How to deal with my period when “Aunt Flow” comes to town

How to deal with my period

“Aunt flow came to town!”…. Anyone ever heard that expression from your mama or gramma lol? If not, it just means that it’s “that time of month”. You know, that one day you dread that suddenly makes your housewife and motherly duties 10 times harder?

Maybe that’s not the case for you but for many ladies, periods are hard, especially combined with daily responsibilities.

Today, I want to discuss a few ways I have found to deal with my period and make that week go a little smoother .

When I was growing up, I met some young girls with the mentality that their period gave them a “right” or an excuse for their moodiness, mean remarks, and bad attitudes. Unfortunately, I have seen some adult women who live with this same concept. I want to begin this post by saying I do not believe in this mentality.

While it’s true that our cycles do bring unwanted moodiness and discomfort, this does not give us the right to take it out on everyone else, our family included.

Hopefully, the humorous GIF above does not describe how your husband feels when you are on your period, lol. If so, I get it, we’ve all been there, but let’s CHANGE this!

I encourage you not to fall into this “excuse” trap but I do encourage you to give yourself some grace in a few other ways by learning how to better deal with your period. Here are a few tips to help make your cycle easier and to give yourself some grace!

Tips to deal with your period and give yourself some grace!

1. Use some form of pain control

There are many forms of pain control available. There are even natural options like herbal teas to choose from. Sometimes simply using one to help you feel better and can help your mood.

2. Get extra sleep

It is proven fact that a woman needs more sleep during her cycle than other time. Plan to get a little more sleep if you need it!

3. Track

Tracking your period has so many benefits and it can even help you prepare to “plan” for your period!

4. Reschedule extra house work

Postpone extra housework until after the heaviest or hardest days of your cycle. I promise, it can wait a couple more days. 😜

5. Plan major family activities

Try to pre-plan special family activities like zoo trips or hiking around your cycle . Using a tracking app can help with this! You will enjoy it more and so will your family when they are not wondering, “what’s wrong with mom?” 🤔 Of course, this won’t always work but sometimes it can.

6. Prepare for cravings

Stock up on and prep healthy snacks that you love to reduce cravings and to keep yourself from reaching for more unhealthy options.

7. Change to a natural birth control

If your cycle or hormones are not normal after taking birth control, consider a natural birth control. “Natural Cycles” is an actual birth control app with no side effects from pills, it doubles as a tracker & I have learned so much about my cycle by using it! And yes, from my experience, it works when used right.

8. Talk to your doctor

If your cycle is not normal, consider talking to your doctor to make sure everything is as should be and to get medical advice.

9. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important during your monthly cycle. It can help flush your system quicker and keep water retention at bay!

10. Go on light walks

Light walks don’t sound very appealing at the peak of my period, but the truth is, it can actually reduce cramps, help flush your system quicker, and even give you a boost of much needed energy.

11. Help with heavy flow

If you have problems with heavy flow, I would suggest trying “soft cups” which is a disposable version of a “menstrual disc”. These paired with a thin pad are amazing for heavy flow! The biggest benefit I have found between the minstrel disc that I use and tampons (besides the allergy reaction decrease), is the fact that you cannot feel the disc at all! Also, the disc do have other benefits for married ladies, in the ability to be used and reduce mess during relations.

12. Get the right panties!

This may sound weird but in my experience, the right underwear can be a game changer! I have found that high waisted compression underwear will hold pads in place while reducing bloat. They even hold that monthly pooch in and make you feel a tad better bout yourself 😜. Don’t worry it’s just for a few day. 🤗

13. Prevent dirty sheets

Don’t you just hate when your period causes extra laundry? Using these soft fabric crib mats have decreased this issue dramatically in my home. These crib mats are so soft, it’s hard to believe they are waterproof! We actually keep 4-5 of them on hand for many different things. I have them under my children’s car seats, we use them during potty training to protect mattresses, I throw these over pillows when my children are puking, and…. I use them on my own sheets to protect them during my cycle. If you don’t have a set of these, you NEED them! They are a necessity in our home.

14. Consider maintaining

If you are on a weight loss journey and feel stressed every-time your cycle comes, then I encourage you to try to just “maintain” during your cycle. Maintenance on a diet can be a lot easier with handling cravings and less exercise.

15. Skip weighing

If you are negatively effected by the scale number, then I suggest to try skipping a few days of weighing and just focus on healthy snacks, staying hydrated, and making healthy decisions. The scale is almost guaranteed to fluctuate up before and during your cycle. This is medically proven and it’s completely normal. As long as you’re making semi- healthy decisions during this time, the scale should go back to normal within a few days after your cycle.

I hope these tips help you deal with your period and make your Homemaking experience a little better!

Related links

Natural Cycles (birth control app). Get 20%off and a free thermometer using my link!

How to manage long hair

shallow focus photography of woman in white mini dress near tress
Photo by Ika and Lukas on

Long hair or hair in general has always been a very normal topic among my lady friends & family. Questions like, “How do I get my hair to grow?” “ How did you fix your hair today” “How often do you wash your hair?” “What hairspray do you use?” And the biggie from Walmart strangers… 😂 “when did you last cut your hair?” are all very common questions.

My guess is, I’m not the only one exchanging these questions with my friends. So today, I wanted to briefly hit on this topic of how to manage long hair and other questions. I invite you to come along, at the end, I would love to hear some of your hair suggestions in the comments below!

How to manage long hair

Do you ever struggle with how to manage long hair? long hair is a blessing from the Lord, but managing it can have its obstacles at times. That’s why it’s great to take in all the knowledge you can from friends and other sources . It’s amazing what the right shampoo or habit can do for your hair! One little change could literally change your weekly struggle.

Common struggles associated with long hair

First, let’s list a few common struggles and questions associated with long hair, then we will go on with tips to deal with these topics.

  • Dry & oily hair
  • Hair growth
  • Unhealthy hair
  • Dealing with tangles

I would say the most common questions I hear all revolve around these 4 topics. These 4 topics are what I want to focus on today as we discuss how to manage long hair and other questions.

Dealing with dry or oily hair

Oily hair

First of all, if you wash your hair everyday or just once a month, and that is working perfect for you, then keep at it!!

Every one of our hair is different. God has made us unique and so is our hair. You may find someone with similar hair type that can give you tons of tips and tricks but when it comes down to it, you still have to define the details for yourself and what’s best for you and your hair.

If what you are doing is not working, try something new!

For those who are younger (preteen/teen) it is natural for you to have oily hair. This is part of puberty. If you need to wash your hair nearly everyday as a young lady, do not fret, this may very well change as you approach later in womanhood.

In the meantime, there are a few tricks you can do to help.

1. Wash your hair less explains it like this …

“Here’s what happens: You wake up with an oily scalp, so you wash your hair to fix it. In the process, though, you strip your hair of its natural sebum. Your body’s response is to replace it with more oil, which can sometimes lead to an overproduction of sebum. The result is a never-ending cycle that leaves you with nothing but oily hair.”

This seems so contradictory but washing your hair a little less may help! It may also take a little time for your hair to adjust so be patient. That doesn’t mean you will join the once a week club just yet, but test going one day longer at a time and see if it helps!

2. Consider your shampoo & conditioner

Sometimes changing your shampoo brand can change the oiliness of your hair!

Switching shampoos or conditioners to ones specifically made for dry hair or products that contain natural oils such as Coconut oil.

Also, if you have oily hair, make sure you are conditioning your ends only, or at least half way down your hair. Never condition your scalp if you fight oily hair.

Lastly, make sure you are running all the shampoo & conditioners out of your hair well. Leftover products can result in a oily like texture to your hair and can be mistaken as “oily hair”

Once your hair is washed, dry, and untangled, try your best to keep your hands out of it and brush it less often to keep from spreading unnecessary oils from your scalp through your hair.

Dry hair

1. Wash your hair less

On the other hand, if you deal with dry hair, as contradictory as it may sound, washing your hair less can also benefit you by allowing the natural oils to get deep into your hair and nourish it.

2. Change products & condition

As mentioned before, sometimes changing your shampoo brand can change the oiliness of your hair!

Try using a shampoo made for dry hair, or at least one that includes ingredients such as natural oils for nourishment. Also, make sure you are purchasing a good hydrating conditioner and use it liberally and regularly!

3. Add oil treatments

In addition to your wash routine, you can add over the counter oil treatments or homemade oil treatments. (100% coconut oil & a plastic shower cap can do wonders!)

4. Brush your hair

Lastly, after your hair is washed & untangled, practice running a brush through it to help distribute the oils from your scalp through the hair.

Fighting with hair growth

I couldn’t write a post about how to manage long hair without addressing the big question of “why won’t my hair grow?”

To the Rupunzels of the world, this question doesn’t make much sense, but to some of us, hair growth is a real issue.

Before we move on, I want to state a forgotten fact. And that is that long hair in the biblical term is “as long as it will grow” or “to it’s fullest extent”. Scripture will tell us that Long hair is a woman’s glory that God Himself hath given to her.

With that fact in mind, when you allow your hair to grow to its fullest extent, in God’s eyes, you indeed have long hair! If your hair is to it’s fullest extent, don’t let the length of other ladies’ hair discourage you or make you feel inadequate or less beautiful.

With that said, I wrote an entire post on the hair growth process, that you can link to here or at the end of this post. Understanding the hair growth process and what can disrupt it may really help you understand why your hair may not be growing fast as you would like and likewise, give you ideas to better improve the health of your hair.

Unhealthy hair

If you read my post on the hair growth process then you realize that many factors can indirectly effect the growth process of your hair . In the same manner, many of these same things can effect the health of your hair.

If you are struggling with healthy hair, I suggest to take a look at your lifestyle and overall health first. Ask yourself questions like this….

  • Am I expecting?
  • Am I lacking vitamins?
  • Am I dehydrated ?
  • Have I recently came through a tough illness this year?

As explained in the “hair growth process” answers to questions like these, may lead you to the reasons for your healthy hair.

Another factor of unhealthy hair

Another factor of unhealthy hair can be the direct care process of our hair.

When I notice hair breakage, thinning, dullness etc. I like to consider anything I may be doing different to my hair care process. If nothing has changes, I consider everything else about my hair care process just to make sure I am not causing the state of my unhealthy hair directly.

Some things to consider and ask yourself about the direct care of your hair are…
  • How is my hair products affecting my hair
  • How harsh are the combs or brushes I am using?
  • Am I using too much heat on my hair?
  • Do I wear my hair in a certain style to often, causing worn spots or breakage?
  • Am I using hair products best for my type of hair?

I hope the answers to these questions lead you to a solution to unhealthy hair or help you prevent it in the future!

Dealing with tangles

Tangled hair is the worst! Here a just few tips to deal with tangles.

  • Use conditioner!
  • Comb out tangled hair AFTER you wash and condition your hair
  • Comb hair while wet with a “shower” wide tooth comb or with your fingers before combing out the fine tangles
  • Try “picking” your hair from the bottom up (in small sections) instead of brushing or combing downward.
  • Use a spray detangler or conditioner for in between combs.
  • Sleep with hair braided or clipped on top of head to prevent night tangles
  • Sleep with silk pillow case to help with night tangles
  • Comb hair everyday if possible for easily tangled hair
  • Stay away from strong hair sprays and gels (mousse is a lighter option.)
  • Prevent hair from dryness using conditioner and oils (dry hair encourages tangling)

I hope this post has given you some tips on how to manage your long hair!

Don’t forget to check out my post on the Hair Growth Process!

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How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

Today I want to discuss “How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety.

So…Is Postpartum depression and anxiety real? YES!

Why is it, that us moms fail to talk about postpartum depression & anxiety until after we have mercilessly faced it?

For me, I was somewhat afraid people would think I was crazy, because, to be honest, I wasn’t quite convinced I wasn’t myself.

I would think things like…

  • Will people think I’m making this all up?
  • What if they think I’m losing it ?
  • Will they think I’m a bad mother?
  • Am I a bad mom?
  • Can I do this mom thing right?
  • Will these feelings ever go away?
  • How will I ever lose this baby weight?
  • Will the stretch marks go away?
  • How can my husband think I’m beautiful?
  • Will I ever be able to interact with people again?
  • Am I going to ever sleep again?
  • Will my baby ever stop crying so much?
  • I’m so exhausted…
  • When do I pray?
  • Am I the only person going through this?
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Am I going crazy?

How to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

Depression & anxiety are a real thing. Wether it be “postpartum” or at some other point in your life. If you are facing negative thoughts and feelings that impact the way you act and live then you may be facing depression or anxiety.

I have heard moms declare months and even years after delivery that they are still facing postpartum depression and anxiety. I used to secretly “roll” my eyes, to what I thought, was exaggerated statements. Years later, after facing several months of postpartum anxiety myself, I began to study more into the problem. I knew from experience that it was real, but I wanted to know more. Could someone really face these issues for months or years after a child’s birth? Are we as Christians destined to be overcome by this “hormonal” battle? If not, then how do I overcome postpartum depression and anxiety?

From my research, I’ve discovered that some mothers never even face postpartum depression or anxiety. But for those of us that do, we know that it is, oh. so. real.

What I found while studying on postpartum depression and anxiety

Medical research explains how the feelings mothers have are caused by hormonal disruption, AKA hormonal imbalance, and that is a natural part of the birthing process to experience these feelings. Some refer its similarities to emotions that accompany our monthly cycle, yet magnified greatly. However you want to explain it, it’s hard, it’s real, and your not alone. …says that it usually takes about 6-8 weeks for your hormones to level out after giving birth, unless you are breastfeeding, in which case, some of the hormonal imbalances can linger throughout the course of breastfeeding .

So, why is it we hear of so many mothers facing these battles long after this timeframe?

After much bible studying, weeks of research, and discussions with mothers who overcame post partum depression and anxiety, I personally believe, that the anxiety and depression experienced by postpartum mothers is truly triggered by hormone imbalances and that it is an actual medical situation that is real, and in most cases, eventually works itself out.

* Health concern

As mentioned above, most postpartum hormone imbalances do not last forever. If you are experiencing severe extended hormonal issues, along with other health symptoms, I do recommend talking to your doctor to make sure your body is recovering correctly and is not having any problems replenishing the hormones that it is lacking. This is a rare but real condition and your doctor should be able to easily recognize if you are suffering from such problems.

Just because postpartum depression usually works itself out, doesn’t mean you don’t need support or help to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety, because you definitely do! Just like in any trial, you need your family, your church, your friends, and most of all, God, He’s the one who can help you truly overcome postpartum depression and anxiety. On the other hand, I also believe that if post postpartum depression is not dealt with promptly, it can lead to more than a hormonal imbalance…

An Inch Or A Mile

Most of us however, find ourselves well past the 6-8week postpartum time frame, healthy , and yet, we are still facing some sort of depression & anxiety. What happened?

This is where I believe things get complicated and become more than “postpartum recovery”.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil is continually looking for ways to weigh us down and eventually devour us. As we go through each step of life, good or bad, he is looking for any opportunity to trip us up. He looks in our marriage, our homes, our friendships, our family, our church, our job, any place or person to put division , oughts, bitterness, reasons to question God, worry, you name it and Satan’s thought of it.

1Peter 5:8 says KJV- “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”

When trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety, one already feeling a little confused and weary, this is a perfect time for Satan to sneak in and “hopefully”… go completely unnoticed, after all, it’s just postpartum depression, right?

My first word of advise would be to not let the devil take place in your mind. As you face weakness, confusion, and depressing thoughts, due to hormonal imbalance. Keep them at bay and guard your heart with the word of God, uplifting preaching songs of worship, thankfulness and praise. Satan cannot dwell in the presence of the things of God and neither can his oppressions.

Isaiah 26: 3 (KJV)- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Philippians 4:7 (KJV)- And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

2Timothy 1:7 KJV- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Psalm 56:3 KJV- What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

Psalm 94:19 KJV-In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Verses like these, can help you focus on the things of God, and not give the devil any place while you fight to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety . For as the old saying goes, if you give Satan an inch, he will take a mile.

Is it to late?

Has it been month’s or years and your still facing these battles? Maybe it didn’t even start with a pregnancy but somehow, somewhere in your life, Satan was given just an inch and now he’s taking mile after mile, overwhelming your mind and home with depression, anxiety, and stress.

Living under your privilege

As a child of God, this is NOT God’s will for your life to be overcome by postpartum depression and anxiety!Believe me because I, too, let the devil have an inch of my mind after weeks and weeks of postpartum anxiety. I was convinced I’d always live like this, until one day I’d had enough. I began reading the promises of God, Listening to the the man of God preach, I knew I was living well under my privilege. If you are living a life controlled by anxiety, stress, depression, or anything other than the joys of the Lord, then you, my friend, are as I was, I am now here to offer you a ray of hope.

Promises of God to lean on while trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety

It is completely normal to be faced with depression and anxiety, but it should never be normal, as Christians, to live in defeat or to be overcome by these direct attacks of Satan. As a child of God you have the privilege and the weapons to overcome post partum depression and anxiety.

Here are just a few promises in God’s word, I encourage you to study and find more for yourself. Read God’s word regularly, listen to it if that is easier for your new schedule. (I love the KJV Gideon bible app’s FREE dramatized version) linked here below.

Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV)….for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Isaiah 26: 3 KJV- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Psalm 146:5 (KJV) Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope [is] in the LORD his God:

Ephesians 4:23 (KJV)And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Romans 12:21 (KJV) Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good

In Closing

The fact is, many people are trying to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety everyday and never talk about it. If you are one of those people, remember this. How you handle the attack will determine the outcome. Handle every battle with prayer, fight every battle with God’s word, and praise your way through every trial. Never forget that you are an overcomer through Christ! As Easter approaches next month, reflect on this passage…

Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Healing can come in many forms, a healing of the heart, a healing of the body, a healing of the mind. What kind of healing do you need ? The price has already been paid!

Isaiah 41:13 KJV- For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Matthew 11:28-30 KJV – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Isaiah 41:10 – KJV Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Psalm 34:4 KJV I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

More recommendations while you overcome postpartum depression and anxiety with Christ

As I have written above, the number one thing to do with depression and anxiety is to give it to God and focus on the things of God .

Here are a few other recommendations for those facing short term, postpartum , hormonal depression and anxiety.

  • Don’t isolate. It’s so easy to cut yourself off from the world with the coming of a newborn. Make an effort to reach out to friends and family even if it’s by phone. You will be surprised how much a conversation can boost your spirits!
  • Call instead of Google. Got a new mom question? Call your mother, friend, or sister instead of googling. This gives you an excuse to talk, whilst strengthening your relationships in this straining time.
  • Txt if u can’t call, at least it’s a person.
  • Get counsel from spiritual hero. If you’re facing uncertain feelings or worries, don’t hesitate to reach out to a spiritual mother for advice or just a listening ear.
  • Focus on thankfulness. Negativity is diminished in the presence of gratefulness.

Colossians 3: 15 KJV And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

  • Remember this is just a season, it will pass.
  • Busy yourself
  • Idleness is the devils workshop
  • Work on a new devotional time if needed Don’t loose your devotion time, try out new times & schedules if need be. This leads to my next tip of advise…
  • Be flexible. Flexibility is a character trait. Practice it, you will stress a lot less when you do.
  • Forgive yourself. Adding a new life to your home changes EVERYTHING! Don’t expect to figure it all out in the first couple days. You will find a new normal and you will love it, just take your time and forgive yourself when it don’t go as planned .
  • Treasure the moment. Again, this time is just a chapter of life, don’t miss the joys of it while fretting over the struggle.
  • Celebrate every little victory. Did the baby sleep 4hrs? Did you drink 8 glasses of water today? Celebrate!
  • Stop watching the clock. This is one piece of advice I am not very good at. I do know, watching the clock through the night can make for a long night if you’re not careful. One mom recommended not watching the clock through those nights at all. 🤷‍♀️ Either way, I do recommend not dwelling on every minute of sleep you get or miss.
  • Sleep whenever and don’t feel guilty. Need a nap? Need to sleep in? Do it! Well, if the baby is you can lol. Remember, your schedule is all mixed up, you might feel guilty taking a nap but that may be the only time to catch up on your rest. And yes, rest is important, even for mom’s.
  • Toss the schedule if need be. This goes back to flexibility. Don’t fret if your schedule ain’t working out. Try again, or put it on pause, you will get it.
  • Don’t feel guilty accepting help. It’s ok to accept help or even ask for it. You are not slacking, bad, or a failure for admitting you are overwhelmed. You are just being humble, honest, and human, of which are all admirable traits.
  • Date your husband. Make time for your husband! My mom always told me, when your babies are gone, you will have your husband, don’t forget to take care of him” did you know you don’t have to leave your baby to date? Check out my post on “Date nights after the kids go to bed” and this post by new mercies on “Date your mate ideas on a budget” many of these can be done at home and with a baby.
  • Listen to advice but feel no guilt in your own decisions. Advice from other mothers, young and old is priceless. Take it serious and be grateful for it but don’t feel bad about the final decisions you and your husband make together for your little one. God gave you that baby to raise according to His word.
  • Take care of yourself! Be sure to take care of yourself through this time. Don’t stress over your looks and weight. But don’t “let yourself go” out of stress either.
  • Give yourself grace. You spent nine months making this baby, don’t expect to be back to normal in 9 weeks, physically or mentally. Make a plan, take little steps, and celebrate your victories.

I hope you have received some type of encouragement from this post. If you know anyone that would benefit from this reading please share below.

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Related Links & Post

Date night ideas after the kids go to bed

KJV dramatized FREE Gideon bible app

Date your mate on a budget by new mercies

Why Maintain Myself?

Both of my mammaws have them beautiful PHD hair Dos, you know the kind, big and tall, always perfectly in place. They almost look frightening at night when it all comes down for a wash.

Why is it that, my Mammaw never gets caught in her PJs at noon? Or her hair gets neglected for a day or two? I believe it’s because these Godly seasoned women know the importance of self maintenance a practice sometimes neglected and forgotten in our generation.

What exactly do I mean by maintaining?

When I say “maintain yourself”, I’m talking about maintaining your basic hygiene and appearance. Basic things such as ..

-Getting dressed for the day

-Combing your hair

-Fixing your hair


-Getting a responsible night of sleep.

(Or whenever you can get it ????)

-Even a spray of your husband’s favorite

perfume can be a nice touch

(You get the idea here..)

When it comes time to taking care of ‘YOU’, do any of these thoughts run through your mind?

1.What’s the use? It ain’t like I work a public job.

2.I just don’t have the time.

3.I feel guilty spending time on “me”.

4.I mean to but never get to it .

5.I’m so busy, I’d rather take any extra time to rest while I can.

Here are twice as many reasons you SHOULD take time to care for yourself!

1.Self maintenance gives you a fresh start for the day

More then one full time homemaker has told me how great they feel after getting “ready” for the day! Even if you are not going anywhere, it still feels great. ❤️

2.Self maintenance prepares you for spontaneous schedulings

Need to run to town unexpectedly? Not having to get yourself ready will save you so much time! Spontaneous trips won’t be so bad anymore.

3.Self maintenance makes you presentable at any given time, relieving loads of mental stress

Forget that panicked feeling you get when someone knocks on the door! No worries when you’re all ready “ready” to conquer the day!

4.Self maintenance shows your husband that you care

Ever miss the honeymoon stage when you always met your husband at the door, looking your best?

He probably misses it too, you couldn’t show him you care any more than by showing him every day.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11-12

5.Self maintenance developes good hygiene & healthcare habits

This one speaks for itself.

6.Self maintenance sets an example to your children

Want your children to care about caring for themselves? Show them you do.

7.Get “self care” off of your mental to do list so you can focus 100% on your home and family

Stop thinking “I need to fix my hair” or “I need to get dressed” by simply doing it! Now you can focus well on the needs at hand.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.Proverbs 31:27

8.Self maintenance helps your self esteem

It’s easy to compare yourselves to unrealistic “fake” beauty when you are not maintaining the natural beauty God has given you.

You can acknowledge that you are made in God’s image, uniquely made by Him, through maintaining yourself.

You have no need to “add to” or “fix” your looks.

Maintain your natural beauty alone and your internal beauty will have room to shine. True beauty lives only within.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14 (KJV)

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.2 Corinthians 10:12 (KJV)

9.Self maintenance represents your husband and home in a positive way

Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.”Proverbs 31:23 (KJV)

10.Most of all, self maintenance represents God as His child.

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14 (KJV)

Just a friendly reminder

I realize I did not go deep into any of these points but I don’t really feel like I need to.

Most of us know all of this and if you’re like me, sometimes you just need a friendly reminder. ❤️

It’s so easy to get set in a rut of lacking, in self care. It’s natural for us to put others first, we are wives and mothers, we live to serve.

Sometimes we just need to step back and acknowledge that caring for ourselves allows us to give our best in serving those around us.

This sounds great and all but how do I find the time?

If you’re a wife, mom, or house keeper, I’m sure you are probably busy busy busy.

First I recommend setting your priorities.

I learned a long time ago, usually, if you want to do something bad enough, you will do it . You may have to sacrifice something else or get a little creative with your time but I’m sure, if you try, you can find a way.

For where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Secondly, I recommend trying to make double use of your time.

A few Mom tips! That may help.

Get up a few minutes early

My favorite time to use for getting dressed and fixing my hair for the day is of the AM before my children wake up.

But I do realize that doesn’t always work.

Try using the morning time while your kids are normally preoccupied.

Send the children to finish up their morning routine while you finish up getting ready.

Don’t have a kids morning routine? Might be time to make one!

If you’re not a breakfast eater, try utilizing the time the children are eating breakfast to get ready.

Nap Time

Nap time is often “break time” or “get it done time” for most moms.

If your children still nap together, try using just a few of those precious minutes for self care , you don’t have to use them all ????.

Special Time

Give the kids “special time” each day.

Choose something they don’t get to very often so it will feel extra special, therefore occupying longer. Things like play do, yummy treats, or a board game, can fill this special time. Be sure you choose something they can do safely on their own, without your assistance.


Ok, so, I don’t recommend this one for getting dressed or doing your hair for the day ???? but putting your kids down early can give you extra time to do some self maintenance like showering or turning in for some much needed Zzzz’s .

Still Not Enough Time?

You may need to find quicker ways to maintain! Here’s a few ideas.

1. Time yourself in the shower, challenging yourself to be quicker each time until you reach the desired time limit.

2. Google some quick hairstyles, spend a little time trying them out. It may save you tons of time in the future.

3. Lay out your clothes the night before

Remember you don’t have to do everything at once, split it up. A few minutes here and a few there and you will have it all covered!

This may not seem like a typical “strength for the heart” post. But according to the reasons I just gave , I believe, maintaining your self-care has the power to strengthen your marriage, teach your children, discard lazy habits, and be a light for Christ.

If that’s not heart strengthening then I’m not sure what is .

Happy Homemaking and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE & SHARE!