A Simple Hand Me Down System

*Don’t have kids? keep reading!

Many of these storage tips can be used for any type of clothing , such as weight loss or maternity storage.

If you want to be frugal in the clothing department, then yes, I do recommend keeping some of your child’s outgrown clothing for future/younger children.

The key here to keep it simple is to

not keep them ALL

Totes and totes of unorganized clothing in a building or attic can quickly become overwhelming and piled up. Here is what I recommend to help simplify the clothes passing process!

First of all, Only keep the minimal amount of clothing needed to dress a child in each specific size.

If you know your child easily gets by with 7 daily outfits at this age, then try not to keep more then that for your future children.

Also take into account , holidays or events that you may regularly purchase new outfits for each child (like Easter)

Lastly, leave room for deals you come upon, pass downs from friends, or clothing gifts they may receive from others.

Now that we know not too keep it all, How do I decide what exactly to keep?

A few rules I keep in mind when deciding which pieces to keep are …

1.If it’s worn out, throw it out

2.If it’s seasonal, only keep a select few

3.Don’t keep more then you need

4.Keep more of the most used items .. (for example …..)

keep hard to replace items

(this could mean expensive or hard to come by) examples .. little boy suits, little dolly dress, or a specific style sailor outfit.

keep items that are in that are still in good shape and will last through another child

I only keep a few select favorite seasonal outfits. There’s always less chance of these items being used again depending on different birthdays or child sizes.

Once you decide how many outfits you want to keep per each size, label yourself a tote, with the exact size ranges it will contain. And label it boy or girl.

This is very important! If your storage is not organized or stored properly, you are less apt to use it or be able to find it in the future.

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