My 1st packing tip is to make a packing list and to make it in advance!

Beginning your packing list a few days in advance, (or weeks ????), gives you plenty of time to remember things you may have forgotten.

As you go about your daily routine, you will constantly notice items you are using that need to be added to the list. Stop right then & there and add them. It’s that easy! This simple prep will prepare you for the big packing day, making your job so much easier and quicker when you sit down to actually pack.

How to make a list?

I personally like making my packing list right in my phone notebook. I add little check boxes and WA-LA. My list is with me everywhere I go, which is great because you never know what might trigger a packing memory.

Format Of List

Start with a title like “2021 Packing List”, then begin sub heading categories under the title.

Categories I suggest first are each vacationers name. This is where you list that persons specific personal items needing to be packed. Such as, clothing, toiletries etc.

Secondly you will list all other categories the family uses as a whole. Such as fridge, camping material, pantry, entertainment etc.

Once you have added check boxes and items under each category, you can print your list or check it off right on your phone.

If you have older children or a spouse helping you pack, this organized list will do wonders! Simply print out one or more extra copies, cut out or highlight each person’s responsible category and pass out. When you’re done packing, match up each person’s section to your complete list, making sure everything is packed.

(Image is of the first part of my digital list)


Organization is vital to smooth, simple packing! Not only should your list be organized, giving you a huge head start,

but so should your packing material! This again helps make sure you don’t forget important items and also saves space within your suit case and car.

Try organizing your luggage for a stressless and more pleasant stay.


-Use labeled zip lock baggies for small items such as, each persons toiletries, select hair accessories. This makes items quick to find, contained , and also protects spills from clothing .

-Choose your outfits per each day (you can even label them by slipping paper over hanger). Once you have chosen your outfits, add a couple extra outfits for clothing emergencies. There’s no sense in packing an entire wardrobe if you are able to plan each outfit per day and activity.

A great way for packing kids clothing for each day is to bag each outfit along with matching daily socks and hair bows in a labeled gallon zip lock baggie. The extra benefit of this technique is QUICK and EASY child dressing for the week!

-Use smaller luggage bags to organize small category items. Then store the smaller bags in your large suitcase. This helps with finding items and keeping them together at your destination.


My last tip is to PACK RESPONSIBLY .

Sometimes space is limited , plus packing unnecessary items causes extra mess, more lost items , and more clean up .


1.Unnecessary Items

Consider your trip and make sure you are not packing any unnecessary items.

Example- if you plan to eat out every meal, you probably won’t need to pack your entire panty, you could substitute these items for a smaller selection of snacks.

You also may not need a month worth of shampoo etc. pick up a set of travel size (refillable) bottles and reuse them in the future.

Each trip is unique, instead of packing EVERYTHING every time, make sure you will actually use the items you pack and try packing for this specific trip.

2.Items Provided

Many items such as towels, washcloths , iron, ironing board, pillows, blankets, play pen, hair dryer, high chair and even breakfast are provided with your stay.

If you’re not sure what items are provided, take the time to check with your “host” or “host company”. There’s no reason to pack things you will already have available!

Example –

I was packing for the current place we are staying. I had towels, wash clothes, a pan, and steamer all on my list. I decided to check and see if any of these items happened to be provided and sure enough ALL of them were! I also learned with my chat that I, indeed, did need a cot for my infant. So much space, time, money, and comfort was saved from a simple contacting session that took maybe 5 minutes.

3.Utilize Utility’s

Many places have utilities such as washer, dryer, Ice machine and kitchen sink available for your free use. Be sure to make note of these amenities and take advantage of them!


If you have a washer & dryer available for use at no cost, consider packing less clothing and just throwing a load in after a couple days. Just don’t forget to add a couple detergent pods or a small container of your detergent to your packing list.


Never purposely leave behind items that are expensive or impossible to replace if forgotten .These are NEVER the items to cut out of packing!

You know, those things like …

Epi pens, prescriptions , oh and that special (can’t live without) sippy cup ????.

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What packing tips do you use to simplify the process?

Feel free to share in comments below, I would love to try them & I’m sure others would too!

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