A look at “The Scope Of Motherhood”

The scope of Motherhood is a masterpiece written by one of the top hero’s in my life, my Mother.

I asked my Mom to write a post for Mother’s day and was so excited when I received this here post! I cannot wait to share it with you! What I love most about my Mother is how she lives what she teaches & teaches what she lives. As her daughter, I can vouch that everything below is a reflect of her actions & character. I am so grateful to have the Mother I have. I hope you enjoy this post on the scope of Motherhood as much as I have and leave feeling encouraged as a Mother this Mother’s day!

The SCOPE Of Motherhood

Happy Mother’s Day!! I have a lot of emotions around Mother’s Day! As a mother of two Wonderful Christian Girls, I am so blessed!!
As a daughter of a Godly Mother that has gone on to her reward, I feel a yearning toward Heaven like never before. God is good!!

My mother and many other Godly women taught me a lot about being a mother. Did I always just take the advice straight like it was? No, sometimes we learn as we go and then we look back and say “Okay Mom, now I understand.” Lesson learned! Mom would say often, you’ll understand when you have kids. And Yes, she was right. I had the feeling I needed to apologize many times for my actions as
a child. 🫣 But along the road, she taught me many things on raising kids. With trial and error on my part, I have learned a few things that I want to share with you.

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”

Proverbs 14:1

God expects us to do our best in building our home in a Godly manner.

Here are just a few things I would like to point out that God gave me while praying about this scripture.

The “Scope of Motherhood” is what I would like to call it!

Image pieced together specifically for the purpose of illustrating this post.

STABILITY is the first letter in the scope of Motherhood

First, let’s look at Stability.

Stability means: to be stable, steadiness or firmness in standing or position. Children need stability in their lives. In all reality, kids love stability. It’s a safe zone for them when the world is rocking and reeling. They need parents that are stable in their walk with God, stable in their beliefs, including convictions and rules for the family. “Live what they speak.” Beliefs and standards that don’t change every time the wind blows. Having a daily walk with God gives us stability in our homes. Stability blends with our next topic consistency.


What is consistency? Consistency means standing together and staying/agreeing together when applying rules and convictions that they have established. There is nothing more confusing to a child than parents that work against each other. One parents says it’s okay; the other says it’s not.
Or telling a child they can’t do something, and then just shrug your shoulders at them when they do it anyway.

That teaches them that rules don’t matter. Teaching them that rules change according to what mood we are in. The child is always guessing what the rules are. Then again, do rules even matter? Learning the “Do what you want” mentality that is destroying our country.

The O in the SCOPE of Motherhood stands for OVERKILL

Thirdly is Overkill.. doing something to the extreme until it does more damage than good. I watched as a young mother corrected her child gently, then the child asked her: “Am I bad?” First of all, correction is Biblical and it needs to be done with love and care so the child will learn to do right. What I saw next was a mother that was trying to “make up” for the correction that she had just given. Trying to win her child’s love and make sure the child wasn’t sad. Overkill Alert
🚨 !! The child walked away knowing that mommy was sorry for correcting him.
The child had no remorse for the wrong he had done. It didn’t change the child! Correct a child, explaining to them why what they did was wrong. Don’t try to “make up” for having to correct them. They need to learn the lesson that “we reap what we sow.”Our goal with correction is to teach a child right from wrong and that there is consequences for poor conduct and wrong actions. All of us would like to see our children happy all of the time. However, correction and discipline creates temporary sadness, tears, and pain. Avoiding correction and discipline just to keep our children happy contributes to developing a generation that only seeks happiness with no regard to others. Pleasing self, whatever it costs.

The P stands for PATIENCE

Patience: The ability to wait long for the results or change needed. For some of us, one of the hardest things to have is Patience. Kids are good at helping us to develop this character trait. And in return we have to teach them to develop patience. Each child will be alike in some ways, and so very different in other ways. About the time you think you have parenting figured out, your child will throw you a curve ball. Through lots of prayer and patience, you will learn how your child thinks and how each situation will need to be handled. Leaning heavily on God in difficult situations, and utilizing prayer and patience will give the best results. Along the way, you will be setting the example for your child of how to deal with hard situations when they arise in their lives.

Last but not least is the E for EXPERIENCE

Last but not least is “Experience.” Experience is time spent in doing a job, or time in having a responsibility. Having done something before for a period of time. I am far from being an Expert at “Building my house.” In fact I’m still learning from my own experience and from raising my children. Through trial and error, I have seen what works and what doesn’t work for my home. Often I have looked to other Godly women for advice. The Bible tells us for the older women to teach the younger. As a young mother, don’t throw out advice from older Godly women, but listen and take heed to their saying. Yes, times have changed.
The world is a different place than when I was little girl. Parents and kids face more challenges than ever before.
However some things never change. We live in a fast paced world, everything at our fingertips. Raising a family and building a Godly home is something that takes time. Through much prayer and utilizing the experience of Godly mothers, grandmothers, pastors’ wives, and other motherly figures, we can raise a generation that can stand on their own with a determination to serve God with all their hearts!
Prayer is the most important key to building a home. It’s the mortar that keeps the bricks together.

  • Praying that God will help us to be wise in each of these areas as we build our
  • Praying often for wisdom on how to raise a Godly generation of children.
  • Praying that what we do will have a ripple effect on our children, our
    grandchildren and generations to come.
  • Praying for your children and your spouse.
  • Praying for others that have influence on your family.
    Don’t take for granted that someone else will teach your children the ways of walking with God and good morals of life. Take responsibility for teaching them the truth, the Bible, and how to walk faithfully before God with a servants hearts!!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

About the Author

Some of you may know my Mother, Patrina Stidham. She is a former pastor’s wife/ now evangelist wife. My Mom is good at about anything she puts her hands to, crafting , sewing, cake decorating, writing, you name it! But above all that, she’s even better at being a Godly Mother. ❤️ Keep your eyes and ears open and you may see them in your area sometime!

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The Greatest Advice I Received In 2022!

close up shot of a calendar
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Pexels.com

The greatest advice I received in 2022 would have to be from a dear pastor’s wife in  Kilgore, TX.  Two words she told me have stuck all year and I hope for the rest of my life, for I have found that these two words can be life changing when applied! 

So what are these two words? The greatest advice I received in “2022?

They are to… BE INTENTIONAL! 

I have tried to apply this advise this past year and continue to do so with great benefits! 

I have found, in my own life, that when I am not intentional with the things that matter the most, they will often go overlooked, unappreciated, and sometimes, sadly  forgotten. 

God has given us so many things to find joy in within our everyday lives, yet the joy is often lost amidst our busy,  21st century pace. It may seem impossible to stop this fast train of time, but I do believe, being intentional can bring back some of the joy we are continually missing out on. Keep reading for the three main areas I have incorporated the greatest advice I received in 2022 into my life!

Three areas I have benefited by applying the greatest advice I received in 2022

1. Being intentional with my children

2. Being intentional in my marriage

3. Being intentional with my extended family

Being intentional with our children

First, let’s add “the greatest advice I received” to the lives of our children.

I’d say most of us, as moms, spend a lot of time with our children. We feed them, school them, dress them, correct them, and the list goes on. I often find myself so caught up in the obvious “needs” of my child that I forget the “hidden needs”.  

I must intentionally remember that my children are not just “kids” that I am trying to keep alive until they can fend for themselves. But instead, they are tiny humans, growing into adults, created by God and in the image of God, whom I have been given the great responsibility to teach and train according the Word Of God. If that’s the case, which it is, then raising my children consist of a lot more than physical daily cares! I must show them the love of God by spending time with them, set the example of Godly character in my daily actions , talk to them, listen to them, answer their questions, be in communion with them, learn them, know their character, guide them, teach them the Bible, create a Godly atmosphere in our home, nourish them, protect them, and win their heart. I want to make sure I am doing my part and if it takes some intentionality to do it, then I want to be intentional! 

Proverbs 23:26 My son, give me thine heart, And let thine eyes observe my ways.

Applying the greatest advice I received in 2022 to my marriage

The second area I want to talk about being intentional in is in our marriage. I wanted to write about this one first because I personally believe the order of a wife’s responsibility is first to God, her husband, her children, her home, then other added responsibilities.   Some may disagree with this order but that’s ok 😜. It’s where I stand.   God specifically made Eve as Adam’s helpmeet before she was anything else. Later, the kids came along.  And although we seem to all know NOT to neglect the daily needs of our child, it’s a shame that we sometimes forget the needs of our husband once the children are tended too, and this is exactly why I decided to talk about marriage AFTER we discussed the children. 

If you find yourself pushing your husband or marriage to the back burner I challenge you to be intentional this year and take back your marriage!  We all know about the “honeymoon stage” but sometimes we take for granted that after the honeymoon stage, kids, and a few years, our marriages grow stale. It does not have to be this way! Marriage should be a continuous growing relationship. But the fact is, if you stop working on anything, you will stop seeing results. 

I have seen so many people who seem to stop construction on their marriage, they put it on “pause” while the kids are raised and public jobs are thriving. They have plans to return to the “marriage project” once things settle down in life. Sadly, that’s not how it works, when they get back their marriage, years later, they hardly know the person they once married. The crumbling marriage is barely holding together and it will take a miracle to repair. Sadly, some don’t feel it’s worth it and instead of allowing God to help them rebuild their marriage they take the bulldozer to it leaving confused Children and family and hurting themselves. What happened? They simply stopped working.  

The last area I want to be intentional in is with our family outside of the home (also known as extended family.)

Being intentional with our extended family 

It’s so easy, (especially if you live far away like me) to get caught up with “your 4 and no more”. I have found that I must be very intentional in my relationships outside of our home. Sometimes, it’s easy to think my family is busy doing their own thing or that they will call when they can etc. But you must realize that they may be thinking the same thing! If you are not regularly talking to your family members, then it’s time to change the game plan and become intentional!  Start out small and realize that your relationship may look different than someone else’s. Some people talk to their parent, grandparent, grown sibling, or best friend, every single day. Others just can’t, and that’s ok. Figure out what works for both of you and do it but realize it may take some sacrifice and it may take some intentionality. Intentionally making our relationships stronger is always worth it. 

Ways I have found to be intentional and apply the greatest advice I received in 2022

With my kids

  • Listening to the dramatized Gideon bible app together. 
  • Reading books
  • Playing together
  • Talking to them about their day 
  • Looking for opportunities to discuss eternity and spiritual matters

In my marriage 

  • The good morning kiss! 
  • Kiss good morning, every morning. (This is easy to forget when your husband is full time at home. We made a point to be intentional with this last year. We didn’t want to lose this simple habit that gives us a connecting point first thing in the morning.) 
  • Cuddling before bedtime 
  • Never underestimate the closeness of closeness. 
  • Complimenting each other
  • Yes, they know what you think about them but just like you, they like to be reminded. 
  • Talk! 
  • Make sure you still communicate! Lack of communication can lead to misunderstanding, hurtfulness, confusion, and distance between two people. Talk about anything and everything to your spouse The habit of communication goes a long way. 
  • Laugh together 
  • Don’t get so stuck in the day to day grind to the point that you forget to smile and laugh together. There’s always something to laugh about in life if you look for it. 

With my extended family 

(For family living close bye)

Have them over for dinner just because 

Plan a family get together or family picnic  one weekend 

Don’t forget to visit occasionally! (The first year my husband and I were married, we hardly stepped foot in his parent’s house. They eventually called us wanting to know why we never came to see them, we had a simple enough answer; “because you never invited us. We thought you all were busy.” Boy, did we hear it then lol… come to find out they thought we’d come over when we wanted, therefore, they thought we didn’t wanna come over and we thought they were too busy for us. Yikes!  Point? Don’t do above lol .)

When life gets busy, pick up the phone. A phone call can be nice even when you live down the road.

(For Family Far Away)
  • Call! 
  • Make habit of regular phone calls or face time where you can actually hear each others voices and possibly see each others faces.  This is the most personable way to communicate long distance, so don’t miss out on it. 
  • Text (In between calls, use texting and such to keep up. Just make sure this does not take place of phone calls. Setting up group family text can be fun too. This is also a great way to update family on life changes  that are not necessary emergencies. A  quick update can really be appreciated by all the long distance family. Don’t assume that they don’t want to be bothered by these things just because they can’t be there. They do, they want to feel a part even when you are far away.) 
  • Share photos often (Every time I talked to my Mamaw, she told me how much she loved seeing the new photos of my kids every few days. She said it was so much better then when I was a child living 10 hrs away, she felt like she was literally watching my kids grow up with the technology of phone photography.
  • Don’t forget holidays and special occasions (Set reminders on your phone, mark your calendar, mail birthday cards, send text, mail gifts, whatever you got to do but don’t forget your family’s special days! Birthdays, anniversaries, even Happy 4th of July! If you’re not there, they miss you and it helps so much to know you are thinking about them. It’s so easy to forget these special days when you’re not living near your family, but remembering them on these days is worth it!)

Lastly, Don’t let your kids forget!

Forget what? Forget your family! It may sounds silly but it’s really important, especially for small children. They need constant reminders and conversations about your family when living far away. This will build a knowledge in their young minds for who their family members are and prepare them to connect when you see them. They will connect quicker, feel a special bond when you have taken time to nourish this long distance relationship. And to top it off, it will make your relatives feel like a million bucks when little Susie knows who they are! 

I was raised across the country from my grandparents. Likewise, my children are experiencing a similar situation. I have always been close to my grandparents and my kids are the same way. My two year old knew exactly who his grandparents were even after being gone for 4 months. Without realizing it, I had parents who were intentional in this area  and I am trying my best to do the same. Being intentional works! 

If you want a list of some ways that we don’t let our kids forget who their “far away” family are, then SUBSCRIBE directly below and you can get a copy under my subscribed homemakers page! Don’t forget to CONFIRM in your email or you subscription will nit be complete!


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Is Prayer A Priority in your life?

Is prayer a priority in your life? I ask this question, not because I’m some expert but because this is a area the Lord is continuously working on in my heart and life. It is so easy to let the cares of this world slip in, and before we know it, our priorities are all mixed up. Taking evaluation can help get our priorities back in order .

“Mommy , when are you going to pray today?” Asked my 4 year old little boy the other day. I quickly explained that I had gotten up before Him to pray and that I made morning prayer a regular habit. I went on to explain how we should begin everyday with God. As he happily walked away with my answer, I pondered his question. Although I was happy that I could say I had prayed, I was troubled at the fact that he wasn’t so sure…

My mind went back to a Mother’s Day banquet I had a attended before I married. The honored elder lady began to advise the mothers of the crowd to never forget to pray in front of your children. I had indeed forgotten lately. I had prayed alone, I had even prayed with my child daily, but praying in front of him where he could witness the spirit of God and he could see the example of prayer, this I had a slacked on.

So I ask you now as I asked myself, When do you pray? Is prayer a priority in every area of your life?

When should I pray as a Mom?

The truth is, finding “time” to pray as a mom can be a challenge. Not that we don’t want to and not that we don’t try, but even when we do get down it’s often interrupted by the many needs and distractions of our tiny blessings. This is why prayer must be a priority in our lives, if it is not, it will not happen.

I’ve heard so many humorous stories of mom’s trying to “stow away & pray” . One friend noted her 5 kids playing church and riding her back like a horse as she plead before the Lord. She hated to scold them when they were “shouting” , encouraged by her prayer. 😂 Sometimes as mom that’s just how it is. It helps when you realize that your not the only mom standing face forward in the battle of prayer.

black brothers standing on sofa in living room
Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

The battle of prayer

Why isn’t prayer easy? Because it’s just that…it’s a battle! No battle has ever been easy. Prayer is us fighting for our soul. It’s us fighting for our family. Fighting for our home and fighting for those little ones that make us a mom. When you realize that the children who seem to distract your prayer time are exactly what you are fighting for, the distractions don’t seem so bad and the priority of prayer seems even greater.

-If prayer fights for so much, then my prayer is worth fighting for!-

Five times a mom should pray

  • 1. Alone before God
  • 2. In front of her children
  • 3. With her children
  • 4. With her husband
  • 5. Always without ceasing

I realize as a Mom, that all of these prayer times may not happen every single day. These five types of prayer are ways I personally have found to be beneficial and even detrimental to my prayer life. With that said, I do believe if prayer is a priority in your life then prayer will take place every day in some way.

Why should I pray …

1. Why should I Pray alone before God?

Alone time with God gives you an opportunity to give 100 percent of your focus to Him. It’s a special time that you can lay your daily burdens at his feet and receive strength. It’s a time of renewing, reviving, and refreshing. God deserves this time and we each need it.

Jesus set the example many times as he would stow away and pray. As s mom, a 40 day trip in the wilderness to pray may sound wonderful at times, but we all know this won’t happen 😂. Sometimes, we are more like Hannah, who slipped away for a bit once everyone was served, taking her plea before the Lord. Slipping away, even if it’s a few minutes during the kids nap time, is a important part of your prayer life that can be refreshing, renewing, and as in Hannah’s case, even life changing. God can do more for us in 5 minutes than we can do in alifetime.

(1 Samuel 1:18-19)…So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. And they rose up in the morning early, and worshiped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her. Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived , that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel…KJV

2. Why should I pray in front of my children?

Praying in front of your children sets the example of prayer in their life. This gives them an opportunity to experience what a true relationship with God is like and the importance of it in your life home. It is indeed a way of training your child after the things of God and being a light to them.

3.Why should I pray with my children?

Praying with your children teaches them to pray for themselves and to have a one on one relationship the God. Through their prayer they can experience God in a personal way at a young age. Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said , suffer little children , and forbid them not, to come unto me…KJV

4.Why should I pray with my husband?

Praying with your husband binds your marriage with prayer. It unites you together to face the daily battles and shows your children you are fighting together for them .Matt 18:20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them KJV

5.Why should I pray witout ceasing?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing KJV Many people misinterpret this commandment and say “it is impossible to pray all day” . The idea here is to have a mindset of prayer. As the day goes on, we can make a habit to pray about the things theough out the day . It’s amazing how much your mind can be renewed and spirit lifted when this type of prayer is practiced. Turn your daily worries into prayers and your scattered thoughts into praise then watch the results in your mind , spirit , and home.

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because He trusteth in Thee

Make Prayer A Priority

If you are struggling with prayer time as a mom, I suggest doing everything in your power to place prayer at the very top of your priority list. When prayer is a priority in your life, it will happen. That doesn’t mean there won’t be times your prayer time isn’t interupted by moterly duties, but if prayer is a priority, you will make sure it happens one way or another.

When prayer is a priority in your life,
it WILL happen

I believe in beginning my day with prayer. Why wouldn’t I begin my day with prayer when I have no idea what I may face in the hours to come? I personally need the strength I receive in prayer to get me through the day.

I also realize as a mom, sometimes my morning prayer routine is interrupted. Whether it consist of me over sleeping, my children under sleeping, or something else. Then there is othertimes, I just need to fit some more one on one time with God.

Here are some tips I use to prioritize prayer in my life as a busy mom.

Tips to prioritize prayer as a busy mom

•Wake up a little earlier then the rest of the family to find time to pray alone or with your spouse. If you are not getting enough sleep, you can even go back to bed after prayer time!

•We all want to teach our children to sit quietly while we pray, and while there definitely IS a time for that, I try not to focus on this meanignful lesson of respect every time I go to prayer. Sometimes, my prayer life needs my full attention. In these times, I will often occupy my children elsewhere and although I am still implimenting rules of respect, they will have something to keep them busy for a bit while I pray. For example- instead of sitting quietly on the couch, I may set out some puzzles in the next room for them to quietly play. I will let them know up front that mommy is praying and they must sit and play quietly and only get me if there is a emergency.

•Don’t feel bad to take up someone’s offer to watch the kids while you go pray! If your spouse offers to watch the kiddos while you get some things done, add prayer to the top of that list and don’t feel a bit guilty. Because remember, prayer is a priority!

•Invite your kids to pray with you. You may be surprised how good they cooperate if they are included, especially when they begin to feel the presence of the Lord.

•Find time to pray during your child’s nap time or quiet times.

•If you are a walking prayer, go outside and walk laps while you pray. This works perfect with little children, esspecially when there is a play set nearby.

•Stay up after the children go to bed. If possible, start laying them down a little earlier to give you some time to pray before you end your day. The only thing better then ending your day with prayer, is beginning it with prayer. I recommend practicing both.

I am no expert on this great topic of prayer .But as I challenge myself I hope to also challenge another mother or wife to prioritize prayer higher than ever in their life and to keep fighting on.

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How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

Today I want to discuss “How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety.

So…Is Postpartum depression and anxiety real? YES!

Why is it, that us moms fail to talk about postpartum depression & anxiety until after we have mercilessly faced it?

For me, I was somewhat afraid people would think I was crazy, because, to be honest, I wasn’t quite convinced I wasn’t myself.

I would think things like…

  • Will people think I’m making this all up?
  • What if they think I’m losing it ?
  • Will they think I’m a bad mother?
  • Am I a bad mom?
  • Can I do this mom thing right?
  • Will these feelings ever go away?
  • How will I ever lose this baby weight?
  • Will the stretch marks go away?
  • How can my husband think I’m beautiful?
  • Will I ever be able to interact with people again?
  • Am I going to ever sleep again?
  • Will my baby ever stop crying so much?
  • I’m so exhausted…
  • When do I pray?
  • Am I the only person going through this?
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Am I going crazy?

How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

Depression & anxiety are a real thing. Wether it be “postpartum” or at some other point in your life. If you are facing negative thoughts and feelings that impact the way you act and live then you may be facing depression or anxiety.

I have heard moms declare months and even years after delivery that they are still facing postpartum depression and anxiety. I used to secretly “roll” my eyes, to what I thought, was exaggerated statements. Years later, after facing several months of postpartum anxiety myself, I began to study more into the problem. I knew from experience that it was real, but I wanted to know more. Could someone really face these issues for months or years after a child’s birth? Are we as Christians destined to be overcome by this “hormonal” battle? If not, then how do I overcome postpartum depression and anxiety?

From my research, I’ve discovered that some mothers never even face postpartum depression or anxiety. But for those of us that do, we know that it is, oh. so. real.

What I found while studying on postpartum depression and anxiety

Medical research explains how the feelings mothers have are caused by hormonal disruption, AKA hormonal imbalance, and that is a natural part of the birthing process to experience these feelings. Some refer its similarities to emotions that accompany our monthly cycle, yet magnified greatly. However you want to explain it, it’s hard, it’s real, and your not alone.

https://www.victoriavn.com/en/health-library/how-long-will-it-take-to-settle-your-hormones-down-after-giving-birth …says that it usually takes about 6-8 weeks for your hormones to level out after giving birth, unless you are breastfeeding, in which case, some of the hormonal imbalances can linger throughout the course of breastfeeding .

So, why is it we hear of so many mothers facing these battles long after this timeframe?

After much bible studying, weeks of research, and discussions with mothers who overcame post partum depression and anxiety, I personally believe, that the anxiety and depression experienced by postpartum mothers is truly triggered by hormone imbalances and that it is an actual medical situation that is real, and in most cases, eventually works itself out.

* Health concern

As mentioned above, most postpartum hormone imbalances do not last forever. If you are experiencing severe extended hormonal issues, along with other health symptoms, I do recommend talking to your doctor to make sure your body is recovering correctly and is not having any problems replenishing the hormones that it is lacking. This is a rare but real condition and your doctor should be able to easily recognize if you are suffering from such problems.

Just because postpartum depression usually works itself out, doesn’t mean you don’t need support or help to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety, because you definitely do! Just like in any trial, you need your family, your church, your friends, and most of all, God, He’s the one who can help you truly overcome postpartum depression and anxiety. On the other hand, I also believe that if post postpartum depression is not dealt with promptly, it can lead to more than a hormonal imbalance…

An Inch Or A Mile

Most of us however, find ourselves well past the 6-8week postpartum time frame, healthy , and yet, we are still facing some sort of depression & anxiety. What happened?

This is where I believe things get complicated and become more than “postpartum recovery”.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil is continually looking for ways to weigh us down and eventually devour us. As we go through each step of life, good or bad, he is looking for any opportunity to trip us up. He looks in our marriage, our homes, our friendships, our family, our church, our job, any place or person to put division , oughts, bitterness, reasons to question God, worry, you name it and Satan’s thought of it.

1Peter 5:8 says KJV- “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”

When trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety, one already feeling a little confused and weary, this is a perfect time for Satan to sneak in and “hopefully”… go completely unnoticed, after all, it’s just postpartum depression, right?

My first word of advise would be to not let the devil take place in your mind. As you face weakness, confusion, and depressing thoughts, due to hormonal imbalance. Keep them at bay and guard your heart with the word of God, uplifting preaching songs of worship, thankfulness and praise. Satan cannot dwell in the presence of the things of God and neither can his oppressions.

Isaiah 26: 3 (KJV)- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Philippians 4:7 (KJV)- And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

2Timothy 1:7 KJV- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Psalm 56:3 KJV- What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

Psalm 94:19 KJV-In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Verses like these, can help you focus on the things of God, and not give the devil any place while you fight to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety . For as the old saying goes, if you give Satan an inch, he will take a mile.

Is it to late?

Has it been month’s or years and your still facing these battles? Maybe it didn’t even start with a pregnancy but somehow, somewhere in your life, Satan was given just an inch and now he’s taking mile after mile, overwhelming your mind and home with depression, anxiety, and stress.

Living under your privilege

As a child of God, this is NOT God’s will for your life to be overcome by postpartum depression and anxiety!Believe me because I, too, let the devil have an inch of my mind after weeks and weeks of postpartum anxiety. I was convinced I’d always live like this, until one day I’d had enough. I began reading the promises of God, Listening to the the man of God preach, I knew I was living well under my privilege. If you are living a life controlled by anxiety, stress, depression, or anything other than the joys of the Lord, then you, my friend, are as I was, I am now here to offer you a ray of hope.

Promises of God to lean on while trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

It is completely normal to be faced with depression and anxiety, but it should never be normal, as Christians, to live in defeat or to be overcome by these direct attacks of Satan. As a child of God you have the privilege and the weapons to overcome post partum depression and anxiety.

Here are just a few promises in God’s word, I encourage you to study and find more for yourself. Read God’s word regularly, listen to it if that is easier for your new schedule. (I love the KJV Gideon bible app’s FREE dramatized version) linked here below.

Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV)….for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Isaiah 26: 3 KJV- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Psalm 146:5 (KJV) Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope [is] in the LORD his God:

Ephesians 4:23 (KJV)And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Romans 12:21 (KJV) Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good

In Closing

The fact is, many people are trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety everyday and never talk about it. If you are one of those people, remember this. How you handle the attack will determine the outcome. Handle every battle with prayer, fight every battle with God’s word, and praise your way through every trial. Never forget that you are an overcomer through Christ! As Easter approaches next month, reflect on this passage…

Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Healing can come in many forms, a healing of the heart, a healing of the body, a healing of the mind. What kind of healing do you need ? The price has already been paid!

Isaiah 41:13 KJV- For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Matthew 11:28-30 KJV – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Isaiah 41:10 – KJV Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Psalm 34:4 KJV I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

More recommendations while you overcome postpartum depression and anxiety with Christ

As I have written above, the number one thing to do with depression and anxiety is to give it to God and focus on the things of God .

Here are a few other recommendations for those facing short term, postpartum , hormonal depression and anxiety.

  • Don’t isolate. It’s so easy to cut yourself off from the world with the coming of a newborn. Make an effort to reach out to friends and family even if it’s by phone. You will be surprised how much a conversation can boost your spirits!
  • Call instead of Google. Got a new mom question? Call your mother, friend, or sister instead of googling. This gives you an excuse to talk, whilst strengthening your relationships in this straining time.
  • Txt if u can’t call, at least it’s a person.
  • Get counsel from spiritual hero. If you’re facing uncertain feelings or worries, don’t hesitate to reach out to a spiritual mother for advice or just a listening ear.
  • Focus on thankfulness. Negativity is diminished in the presence of gratefulness.

Colossians 3: 15 KJV And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

  • Remember this is just a season, it will pass.
  • Busy yourself
  • Idleness is the devils workshop
  • Work on a new devotional time if needed Don’t loose your devotion time, try out new times & schedules if need be. This leads to my next tip of advise…
  • Be flexible. Flexibility is a character trait. Practice it, you will stress a lot less when you do.
  • Forgive yourself. Adding a new life to your home changes EVERYTHING! Don’t expect to figure it all out in the first couple days. You will find a new normal and you will love it, just take your time and forgive yourself when it don’t go as planned .
  • Treasure the moment. Again, this time is just a chapter of life, don’t miss the joys of it while fretting over the struggle.
  • Celebrate every little victory. Did the baby sleep 4hrs? Did you drink 8 glasses of water today? Celebrate!
  • Stop watching the clock. This is one piece of advice I am not very good at. I do know, watching the clock through the night can make for a long night if you’re not careful. One mom recommended not watching the clock through those nights at all. 🤷‍♀️ Either way, I do recommend not dwelling on every minute of sleep you get or miss.
  • Sleep whenever and don’t feel guilty. Need a nap? Need to sleep in? Do it! Well, if the baby is you can lol. Remember, your schedule is all mixed up, you might feel guilty taking a nap but that may be the only time to catch up on your rest. And yes, rest is important, even for mom’s.
  • Toss the schedule if need be. This goes back to flexibility. Don’t fret if your schedule ain’t working out. Try again, or put it on pause, you will get it.
  • Don’t feel guilty accepting help. It’s ok to accept help or even ask for it. You are not slacking, bad, or a failure for admitting you are overwhelmed. You are just being humble, honest, and human, of which are all admirable traits.
  • Date your husband. Make time for your husband! My mom always told me, when your babies are gone, you will have your husband, don’t forget to take care of him” did you know you don’t have to leave your baby to date? Check out my post on “Date nights after the kids go to bed” and this post by new mercies on “Date your mate ideas on a budget” many of these can be done at home and with a baby.
  • Listen to advice but feel no guilt in your own decisions. Advice from other mothers, young and old is priceless. Take it serious and be grateful for it but don’t feel bad about the final decisions you and your husband make together for your little one. God gave you that baby to raise according to His word.
  • Take care of yourself! Be sure to take care of yourself through this time. Don’t stress over your looks and weight. But don’t “let yourself go” out of stress either.
  • Give yourself grace. You spent nine months making this baby, don’t expect to be back to normal in 9 weeks, physically or mentally. Make a plan, take little steps, and celebrate your victories.

I hope you have received some type of encouragement from this post. If you know anyone that would benefit from this reading please share below.

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Related Links & Post

Date night ideas after the kids go to bed

KJV dramatized FREE Gideon bible app

Date your mate on a budget by new mercies

Parental Boundaries

As parents, we are our children’s God given authority.

With that said, we will always stand under God’s authority in every aspect of our lives and parenting is no different.

For the last several months, my heart has been stirred as I have prayed and studied to have a deeper knowledge and wisdom in parenting.

One particular topic caught my attention as a author pointed out how we, as parents, should never abuse our parental authority.

This author was not referring to any type of physical abuse but was speaking more directly to the Godly parent who is striving to raise their child in the love of God within the biblical boundaries, God himself set.

How is it possible that someone like this would regularly “abuse” their parental authority?

Authority abuse is any parental act taken that is not approved of in God’s word.

Examples Would Be..

Incorrect Response To Anger-

Anyone ever yelled at their child out of frustration ? (I’m Guilty)

Anger itself is not sin but how we act on it, can quickly become sin.

Words, correction, or advice given in anger will never leave a positive effect in our child’s life.

We know this, but do we take action to prevent it? If not, we are stepping outside of our parental boundaries and we will stand before God for our actions. Ephesians 4:26

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath


Am I the only one who has parented with selfish motives?

Neglect due to our own desires when our children need our devout attention,

is, in a way, selfishness.

A woman once said,

“ My kids are not the distraction, everything else is”.

This is the mentality I want to have!

So many times it’s so hard to “pause” a project to turn our attention to our children’s needs. I don’t mean an emergency “need”, I’m talking about a need that could possibly wait but is more important than our current “project” or distraction.

Failure To Seek Forgiveness

Is it just me, or is it hard to tell a three year old that you are sorry for how you handled a parenting situation? And not just say it but mean it.

We must humble ourselves before our children and before God. If we don’t, we are, in a sense, abusing our authority .

Our children will gain our trust and respect when we live honestly before them and before God. They will also learn most from our actions.

Proverbs 16:18

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

This past week, I found myself in a similar situation. I confronted my three year old in embarrassment, as I explained why I was sorry for my ungodly reaction and what the correct action should have been. I did not blame his actions causing my mistake, I was not there to talk about him, I was confessing my own sin.

About 10 minutes later, my little boy hollered at me from his bunk bed, “Mommy, I’m sorry for being mean to you”. My heart melted as my little boy apologized for his earlier actions. This was the first time he had ever apologized on his own terms. He had learned from my example.

These examples are just a select few parenting principles taught in God’s word.

I’m sure you can think of plenty more!

I challenge you today, as I have recently been challenged, to examine your parenting habits, making sure you are staying within the biblical boundaries God has set.

How can we expect our children to obey us if we are not actively striving to obey God?

2 Corinthians 13.5 (KJV)

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.

I remember my dad apologizing to me after reacting with a tone of aggravation to a situation.

My own aggravation quickly fell away as I saw my dad admitting to his imperfection. As a Father, he was openly striving to raise me God’s way. Little did he know, I would walk away with much more respect for his rules, teachings, and advice that day.

He had showed me first hand that honesty was his goal and that he had my best interest in mind, not just his convenience. He also showed me that he recognized his accountability to God.

Let’s us give our children a reason to respect us.

I hope this post encourages you to examine yourself as a parent.

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God bless,


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