The Strength OF An Eagle (strength for the heart)

Last week I marveled As I looked upon a eagle sitting high on a limb near it’s nest.

My mind drifted back to the first time I saw a wild eagle. As a 9 or 10 year old girl I was filled with awe and pride as I watched this great country’s bird fly above me . This same magnificence fills my heart each time I read Isaiah 40:31.

“But They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and They shall walk and not faint.

As a Christian, who wouldn’t want the strength visualized in these words?

It’s a unnatural strength that can only come from above. For many years I have thought of this verse as a encouragement to be patient, and that while waiting on God to move in our situations He would strengthen us.

I’m sure this application applies to this verse fully. But I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a second aspect of application being applied here that I was missing. I thus began to do some studying for myself. In my research I found that the phrase “But they that wait” is translated from the original hebrew word Qava.

Qava has several definitions including: look, tarry, wait patiently etc.

This is where many English bible commentators conclude that the meaning of this passage is to “wait patiently”. As I read down the list Of ‘Strong’s’ definitions I came to the very last one on the list. And there it was . Qava also meant

to “wait upon” Now how does that change the view of this passage? Yes, we do need to be patient at times. But while being patient, the Lord also wants us to “wait upon Him.” As a humble hostess waits upon her honored guest, that’s how we should wait upon our Lord.

How Can We do this? By Continuing to serve Him and to live for Him to the best of our ability. By not slacking but instead, continuing in what we already know to do.

If we do these things He will give us this heavenly strength which He has promised!

Have you ever felt like you was to tired to keep working for God? Or that you wasn’t physically strong enough to accomplish the task you were called for? It’s in these times this verse sheds light on your situation And gives you hope and strength!

“But They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and They shall walk and not faint!”

If you give your all, God will make up the difference.Hope this encourages someone!

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