Tips On How To Make A Top Notch ‘DIY’ Gift Basket

With these tips you will no longer wonder how to make a top notch DIY gift basket, instead you will wonder for what occasion you can make your next one!

With Valentines Day around the corner, I thought I would take the moment to hit on some of my best DIY gift basket tips. These tips will leave you wondering how to make a gift basket no longer.

DIY gift baskets are so unique, they make all kinds of tiny gifts feel like one gift, they can be personalized for any person or occasion, and they are SO CUTE!

Here are my best “DIY gift basket” tips.

Getting started with your DIY gift basket

  • Set a budget Before you get started with a DIY gift basket , you will want to set a budget. Gift basket can get out of hand quite fast. Setting a budget, whether large or small, reminds you to distribute the money where you actually want it.
  • Choose a center piece I would not consider this a must for a good gift basket but I often like to choose one “nice” item to build my gift basket around. Something I know the person loves or something that is worth a little more then the other items (AKA “fillers”). This makes the basket carry some “value” but doesn’t break the bank by filling it full of expensive items. Remember, the center piece doesn’t necessarily have to cost a lot if it is something special the person will love without a doubt .
  • Now that you know the size of your “center piece” it is time to choose a basket. Choose a basket that your center piece will fit in, leaving a little extra space for fillers. You want your center piece to “stand out” and you don’t want to spend a fortune in fillers either. Keep in mind your budget for this gift basket and choose your basket size accordingly.
  • Do not waste a ton of money on a basket. Check your own home first for a basket to re-purpose. Keep in mind that many things can be used as baskets, not just your traditional basket. Matter of fact, theming your basket for the occasion or the receiver is a fun way to “up” your gift a notch. Consider items such as, organizers, crates, bins, bowls, tool boxes, toy dump truck, baby bath tub, and even a re-purposed box, as gift basket options. Other places to check for baskets is Dollar Tree, Dollar General, yard sales, second hand, and stores like TJ Maxx, Try not to waste a lot of money on your basket, especially if you can find a nice one discounted elsewhere. The exception here would be if your gift basket was part of the gift, like a baby tub, toy truck, or mixing bowl.

Filling your basket

  • Shop with your basket The advantage of purchasing a basket while you shop for fillers is being able have a visual as you place the items in your basket. This prevents over or under purchasing. If you are not shopping with your basket, that’s okay too. Just take a good look at your basket before you leave, or even better, take measurements. Before you begin shopping, grab a similar sized container or basket and use it as your fill in visual aid. *After doing a few baskets you will get better at guessing how much you need.
  • Keep Your receipts Note the return policies of the places you shop and keep your receipts. It’s hard to over buy for a gift basket, especially on a budget, but it can happen. If you keep your receipts, you can return extra items and it won’t matter a bit. You can also tuck away extra items for your next gift basket.
  • Make use of things you have Gift basket fillers are a great way to re-gift small items you don’t need. Be sure the item is top quality and that it is actually something the person will use before you re-gift it.
  • DIY basket fillers DIY basket fillers are a great way to personalize a gift basket and in some cases, save some money.
  • Stick to useful items If you want your basket to truly be appreciated, stick to basket fillers that will actually be used. It’s so easy to stuff a basket full of cute what- knots but unless you know the person extremely well, this method may not be best option. A friend we visit occasionally made me & my children a gift basket this past week. I was so impressed by her selection. No, it was not full of adorable homemade items or even expensive stuff but it literally contained nothing that I would not use. Considering we are not around each other very much and we do not even talk regularly, this amazed me. I paid close attention to the items, making a mental note for my future basket making. In the basket she had included things like; hand sanitizer, kid friendly snacks, an adorable note book, a set of pens, kid friendly sanitizing wipes, mints, reusable sticker books for each child, Slim Jim’s, bobby pins, some fancy chocolates etc.
  • Try dollar store I love shopping at Dollar Tree for gift basket fillers. They have unique items in small packages for a cheap price. It’s true that lotion may be cheaper at Walmart per oz but the fact is, you don’t need a $4 bottle of lotion for most gift baskets. The same goes for many categories. Dollar stores also carries many items such as mugs for much cheaper than most convenience stores.
  • Stay away from tiny fillers Unless you have a large budget, I recommend staying away from super tiny basket fillers. You want small to medium size fillers that will accent your center objects while filling all of the space in the basket easily. A FULL gift basket should be your goal for top notch appearance and to do that you will need to get the most “bang” from your “buck”.
  • Set a base inside your DIY basket A base is basically a “platform” in the bottom on your basket. This lifts the items up to be more viable and gives a much more “full” impression. You can make a base out of a small upside down box or even wadded up news paper. Be sure to cover your base with tissue paper or something similar when you are done.

Putting it all together

  • Secure your items Securing your items makes sure your beautiful basket stays put together and allows you to display the items in a more “spread out” or upward direction. You can use double sided scotch tape, packaging tape, hot glue, and glue dots to secure your items in their best displayed positions.
  • Fill in any gaps You can fill gaps, add color, and stable items by filling in all of the gaps with coordinating tissue paper. You can also display tissue paper behind the gifts as a sort of backdrop.
  • Wrap your basket Wrapping your DIY gift basket in a clear gift basket bag or cellophane is a sure way to professionalize your gift. For smaller to medium size gift baskets, I recommend Dollar Tree’s heat shrink gift basket bag. You CAN’T beat the price or quality! All you need is a hair dryer and this $1 bag for an amazing display.
  • Add a bow Adding a bow to your DIY gift basket is like adding the icing on the cake. Well… it’s more like the rose lol. I would say the cellophane bag is more like the icing. But either way, the bow sort of ‘pulls it all together’. If you purchase a bag kit like Dollar Tree’s you may find that it includes a bow, SCORE! I do like to add a little of my own ribbon or twine to the included white bows. Tie on a gift card, if you want to get really fancy!

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Also, feel free to check out my accompanying YouTube video here!

In this video you will learn how to make a simple bow out of wired ribbon. This ribbon would be great tied on a first DIY gift basket.

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