And how does it GREATLY simplify my life?

For me, my car bag is a type of “emergency bag” that stays in my car 24/7.

It is full of anything and everything that I or my family would normally need in a number of situations.

This is not for treating life crisis emergencies, but instead, everyday inconveniences .. that can feel like emergencies!

Examples would be … forgetting to pack the baby wipes… a sudden oncoming headache, or upset stomach, no time to fix your hair before leaving , or a missing pacie!

You do not have to have children to enjoy the benefits of a car bag! It is totally personable to you, your family, and lifestyle.

The car bag‘s job is to save you time and money from inconvenient store stops, or turn arounds and to give you a little peace of mind, no matter your age or “life status”.

I literally use mine ALL THE TIME!

Oh and for those who have been reading my “travel post”,YES, we travel with this bag! Matter fact, it takes place of my diaper bag on long trips. I simply add a few extra diapers on top, and it’s ready! It even includes several extra items I typically wouldn’t have in my diaper bag.

After long travel trips , I usually will “top” off my car bag and straighten things up a tad. Making sure it’s ready for its everyday purpose again.

Due to my children ages and our frequentcy of car rides, I have chosen for my car bag to be rather large (a full size back pack).

But even a personal hand held car bag can be a life saver!

How do I narrow down & choose What goes in my car bag?

1.Pretty much I include anything that

could make or break a trip... like diapers, extra sippy cup,

2. prepare for any usual disaster we

might have with kids

Diaper leaks, unexpected car

sickness , drink spills, potty

accidents, broken hair bands,

messed up hair,

3. Lastly I pack things that could fix

possible inconveniences . Like a hungry child or a headache.

Here is a general list of what i carry in my car bag!

Each category is bagged in a quart size zip lock bag, and labeled for convenience.

My kids personal zip lock bags

One change of clothes per child

Tooth brush per child

Tooth paste

Adult personal ziplock bags

Travel deodorant

Tooth brush

Tooth paste



Disposable Walmart bags

(Twist then tie your WM bags in knot

twice , then tuck ends to contain them.)

Travel size bottle of baby wash

‘Shrunk’ wash cloth from Dollar Tree

1x Garbage bag

Germ X or disinfectant wipes

Hair bag

Travel hair spray

Travel water bottle

Bobby pins

Hair ties

Infant rubber bands bands


Snacks Etc.

Snacks such as , nuts, gummies, granola

bars, candy etc. (very small things)

Water flavor packets

Couple disposable straws & sporks

(For when you realize you didn’t get one

In drive through ????)

Baby/toddler spoon



Any medicine that we occasionally use and a few additional medical supplies such as ..

Rol aids


Cough drops

Infants Tylenol

Childrens gas drops

Oral gel

Adult & children’s Benadryl


Medicine droppers



Outdoor Protection

Bug repellent

Sun screen


Extra phone cord

“Spark” (our healthier version of energy

drink for those late nights of travel)

Small notepad

Ink pen

Small pack of tissues

Individual Items I Pack (not in zip lock) are:


Baby wipes

Extra sippy cup

Travel toilet seat cover

(they also make disposable ones!)

Several Water bottles

(great to have on hand for desperate

drinking purposes (take med etc).I

mostly use them for other purposes such

as cleaning out cups, or even cleaning up

a big mess .

(In the past)




Travel formula dispenser will give you approximately 3x bottles worth. Or you can pack a whole can!

Dry Baby cereal

This is a easy way to have access to a

lot of baby food

The key to a functional car bag is

1. Personalize it by including items your

family will acctually need & use.

2. Organize your bag for quick access.

The car bag should simplify simplify your life not cause anxiety! ????

3. Pack your ‘least used’ items on the

bottom, and ‘most used’ on top for quick convenient access.

4. Store your car bag in an easy

accessible place of the car.

5. Restock & straighten when needed.

This could vary depending on how often you use it . I usually restock used items ASAP. Then about once every couple months I will bring the entire bag in for a

“overhaul”. I will go through making sure all items are accounted for, straighten and re-home loose items, and lastly, I check my children’s clothing sizes to make sure they still fit.

Do you currently have a every day emergency system set up in your car?

Please share your tips below in the comment section!

If you enjoyed this post please


God bless,

A Simpler Life

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