I challenge you to ask yourself, what lessons have I learned from my mammaw? (Or from someone else… fill in the blank) … We could learn a lot if we would slow down long enough to observe the Godly roll models in our lives.

On another note… what are others learning from you? Check out another post relating to this topic below!

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What are you teaching your child ?(prental boundaries)

A testimony of a Wife/Mothers example that elad her husband to Christ!

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Happy Homemaking,

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