A look at “The Scope Of Motherhood”

The scope of Motherhood is a masterpiece written by one of the top hero’s in my life, my Mother.

I asked my Mom to write a post for Mother’s day and was so excited when I received this here post! I cannot wait to share it with you! What I love most about my Mother is how she lives what she teaches & teaches what she lives. As her daughter, I can vouch that everything below is a reflect of her actions & character. I am so grateful to have the Mother I have. I hope you enjoy this post on the scope of Motherhood as much as I have and leave feeling encouraged as a Mother this Mother’s day!

The SCOPE Of Motherhood

Happy Mother’s Day!! I have a lot of emotions around Mother’s Day! As a mother of two Wonderful Christian Girls, I am so blessed!!
As a daughter of a Godly Mother that has gone on to her reward, I feel a yearning toward Heaven like never before. God is good!!

My mother and many other Godly women taught me a lot about being a mother. Did I always just take the advice straight like it was? No, sometimes we learn as we go and then we look back and say “Okay Mom, now I understand.” Lesson learned! Mom would say often, you’ll understand when you have kids. And Yes, she was right. I had the feeling I needed to apologize many times for my actions as
a child. 🫣 But along the road, she taught me many things on raising kids. With trial and error on my part, I have learned a few things that I want to share with you.

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”

Proverbs 14:1

God expects us to do our best in building our home in a Godly manner.

Here are just a few things I would like to point out that God gave me while praying about this scripture.

The “Scope of Motherhood” is what I would like to call it!

Image pieced together specifically for the purpose of illustrating this post.

STABILITY is the first letter in the scope of Motherhood

First, let’s look at Stability.

Stability means: to be stable, steadiness or firmness in standing or position. Children need stability in their lives. In all reality, kids love stability. It’s a safe zone for them when the world is rocking and reeling. They need parents that are stable in their walk with God, stable in their beliefs, including convictions and rules for the family. “Live what they speak.” Beliefs and standards that don’t change every time the wind blows. Having a daily walk with God gives us stability in our homes. Stability blends with our next topic consistency.


What is consistency? Consistency means standing together and staying/agreeing together when applying rules and convictions that they have established. There is nothing more confusing to a child than parents that work against each other. One parents says it’s okay; the other says it’s not.
Or telling a child they can’t do something, and then just shrug your shoulders at them when they do it anyway.

That teaches them that rules don’t matter. Teaching them that rules change according to what mood we are in. The child is always guessing what the rules are. Then again, do rules even matter? Learning the “Do what you want” mentality that is destroying our country.

The O in the SCOPE of Motherhood stands for OVERKILL

Thirdly is Overkill.. doing something to the extreme until it does more damage than good. I watched as a young mother corrected her child gently, then the child asked her: “Am I bad?” First of all, correction is Biblical and it needs to be done with love and care so the child will learn to do right. What I saw next was a mother that was trying to “make up” for the correction that she had just given. Trying to win her child’s love and make sure the child wasn’t sad. Overkill Alert
🚨 !! The child walked away knowing that mommy was sorry for correcting him.
The child had no remorse for the wrong he had done. It didn’t change the child! Correct a child, explaining to them why what they did was wrong. Don’t try to “make up” for having to correct them. They need to learn the lesson that “we reap what we sow.”Our goal with correction is to teach a child right from wrong and that there is consequences for poor conduct and wrong actions. All of us would like to see our children happy all of the time. However, correction and discipline creates temporary sadness, tears, and pain. Avoiding correction and discipline just to keep our children happy contributes to developing a generation that only seeks happiness with no regard to others. Pleasing self, whatever it costs.

The P stands for PATIENCE

Patience: The ability to wait long for the results or change needed. For some of us, one of the hardest things to have is Patience. Kids are good at helping us to develop this character trait. And in return we have to teach them to develop patience. Each child will be alike in some ways, and so very different in other ways. About the time you think you have parenting figured out, your child will throw you a curve ball. Through lots of prayer and patience, you will learn how your child thinks and how each situation will need to be handled. Leaning heavily on God in difficult situations, and utilizing prayer and patience will give the best results. Along the way, you will be setting the example for your child of how to deal with hard situations when they arise in their lives.

Last but not least is the E for EXPERIENCE

Last but not least is “Experience.” Experience is time spent in doing a job, or time in having a responsibility. Having done something before for a period of time. I am far from being an Expert at “Building my house.” In fact I’m still learning from my own experience and from raising my children. Through trial and error, I have seen what works and what doesn’t work for my home. Often I have looked to other Godly women for advice. The Bible tells us for the older women to teach the younger. As a young mother, don’t throw out advice from older Godly women, but listen and take heed to their saying. Yes, times have changed.
The world is a different place than when I was little girl. Parents and kids face more challenges than ever before.
However some things never change. We live in a fast paced world, everything at our fingertips. Raising a family and building a Godly home is something that takes time. Through much prayer and utilizing the experience of Godly mothers, grandmothers, pastors’ wives, and other motherly figures, we can raise a generation that can stand on their own with a determination to serve God with all their hearts!
Prayer is the most important key to building a home. It’s the mortar that keeps the bricks together.

  • Praying that God will help us to be wise in each of these areas as we build our
  • Praying often for wisdom on how to raise a Godly generation of children.
  • Praying that what we do will have a ripple effect on our children, our
    grandchildren and generations to come.
  • Praying for your children and your spouse.
  • Praying for others that have influence on your family.
    Don’t take for granted that someone else will teach your children the ways of walking with God and good morals of life. Take responsibility for teaching them the truth, the Bible, and how to walk faithfully before God with a servants hearts!!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

About the Author

Some of you may know my Mother, Patrina Stidham. She is a former pastor’s wife/ now evangelist wife. My Mom is good at about anything she puts her hands to, crafting , sewing, cake decorating, writing, you name it! But above all that, she’s even better at being a Godly Mother. ❤️ Keep your eyes and ears open and you may see them in your area sometime!

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