June Newsletter update on my full-time RV life

Eating on our Full-time RV life in Texas!

You know what they say… everything is bigger in Texas! I don’t know about ‘everything’ but I do believe their range of food types may be a little bigger than average.

When we went to AL/ GA last year, we noticed a huge difference in their style of cooking. We also noticed that they didn’t eat a lot of our regular Kentucky food ‘staples’ such as, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, etc. Instead, these items were exchanged for beans of every kind and cabbage, lots of cabbage . Although these recipes were great and I even saved a few for myself, I’ll hafta admit, I did miss some of our own traditional eats from back home .

In Texas they also had a different style of cooking, but I did note much our own Kentucky staples intertwined.

The one thing here in Texas that would have to be the farthest from Kentucky eating, would have to be there “craw dad’s” or as they say, “craw-fish”. 😬 I’m sorry, I just “couldn’t” lol. My husband, on the other hand, did try them and actually loved them! He said it reminded him of shrimp 🤷‍♀️. I personally just can’t get past those eyes looking at me 😂. We told our Texas friends that we call those “fish bait” in Kentucky lol. Needless to say, everything else I tried in Texas was wonderful. It really is amazing how different areas within the United States eat so differently.

Another wonderful dessert we tried in Texas was a Oreo dump cake. Sooo good!!! I just love Oreo’s as it is. I wasn’t able to get the recipe on paper but the lady told me how she made it so I took it upon myself to do a quick Google search and found this link here that is just like the one she made. ❤️

What else?

I, myself, have been working on some minor details of homemaking within the walls of our full-time RV life. You know, those little touches that make your house feel like a comfy, personalized “home”. I recently used peel and stick laminate rolls to make these adorable “permanent” placemats that double as scratch protectors on our kitchen table. When I say permanent, I mean my kids can’t scoot them around… they are indeed “removable”. They are also very price efficient! I would just check and pre-test the brand you use on your wood to make sure it doesn’t remove any varnish. If you are interested in other ways I have been using peel and stick laminate, keep watching for my upcoming post with more on that.

Full-time RV life & dieting

Some of you may remember when I tried the military diet last year. I loved the results of this diet but it just didn’t fit regularly into our traveling life style too well.

After realizing this, I went back to my “what diet works best” concept and began trying to find a diet that fit my current circumstances.

With the KETO rage going on, my interest of the affects of carbs to the body was peaked. We all know sugar is bad for you but I wanted to know why. I personally was not interested in following a ‘Keto’ lifestyle, I wanted a more long term option and something that I could stick to within our full-time Rv life. Plus, I knew I would never stay in “ketosis” with my cheating habit lol.

I began my research with this book titled “the 100” by Jorge Cruise, which I found free on my Scribd subscription. (Ps if you are an e-book lover or audio book lover, you have got to check out Scribd! For as of date, for just $9.99 a month, you can have unlimited access to thousands and thousands of e-books, audio books, magazines, and more. Check out the link below for a free 14 day trial. Back to the books, Cruise goes into a entire history lesson at the beginning of his book. He begins with sugar entering the US and elaborates on the Lack of research it had, what current studies show, why we don’t hear about the bad effects, the false impressions Americans have on low carb living, the benefits, and more! The first part of this book was really eye opening to me, and although I have not chosen to follow his diet plan, it made me wish I could grow a farm or something ,😜 but since that ain’t happening, I have chosen the next best thing. That is a LOW carb (not keto) lifestyle.

What is low carb and have I noticed any difference?

Many people define low carb in many different ways, I have chosen to follow a 50 or less carb diet along with calorie moderation and mostly unprocessed foods.

Not only have I shed a few pounds, I am eating a diet that fits into my full-time RV life and I have experienced at least 3 surprisingly benefits, which you will hear about in the near future when I elaborate on this topic! Be sure to subscribe to my blog to stay up to date !


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Full-time Rv life with kids

The kids are doing great 😌. Seems like we are well past the bout of sickness mentioned in last months newsletter . We just finished up pre-school and have ordered our kindergarten homeschool books. Interested in why we homeschool? Surprising, it’s not just because of our full-time RV life, check it out in my link here/below .

The kids got to try a new game which I thought would be great for any mom to implement into a children’s event. They got to play “glow in the dark” ball. How fun is that? The church had set up their gym for glow in the dark basket ball & volley ball for their last youth event. They used black lights and white tape to line the walls, nets, balls, and boundaries. This really got my mind to turnings…. I’m thinking of an outside, glow in the dark, children’s birthday party ❤️🤔.

Related links

Oreo dump cake

My Military diet review

What diet works best

The 100: (Sugar book)

Why homeschool

Scribid (free 14 day trial!)

April newsletter

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