April ‘2021’Travels & Testimonies (strength for the heart)

This past Month we traveled from Kentucky to South Carolina.

We have now been stationed in South Carolina for about two weeks.


It’s been nice and warm here in SC.

The flowers & trees are in full bloom and frosts have been scarce.

The people here where we are parked have been so good to us. They have given us gift cards, gift baskets, homemade strawberry jam, birthday cake, and multiple dinners .

God’s blessing will surely be upon them for the kindness they have shown to us and the ministry.

“So much for my diet lol”

We have been in service with three separate churches over the past week. And 11 different congregations during the month of April.

Services have been great, and God’s spirit has drawn nigh.

There’s nothing more rewarding then to watch tears fall during altar call and to hear testimonies of hearts touched, as we have witnessed. One dear sister blessed our souls greatly as she sang and danced before the Lord after just finishing 9 months of chemotherapy. The joy of the Lord noticeably shown on her face. People like this are a great reminder of true strength & joy that only comes in the Lord.


While at Brother Shirley’s, we were blessed to hear the pastor tell his testimony.

As a young married man with a new baby, the Lord began dealing with his soul.

He had been feeling convicted of his sins for sometime, and one day while preforming his job as a lineman, the Lord miraculously placed a challenged boy in his life. The boy stopped on the sidewalk and asked “Mister, are you saved?” Brother Shirley replied “No sir I am not” “May I pray for you?” “Yes, you sure can son” said Brother Shirley, removing his hard hat.

As the fellow linemen scattered, the boy with a honest heart began to pray.

Only one day later Brother Shirley found himself at an altat a newly saved man!

Now If that doesn’t stir you to be a witness for God, I don’t no what does.

God can use anyone, young, old, brilliant, or simple.

God wants to use each of His children to be a light for Him in this lost world.

Earlier this year, we witnessed the healing of a man’s arthritic knee and we watched a second man give up his much needed cane during a prayer line.

God has not forgotten His people, know matter where you are, He can meet you and your needs.

On the lighthearted side-

Funny photos

(we’ll let them speak for themselves)

“ The Innocence Of A Child” Our friend’s oldest daughter (age 5 or 6) came in from her playtime with our son Judah (age 3).

She told her mom she “needed” to come in . Upon asking why, she replied “Because Mama, I think that boy is falling in love with me” ????

Tip Of The Day-

If you are using a instant pot in your small home or RV, consider releasing the steam pressure OUTSIDE to prevent heating up your small space this summer. RVs can be very tough to keep cool at times. Cooking with an instant pot or crock pot is a great way to help keep temperatures down. Don’t defeat your purpose with that steam!

This tip can also be great way to decrease that overwhelming force of food smell for those expecting! ????

I hope you have enjoyed this post!

Me and my family continuously travel with my husbands ministry.

We live full time in our fifth wheel camper (AKA “home on wheels”) and wanted to share a few of our monthly updates & tips!

Please let me know, in the comments below, if you would like to see this new section I am currently testing, called “Travels & Testimonies”.

And don’t forget to, like ❤️share!

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