I Purchased Groceries For 25 Dollars A Week This Month!

A Prosperous Budget

First of all, I give credit for my love and understanding of the importance of budgeting to my Dad. At a young age, my Dad had me purchasing candy bars and reselling them in our home for lessons on “profit” and “budgeting” ????. I quickly became obsessed with working for cash, saving, and tracking every penny I made or spent.

Once married, we was automatically on a budget. I couldn’t go without saying, it is Jordan Page I give credit to for teaching me many budget & cooking techniques that allowed my slim budget to prosper greatly.

Before I found Jordan’s channel, keeping my budget was super hard and sometimes, nearly impossible. Once I began to apply Jordan’s concepts, our budget was liberated in so many ways!

If you struggle with budgeting in any way, I highly recommend checking her YouTube channel & cooking blog out ASAP!

(Linked below)

What I love about Jordan most,

she not only does an amazing job helping you set a budget but she also teaches you how to LIVE IN IT!

Throughout Jordan’s budgeting concepts, she teaches somthing called “ shelf cooking”. Basically, in her own words, shelf cooking is ….

“Cooking with what you ALREADY HAVE and supplementing for the rest.”

To be able to do this, Jordan teaches you to use your creativeness and how to “stock up” when grocery shopping.

(And no, you do not need a extra storage building or bedroom for stocking up!).

Living in an RV, I’ve found I can still keep a month supply of toilet paper, several lbs of frozen meat, and plenty of canned goods. I stock up on sales just enough to save myself money but not enough to have food stored in my closets. (If you store food in your closets, that’s great too!).


So what about the $25 A Week??

Jordan encourages her subscribers to enter September, (known as “Shelftember” by her members) with the goal to use up all of those unused, wasting away, ingredients and save a little cash in the process!

This challenge also encourages you to tighten down on any loose ends of your current budget, reseting your mind towards saving and purchasing with purpose!

I myself am finishing up the 3rd week of the $25 challenge! Whoop! And you can do it too!

You may be wondering what my “groceries” consist of . My groceries consist of anything I purchase on a regular basis from the grocery store. Including but not limited to; food, toiletries, diapers, wipes, stock up grocery items, toilet paper, cleaners etc.

week#1. week#2. week#3

If you have no budget at all, this challenge may be a little overwhelming.

I recommend checking out Jordan’s budgeting videos below, practice them for a few months, establishing a regular budget that works for your family , then see if you’re ready for such a challenge.

You could even wait until next September, giving yourself plenty of time to “build up inventory”, then come September, you will be hot and ready to jump on Jordan’s “SHELFTRTEMBER” bandwagon! ..(or better yet, grocery cart ???? ????)

I’ve never had a budget,

do I even need one ?

YES!!!! No matter your financial status YOU STILL NEED A BUDGET!

The more I budget the more I grow to appreciate the values and benefits of budgeting.

When we first married, NOT budgeting wasn’t an option, it was part of survival! Later on things eased up.. I soon found our budget slipping . We quickly regrouped and reset a new budget that fit more of our current life & income status.

It would have been easy to just drop the budget all together. You may think, if the bills are met and there’s still extra money, why do I need a budget? Well…

Here are 10+ reasons YOU need a budget no matter your income!

1.A budget keeps you from wondering where your money went

2.A budget gives you FREEDOM to do more!

3.A budget allows every family member to know their spending boundaries and eliminates financial confusion and disappointments

4.A budget allows you to pay off debt SO much quicker!

5.A budget allows you to give more

6.A budget prevents overspending

7.A budget promotes good stewardship

8.A budget helps you prepare for emergencies

9.A budget helps you plan for the future

10.A budget relieves family stress

11.A budget doesn’t keep you from spending, it gives you more freedom to spend!

Seriously, who wouldn’t want a budget?!

Where do I even start?

I wouldn’t think to send you anywhere else than to the lady who helped me the most!

Check out these amazing tips & techniques in the links below.

Yes! You can do this too!


Don’t know where to even start on a budget?

Start here, where Jordan explains the basics of budgeting!

Jordan teaches you how to stock up & freeze meat on a budget

Check out this amazing “shelf cooking blog”! It is full of direction, tips, recipe, & more! (Also includes more on the $25 a week “shelftember“ challenge!)


To read a personal testimony of how budgeting changed my friends life, read this post here!


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