What Is The BEST Diet??

I have planned on writing this article for awhile now and since I began a “new” diet this week, I figured this would be the perfect time!

Unfortunately, I am not going to tell you about some miraculous diet that will fix your weight problems overnight, or even which diet or health plan you should be on. But I do hope to encourage your weight loss / healthier journey, and leave you feeling hopeful and inspired instead of discouraged and tired!

Find What works for you

(this is where I am! More on that later ????)

This sounds like common sense but really, sometimes I think we read that one amazing weight loss story and then when that diet doesn’t work for us the same way, we instantly feel down and defeated. That’s not the way to be! Your weight loss (or healthier you) is your journey, not someone else’s. And just remember, when you arrive, you will have your own unique story to tell.

The secret is not in the diet

Just because the diet your BFF is doing isn’t your thing, or the plan you experienced success with 5 years ago no longer seems to work, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a plan that fits your needs!

Remember, we all have different body types, different health goals, different motivations, and different life styles. Each of these things affect which health plan you will succeed in and enjoy most. But no worries! There are so many plans out there available for your use just a click away . Do your research but don’t be afraid to try new things. Most importantly, take the correct steps in making sure the plan you try is safe and healthy for your body. Checking with a medical professional is always best before beginning.

Make Up Your Mind & Make A Plan

Now that you have tested and chosen a diet or healthier life style that fits you and your life, make up your mind and do it!

For some people that’s all they need is a made up mind. Others may find accountability, goals, or rewards, motivate them to keep on track. Do whatever works for you but whatever you do, just DO IT!

Motivational Ideas ????

-Reward yourself weekly with your favorite sweet treat or fast food meal after a great week of commitment

-Plan a larger reward for yourself once you reach the halfway point of your plan. (New outfit , something you have been wanting, etc )

-Be accountable of your food intake by sending photos of everything you intake to a friend or family member. (Be sure they know what you’re doing or it won’t be much of accountability ????)

-Invite a interested friend or family member to join your healthier journey

-Read success stories about the plan you are using but remember, you are writing your own story so it may not match theirs exactly.

-Find a walking/ exercise buddy , maybe even Fido ????. Got children? Dig out the stroller along with some snacks etc. Most kids love a stroll outside. This will add some extra calorie burn to your workout too.

-Try writing out a “Daily Dozen” more on

this here


also referred as related article at bottom of this post.

-Record your weight and measurements

weekly and occasionally take photos!

Looking back at photos and comparing

measurements during a stand still of

weight loss can be so encouraging!

You can even begin a digital weight loss journey scrapbook on Shutterfly or print a pretty chart to display your records.

*Before I had my second child me and my sister would share “accountable” food photos daily. We also purchased each other a $10 gift which we would only give when the other reached the first 15lb weight loss mark. Knowing those gifts were sitting in each others rooms, wrapped and mysteriously filled, was a sure incentive to shed that first 15lbs!

Don’t Give Up!

A wrestler who held the Guinness Book Of World Record’s, for being knocked down the most was interviewed after his recordable “accomplishment” . He was asked how it felt to be the man who had been knocked down the most in a single match, this was his reply…. “ that’s not how I look at it, I look at it as I hold the record of the man who got back up the most”.



Remember that, the next time you eat one too many twinkies! Yes, of course, we should always try to do our best but just because you “mess up” doesn’t mean your diet plan or healthier lifestyle is forever ruined. On the other hand, If you take that mindset on after a slip up, your mindset alone COULD BE the ruin of your plan! Simply put it behind you and try harder next time!

Lastly, give yourself some grace. If you keep tripping on pop or sweets, maybe try choosing a diet that allows a splurge now and then or use these items for rewards as mentioned before.

If this post has encouraged you in any way please LIKE❤️SUBSCRIBE❤️SHARE

on the bar below.

God Bless!


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