A Willing Helpmeet (strength for the heart)


Sarah Edwards, wife of American revival Evangelist Jonathan Edwards during the 1700s, Illustrated her devotion and willingness to be a true help meet through her actions.

One day as Rev. Jonathan Edwards studied busily over his stacks of books, he remembered the hay was due to be cut.

Calling his wife, he asked “ Sarah, isn’t it about time for the hay to be cut?”

Sarah replied…… “ it has been in the barn for two weeks ”. Wow! she wasn’t rubbing it in or even bragging, he didn’t even know of her work until he had asked.

Sarah had seen a need and accomplished it willingly, uncomplaining, and with expectance of nothing.

She simply had a servants heart, and a longing to be a true help meet.

Has your husband been overloaded lately?

How can you lighten his load today?

So many times our husbands give and give to us as our providers.

Let us not take for granted their commitment and sacrifice of love, but instead let’s look for ways to selflessly give back.

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