Skip your New Year’s resolution!

Skip your new year resolution! 

That’s right, you didn’t miss read a word of it! Today, I want to talk about why you should skip your New Year’s resolution this year. 

Now before you close your ear (or eye 😜), hear me out for just a moment … I didn’t say to “forget” your New Year’s resolution, I said to skip it. 

Why should You skip your New Years resolution and what would I be skipping it for? 

My pastor has always said that

We don’t need a RESOLUTION but instead, we need a REVOLUTION.”

To make this more clear, let’s take a moment to remind ourself exactly what a resolution and revolution are. 

According to the dictionary, a RESOLUTION is as stated: 

A firm decision to do or not do something”

Whereas a REVOLUTION, outside of  political & historical usage, is defined as:

A dramatic and wide reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people’s ideas about it.”

Wow! Seriously ladies, let that sink in just for a minute. I don’t know how many times I’ve strongly decided to do something that I was so sure about, then things happened or my emotions changed and I lost my momentum, I quickly found my decision void with not a result one from it. Once again, I was left with only the guilt of another “failure”. 

Looking back at these many failed attempts of change and I can see that my decisions were often made up of high expectations with little to no plan of action.  For the times I did have a plan of action, it was one that had repeatedly failed or had high potential to fail. That’s the bad thing about resolutions; they focus on the desired outcome and result but not on the journey itself and changes it will take to get there. 

“Without the journey, there will be no  reward”

person in white hard hat climbing wall
Photo by DiEGO MüLLER on

Examples of common resolutions 

  • lose 50lbs 
  • Read the Bible through this year 
  • Run a marathon
  • Be more patient 
  • Pay off a credit card or debt

These are all amazing goals, especially on a New Year’s resolution list but let’s see what our list would look like if you skip your New Year’s resolution and went with a revolution instead. 

Planning your revolution 

  1. To loose 50lbs,  I personally would need to change more then just my attitude about the situation.  A couple of these things would be, how I eat and how active I am. With that in mind, I might plan a REVOLUTION that looks something like this. 

-exercise 3 times a week 

-stop drinking pop 

-download my favorite meal tracker app

-find a weight loss buddy 

  1. Next on the list is to “read my Bible through this year”. For myself, this is something I already do every year. I don’t really need to change anything to do it I just need to continue the process. Therefore,  I wouldn’t need a new plan of action to continue. But If this is something you do not already do and would want add this goal to your life you might consider similar actions and changes such as …

-Search for or make a year bible reading plan 

-Find a reading partner to stay accountable to. 

-Add bible reading time to your morning routine 

If you are interested in why I believe reading your Bible through every year is SO important & tips on how you can do this for yourself (even as a busy mom😉), then please check out my post on it at the end! 

  1. Next, “run a marathon.” This has never really been something on my bucket list but I know it is a very common and amazing goal to have. A REVOLUTION for this goal would consist of incorporating training of some sort. lt may look something like this . 

-walk every day (with intentions to increase to running) 

-download a run a marathon app/program to follow 

-find a running buddy to learn from and be accountable to

  1. Number 4 is a little different “Be more patient”. Patience is an actual character trait and not a physical goal and that is what makes this goal so much different. Character can be even harder to train than the physical body, that is why we as Christians need to look to Christ for strength in areas like this. If Christ is who helps us, then why do I need to change anything, you may ask. Christ gives us many instructions in His word, we must realize that if we are not following them, a change is in order. Even the slightest adjustment in following the Word of God can improve many areas in your life . With that in mind, a good revolution for more patience or something similar would be… 

-began a personal bible study on patience to learn exactly what it is and why it’s so important 

-find a counselor to get advise on the subject. Do not find this counselor on YouTube or Google, go to a trust worthy source of spiritual leadership such as your husband or pastor

-make yourself accountable to your family. If your character can shine at home it can shine anywhere. Talk to your husband or children about your struggle in an area and ask for their prayers, support, and even accountability

-most importantly, pray everyday for God’s help 

  1. The last item on the list is to “pay off a credit card or debt”. We all know money does not grow on trees, right? We also know debt doesn’t pay itself off by itself. A good revolution  for paying off debt is to…

-Make a plan

You can do this many different ways but a few I suggest are 

 •Go over your budget and see where you can spare extra money to put on the debt 

•Look for extra side jobs

•Sell extra things you have around the house that you do not use or no longer need

 •Make something to sell

 •Give up something unnecessary (hobby/ spending money ) for a short amount of time to boost the debt payoff amount 

 •Do a spending freeze for a month (YouTuber, Jordan Page can help you out here!) 

 •Skip a vacation or go easy on gifts this year till it’s paid off (it won’t be forever) 

•Plan on using your tax refund to pay off debt this year 

•Cook more / eat out less! 

•Do services that can be done at home “at home” temporarily such as (men’s hair cuts, car washes, eyebrows, dog grooming. etc) 

In Closing

Alright! Now that your brain is rolling, it’s time for you to skip your New Year’s resolution and instead, turn your resolutions into Revolutions!  But remember, a plan is nothing without action and neither is a revolution . So get to planning, then go get DO it ! 

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Why should I read my Bible through & tips to do it!

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