Overwhelmed By Cooking? This May Be Your Answer!

If you prepare, pack, cook, and cleanup 3 meals a day, 7 days a week at a average of 1 hr commitment per meal.

That’s 3hrs a day and 21 hrs per week that you spend preparing, cooking, and cleaning up food!

Nearly a entire day of your week revolves around your daily meals! I didn’t even include weekly meal planning and grocery shopping or eating!

The point is, meal time is a big part of our daily housekeeping routine and responsibilities as wives. This is why I believe in finding simple but amazing recipes that can simplify your cooking process without sacrificing quality.

Pro 31:18 (KJV)

14 She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard

18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good:

Learning to cook simple is not about cutting quality and should never involve doing less then your best. It’s actually the exact opposite. We should strive in every way to do our best in all things, especially in the calling God has laid upon us as housekeepers.

Simple cooking should be an opportunity to put your talents to full use.

I learned,several years ago as a newly wed wife that over committing yourself on an already full day can result in

short cuts, burnt biscuits, and a late dinner followed by guilt and feelings of failure.

Don’t get me wrong, elaborate meals have their time and place, but when out of place, can often become overwhelming, especially when lacking proper preparation.

The benefits of a simple recipe

Simple ingredients =simple preparation

Simple preparation = simple cooking

Simple cooking = simple clean up

Simple clean up = a simple evening ????

Choosing a simple recipe(’s)can

simplify the entire cooking process.

Simplifying the entire process can save you time from beginning to finish, allowing you to multi task and accomplish more, with little to no stress.

If you do not have a book, box, or phone full of simple recipes to frequently turn to, then I suggest you begin rethinking your recipe book and weekly menu!

What about my current recipes?

No, I am not suggesting that you ditch all of those amazing recipes! Just that you try incorporating several simple recipes throughout the week within your meal plan. Particularly on those super hectic days. This will make your week go smoother and the elaborate “complicated” meals will become more special and enjoyable to prepare.

???? Idea-

Instead of cooking an elaborate meal all at once, try mix matching “simple” recipes with “complicated” recipes. This can really free up some time and cleanup. You will still get the fancy food you love with a little more wiggle room for your day.

What is a simple recipe?

A simple recipe can be defined in many ways. My personal assessment of a “simple recipe” is when ….

*the recipe contains no more then about 8 ingredients.

*I have most of the ingredients on hand regularly or currently need to purchase none or few of the ingredients listed.

*The recipe consist of only a few steps before ready to cook, saving time and dirtying less dishes for cleanup

What if I’m just learning to cook ?

If this is you, simple recipes are a great place to start!

Trying out simple recipes will teach you the basics of cooking , give you plenty of practice, and allow you to experience plenty of success on the journey.

Where can I find simple recipes?

*First of all, right here I will continue to share my favorite simple recipes!

Check bottom of post for links to past recipe I have shared. If you have not subscribed, be sure to do so at bottom of post!❤️

*”All Recipes” app is my favorite recipe app.

All Recipes provides more then just simple recipes. So be sure to scan the ingredient list first, for signs of simplicity.

Remember, you are checking for a small supply list and several familiar ingredients.

This keeps the shopping and preparing easier and also helps with your budget!

*Google is a great way to find specific recipes.

Search for things like “simple cheesecake recipe” or “easy cheesecake” by typing it in your google search engine.

Online contains a vast source of recipes; it’s just a matter of finding them.


If cooking has you overwhelmed lately, maybe it’s time to rethink your recipe box

You can start here by checking out some of my past past simple recipe post via link below!

God Bless!

-A Simpler Life-

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