What are the benefits of giving everything it’s own home?

silicone spatula on a kitchen drawer
Photo by Castorly Stock on Pexels.com

Giving everything it’s own home has so many benefits!

  • Prevents overflow
  • Saves money
  • Simplifies housekeeping
  • Has many flexible benefits
  • Saves time

More on the benefits of giving everything it’s own home…

My friend’s daughter can not stand when her mom asks her to put something in its “home”. She declares that only “PEOPLE have homes, NOT THINGS! “However I, along with her mother, beg to differ! I am a firm believer in giving everything it’s own home.

So, why is it that so many people use the term “home” when referring to items? Probably because of the MANY benefits that come from giving each item a designated place in your house, AKA “home”.

Here are just a few benefits, I myself have discovered by “giving everything it’s own home ”. Yes, I said EVERYTHING!

Giving everything it’s own home can prevent overflow 

When everything has a home, and it’s all put away, you can tell if you actually have room for more possessions. How can we expect ourselves to keep everything put away, if there physically is not enough space for everything to be put away? I mean, let’s be reasonable here! Sometimes (so guilty) we expect too much.

Let’s give ourselves a break! Maybe there really is a legitimate reason I haven’t been able to “keep up” lately. It wouldn’t hurt to take a moment to evaluate and find out! If you don’t have the space to “home” everything you now own, then it is a good sign that maybe you need to rid of a few items and is a great reminder to slow down on the purchasing!

Giving everything it’s own home can save you money!

I often ask myself “where will I home this?”  before making a new purchase. If I cannot think of an available “home”, then I automatically know that I need to rid of something to make room. I don’t know how many times I have walked away empty handed, realizing I didn’t want the ‘new’ item that bad after all.

Giving everything it’s own home simplifies housekeeping

How can we expect ourselves to keep everything put away, if there physically is not enough space for everything to be put away? I mean, let’s be reasonable here! Sometimes, (so guilty) we expect too much of ourselves. Let’s give ourselves a break! Maybe there really is a legitimate reason we haven’t been able to “keep up” lately.

It wouldn’t hurt to take a moment to evaluate and find out!

After giving everything it’s own “home”, you should begin to practice the habit of placing things back in there home after each use. This will super easy, because now, you don’t even have to think about what to do with each item. Thanks to already doing the hard part!

And even if some things do get stranded… that is okay! When you finally  get the chance to pick up, those scattered items can quickly and effortlessly make it back to their “home” and easy to find for their next use.

Giving everything it’s own home has many “flexible” benefits

One thing I love about giving everything it’s own home, is the flexibility of benefits.

For example, when my first child hit the toddler stage, I was constantly putting back each item as he dragged them from their “homes”. I continuously fretted and worried that he would hurt himself or break something.

My first solution was to temporarily place my items up high or out of reach each time I caught him after something. Then I would put them back where they belonged, once he had fell asleep or moved on to “other” things😂 .

One day, my husband suggested that by moving some of these things “permanently”  it would probably make my life a little easier.

(Now why hadn’t I thought of that…..)

After a little bit of consideration, I quickly tucked my pride away, and got on it, re-homing many of my items.

I’m a creature of habit and the homes I had made for each item had became part of setting my routine BUT my husband was right, it was time to MOVE on. (Literally & figuratively)

Over the next little bit, I began to re home item after item, everything from decor, to furniture. And yes, my life got much easier!

Now I can rest assured in knowing that, when my house is picked up and everything is put back in its “home” it is pretty much childproof in this state!

This has became a huge incentive of mine to regularly put things away.

*You can use this same concept to “pet proof” your home or to make it handicap accessible etc.

Giving everything it’s own home is a time saver

Imagine with me, you need your keys, hammer, or ice cream scoop. You’ve spent 5, 10, maybe even 30 minutes searching, all to no avail. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you instantly knew where your needed item was? Every single time! (Well… almost every time lol) Giving everything it’s own home can do just that!

In Closing

I would love to know if you practice homing items and if so, what benefits have you noticed in your life from it? 

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