Giving To Others On A Simple Budget (+personal testimony)

I have a friend who desired to give more to her church. Being frugal, she literally wrote a book and allows all the proceeds to go towards the church!

This friend challenged me so much. If she could spend hours upon hrs of her time and talent just so she could GIVE more, what more could I be doing in the giving category?

First of all, let’s talk about why we should give.

Most of us would agree that giving is the “right” thing to do…

The characteristics of a Christian, listed in Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV),

are all of the giving type. Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. As a Christian, it should be natural for us to give in all aspects of our lives. Whether it be giving mercy and patience or food and clothes, we should know from personal experience that Acts 20:35 speaks truth.

Acts 20:35 (KJV)

……and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Who Should I Give To?

Jesus Himself set the ultimate example. He gave Himself as a sacrifice to all mankind. It is up to us to receive the gift, but HE GAVE FOR ALL.

It’s so easy to give to our family and friends. But, how about those others…. those who don’t necessarily “deserve” it in our eyes. God sees them all the same and so should we. For we are called to be a light for Christ.


What if I’m On A Budget Or Broke?

So many times we let our budget rule our giving. Although budgets can limit our giving, I do think we often stop short.

I highly recommend reconsidering your budget for possible ways to include giving. I don’t believe you will regret it.

On the other hand, it’s true money is a HUGE help in the giving area but in reality, money is not the only thing available to give. In some cases, these things can be even more of a sacrifice to give than purchased items.


Other ways to give

•Cook a meal or dish with left over ingredients

•Do some needed yard work for free (mow or weed flower beds)

•Shovel snow

•Send a ‘thinking of you’ card

•Call or send a friendly txt just to do it

•Give Used Items.

Do you have an unused item that you know someone else would love to have or needs? Instead of selling it, consider passing it on.

Have income besides money? Maybe you have chickens or a garden, consider giving away some of your “income” to those in need.

Do you make items as a side gig or hobby? Dresses, hair bows, cakes, woodwork, the list goes on of DIY talents people have. Think about giving one of your homemade items away every once in awhile, as a form of giving.

Help your kids make something A note, card, or craft handmade by your children’s hands would be adored by many of your acquaintances .

You may not raise a garden but do you have wild fruit on your property? Come harvest time, bag them babies up and pass them on. Even if you don’t love green apples or wild blackberries, somebody does! You can go a step farther and turn your free fruit into preserves or pies to gift.


Don’t miss an opportunity to give!

I Tried Out Giving God, It DON’T Work!

(Personal Testimony)

A couple years after me and my husband married, we lived on a very tight budget. Mark’s part time hours had been lower than usual and we had decided to attend a neighboring churches homecoming service about an hour away that week.

To get there, we drove my husband’s old work car, (easier on gas) and we had exactly $22 left, to top the car off for the remainder work week.

As the offering plate came around , I felt my husband look at me. We both knew the amount in his wallet and we both felt like giving. I simply shrugged my shoulders. Deep inside I felt like giving the $20 but I couldn’t bring myself to say it I secretly hoped he would go ahead and make the hard decision. My husband, a sensitive man, did. He put the $20 bill in.

After church, I was approached by a grandmotherly sister I hadn’t seen in several months. She hugged me and explained how her and her husband had us on their minds and had been wanting to see us to give us something…. it was $100 dollars! I could barely contain the emotion! This dear sister had no idea what we was going through, nor that we had just given our gas money away. God was indeed proving Himself to me. I said, Thank you, gave her another hug, and simply said, “You have no idea”.

A few minutes later, in the fellowship hall, this same sister and her husband walked over to me. I tried thanking them again but before I could get it out, he was shaking his head and said that the Lord has spoke to him and said “it wasn’t enough”, he then handed me yet another $100 bill. He explained to me how he had not given the right amount in the first place and he was so sorry. I was dumbfounded.

As we left that day, I was overflowing with words of joy as I explained every detail to my husband and we shared the special moment of God’s blessings and faithfulness.

When I was done, my husband had his own side to tell…. he had been offered a new job after as a scaffold builder after service. A full time job, working for a holiness friend. He would start out bringing home over 3x times the amount he had brought home this week.

Once again, I was in awe. I’ve never believed I could out give God since.

I challenge you to let your light shine through your giving!

If you already give regularly, how about giving more?

Believe me .. you


Note- please contact me here or below for more info on how to get one of my friends devotional books.

All proceeds will be going to her church , yep you heard me right… so, head on over and buy yourself & someone else one too! Would make a great gift! ❤️

For more post on testimonials and gifting, check out my links below!

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A Simpler Life

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