Can I love homeschool when I don’t always like it?

School Books” by Krzysztof%20Puszczy%u0144ski/ CC0 1.0

Can I love homeschool when I don’t always like it? This may seem like an odd question but let’s be real. I don’t know about you, but my family’s homeschool days are NOT always perfect. They do not fit into the fairy tale land of perfect school schedules and no whining. And for some reason, my child thinks I’m still “mom” whether I am teaching or not. And that’s because I am! 😂

Being Mom + teacher is just one of the many factors that makes homeschool a bit of a challenge at times. But, I am not here today to tell you how to fix all of your homeschool obstacles. To be honest, I could a use a few tips myself! My intentions are not to fix your problems but to encourage you as a homeschooling Mother to keep going on!

But what about those days when I really just don’t like homeschool?

Those are the days I want to encourage you through. Oftentimes, homeschool is just plain hard. It can be a challenge for you, your child, and even the younger siblings. It takes a lot of creativity, flexibility, love, patience, determination and prayers.

Homeschool is not a bed of roses for everyone, but never forget that it is a blessing.

Can I love homeschool when I don’t always like it ?

I bring you back to my question. Can I love homeschool when I don’t always like it?

Yes! Let me illustrate it like this. Do you like washing dishes, folding laundry, scrubbing toilets, changing diapers, picking up toys or cleaning up puke? Maybe a couple yes’s but probably not 100%, right? But if I was to ask if you love being a wife & mother… of course you do! Without one waver, yes!

My point? Just because homeschool consist of bad days or tasks we do not enjoy should not determine if we love or despise homeschooling. Just as dreading cleaning up puke and scrubbing toilets does not determine your love of homemaking or motherhood.

Just because you had a bad week doesn’t mean you should quit or give up! If you have already reached the point of giving up, I encourage you to step back and take the situation into perspective.

Ask yourself why you started homeschool in the first place. Think upon the alternative of homeschool for your child. Remember the advantages your child has by having you as their “one on one” tutor. And most of all thank God for the privilege you have to homeschool your own child! Homesschool is like anything else in life. Sometimes it’s hard, but hard is not always bad.

Now, I ask once again, do you still love homeschool?

I hope so! If you’re not convinced, I encourage you to read my post on why should I homeschool. Also, if you are struggling with homeschool, consider reaching out for advice or help from family or friends. Maybe try a different homeschool approach, schedule, curriculum, or routine. Also, feel free to check out my other homeschool post linked below such as Is there benefits to a four day homeschool week.

Is there benefits to loving homeschool?

Embracing a love for homeschool and realizing what a privilege it is can be enough to get you through those hard weeks!

Loving homeschool can even rub off on your children. When you make a positive mindset change, your kids will notice and often follow in your path.

If quitting is an option, the hard days will always seem hard. When quitting is not a option, you will learn to deal with the hard days the best you can and prepare to make tomorrow better.

If you believe homeschool is for your family, then I encourage you to love homeschool for the sake of your children and for the sake of your sanity!

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