How important is child rearing?

Have you ever wondered exactly how important child rearing is? This exact thought is one of the scariest thoughts I have ever pondered.

Of course, I know it’s vitally important, that’s what makes it so scary! I heard a preacher this past week really put into perspective, how important child rearing is. I will never look at it again without this visual. I want to share with my readers today because I believe if we could really realize the importance of our child rearing it would change our everyday decisions and actions, even the minutest, for the good!

How important is child rearing

After reading the text above, Brother Kevin Loyd from Kentucky retold the legend of William Tale. With the text above in mind, it gave the legend a whole new light.

As I quote from Wikipedia as the legend states …

Albrecht Gessler was the newly appointed Austrian Vogt of Altdorf, Switzerland. He raised a pole under the village lindentree, hung his hat on top of it, and demanded that all the townsfolk bow before it. In Tschudi’s account, on 18 November 1307, Tell visited Altdorf with his young son. He passed by the hat, but publicly refused to bow to it, and was consequently arrested. Gessler was intrigued by Tell’s famed marksmanship, but resentful of his defiance, so he devised a cruel punishment. Tell and his son were both to be executed; however, he could redeem his life by shooting an apple off the head of his son Walter in a single attempt. Tell split the apple with a bolt from his crossbow.

In a word “The importance of the arrows aim determined his sons future!”

Had I been the father in the legend, the first thing I would have done was ask God to guide my arrow.

God Guide My Arrows!

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Psalm 127:4 KJV

This is exactly what Brother Kevin Loyd expounded on and through it, we can see just how important child rearing is.

Right now our children (arrows) are in our hands. What we do can effect where they land. Yes, ultimately each child and person will have a decision for themselves but for now, how we hand the child greatly can effect the decisions they will eventually make. I want God to guide my arrow in a way that the decision for Christ is easy for my child!

The stick of the arrow

The stick or body of a arrow must be straight! If it is the least bit crooked it will go off track.

Lord let our teachings and doctrines be straight and correct aligned only with the truth of God’s word and not by the worldly standard of the world!

The arrows feathers

There are three feathers that work together as one in the guiding of a arrow. The Father Son and Holy Spirit are also 3 in 1! We serve One God displayed in three persons. God should be our guide in our child rearing in every area and aspect!

The nock of the arrow

For those of you not familiar with bows, the “nock” is the plastic tip that connects to the bows string or to the “power source”

We must guide our children in a way that they can hook up to the “power source” for themselves. No matter how much training we do, they must get it for themselves! If they can get ahold of God for themselves the arrow will then will be ready to fly.

I challenge you today to step back and realize how important child rearing really is.

God guide my arrows!

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