Is You’re Piggy Bank Broken? (Strength for the heart)

(A Tuesday Tidbit)

As a 12 year old girl, I was tired of sharing a bed with my 2 year old sister. I had decided it was time to have my room to myself.

My solution was natural considering we were raised by a former business man. And that was to ‘pay’ my little sister to sleep in her own bed. The only issue was I didn’t have a huge income yet so I had to carefully lay out a plan. ????

My plan was finished and I presented the idea in such a great and glamorous way that my sister eagerly fell for my ruse .

After about two weeks of receiving one penny a night.. (that’s right ???? ????‍♀️), she became unsettled and then greatly distressed over the outcome.

Her piggy bank didn’t look much different than two weeks before and little did she know, the situation wouldn’t get better.

Even after an entire year of “labor”, she would hardly be able to purchase a nice toy for the $3.66 she would have received.

The deception of a piggy full of pennies seemed so for-filling and like SO MUCH money, but in reality, she was simply being deceived to receive something so little that would last only a short time.

Now, I don’t typically compare myself to the devil ???? but… in this case I am lol, so let’s hope my sister is not reading this because she will probably agree. ????

So many times Satan offers what seems like a piggy bank full and overflowing, full of a life that so shiny and bountiful.

If we would just stop and count the cost, we would realize Satan’s pay is short term, his pleasures are only for a season, adding up to so little. And if you continue in his deception, it won’t be long before you are left with nothing but a broken piggy bank (AKA life).

How about trusting your life to God, instead? His riches are uncountable, His blessings uncontainable, and His rewards are endless. With God you not only can have a full life, but also a eternal one in heaven with Him.

Is your piggy bank already broken? Let God put the pieces back together. He not only fills lives, He fixes them too.

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Have a great day!


@ A Simpler Life

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