Reduce Clutter By Preparing To Receive Christmas Gifts!

Recently, we discussed the topic of “Christmas giving preparation” . Today, I want to discuss “Christmas receiving preparation”. What?! I know, I know… just hear me out!

Do you enter each new year with a house full of gifts wondering what in the world you will do with half of them? If your household has had this issue in times past, then please keep reading!

Make A Wish List

Making a wish list can greatly reduce the receiving of unusable gifts! This sounds so contradictory. Asking for stuff, reducing clutter. But it really works!

Wondering How?

Hear me out, so you make a list of things you need or want for Christmas .

What makes this work is being intentional with the items you add. Instead of filling the list with random, thought about once, might like to have, items. You should think very carefully about each item you add.

How To Make A List

Check around your house, first, check for items you need or would love to replace. Broken, worn out items, and items needing upgrades are great items to receive at Christmas.

As you receive these items, you will be able to rid of the item it is replacing, eliminating any extra inventory or clutter.

Next, you will add the things you would really like to add to your home or life.

This is where you need to be careful . It’s so easy to want so much but not really “want” it. In other words, it looks pretty on the shelf or on the hanger but not in your home, on you, or even in your life.

Before you add these extra items, do some research on the item. Make sure it’s exactly what you want. Consider where you will keep it and if you will really use it. Once you have considered all of this, add the item to your list making sure to add any important details.

The Rest Of The Family

Lastly , be sure to fill out your family’s part of the wish list.

Yes, this could be a bit tricky but totally worth it.

Let’s talk about the kids first.

For older kids, discuss with them things they would like to have and decide together some good ideas to fill their portion of the list.

This may be done best at the last minute, since kids can change their mind rather quickly.

As far as younger kids, returning to replaceable items is a great place to start.

For example

*A new pair of rain boots to replace the worn out or too small pair

*A upgraded game system to replace a older system

*A new board game to replace the outgrown ones

*Books to replace the torn ones

*Remote control car to replace the one with a weak battery

The list goes on .. what replaceable items can you think of?

When adding new toy ideas to the list, I like to keep a pretty broad spectrum.

I’ve learned my young children don’t always find the same humor or love in a toy as I imagine. My solution to this has been to choose toy categories that will “do their job” as a toy.

I,then, let the gift buyer choose and decide whatever they want within these categories.

In other words, I just give suggestions and direction in their shopping but leave them plenty of wiggle room. Others may come across toys I’ve never seen or heard of, so this seems to work out great.

How Does A Toy Do Its Job ?

You can know a toy is doing its job when it contains these qualities.

-Catches a kids eye


-Occupies time

-Stimulates learning

-Promotes creativity

-Endures play without quickly breaking

Or if it just

-Burns Excess energy !

Search for categories of toys you feel will do these very things for your specific child and suggest these categories as gift options.

What About Him?

Ask your husband for ideas to add to his list.

If you’re like me, you can also keep your ears and eyes open and add a few extra items to his list yourself! You may know more of what he wants then he does. ????

I love seeing him open a present to discover an item he wanted and never told no one about. He’s catching on now but used to, he would be amazed by the coincidence lol.

How To Store Your Wish List

Photo sharing for IOS is great for sharing gift list ideas.

Every year I start a sharing album with no one added but me. As Christmas approaches I snap photos of items my family needs or wants.

When my mom ask for our Christmas list come Oct. I invite her to the albulm. She can see each exact item first hand that way. I add any extra notes and who it’s for, under each photo.

I also keep an organized notebook style Christmas list in my phone’s notebook . (Paper works too!)

Whatever type of list you make, keep it close by and begin it early.

A thoroughly thought out Christmas list takes a lot more time to make than just throwing one together.


Txting links are the best way to share exact items with online shoppers!

Now what?

Have your family’s wish list ready before your earliest family shopper begins asking “what do you want for Christmas?”

No, I’m not recommending passing out a wish list to your friends or distant relatives! -awkward-

The intention here is not to come across selfish or weird. This list is for those close family members or parents that are going to spend X amount on you, no matter what and who seriously want to know what you want . You know, Husband, mother, grandparents etc.

Instead of blowing off the yearly question. With a “I don’t want anything”, and receiving a bunch of things you really don’t need, take advantage of this opportunity to prevent the future guilt you will face when you have to decide what to do with all of your “I don’t need anything gifts!”

You will feel great for NOT wasting your family’s money this year! Believe me, your family will thank you. And think of how happy they will feel when they see their gifts being used regularly and displayed happily by you in the future.

Declutter In Advance

Making a wish list is only the first half of Christmas receiving preparations.

As the holidays get closer , does the thought of piles of new toys worry or stress you?

Holding onto old unused toys may be adding to this stress ! By parting with unused toys before Christmas arrives, you are providing more space for the new toys coming and preventing the feared “toy room pile up” !

Decluttering should not stop with the kids room, be sure to run a quick declutter through the rest of the house in preparation also.

Places like closets, cabinets, and droors often pile up quickly without much notice.

Decluttering beforehand will give you a huge jump start on the After Christmas pile up.

Check out this past post linked below of toys for more on this topic!

If you have

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