Do my prayers really matter?

fireman holding a hose
Photo by Anna Shvets on

Do my prayers really matter? 

Have you ever wondered as a wife & mom, “do my prayers really matter?” or “are they really making a difference”?

If you haven’t, you may not be human!

I think we all, at one time or another, have felt as if our prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing back down to the floor on which we are kneeling. 

We know the truth… to the question “do my prayers really matter?”

The fact is, we know the truth to the question “do my prayers matter?” yet, as human beings, we often fall back into doubt and need reminded again and again of the wonderful promises in His Word and of our God’s faithfulness. 

With that said, I want to share a testimony with permission from my dear sister in the Lord, Sis Laronda. I recently heard this testimony first hand, about a month ago and have been wanting to share it ever since. I got permission and I can’t wait to remind you of God’s faithfulness and that your prayers really DO matter!

Do my prayers really matter?

If you would ask this question to sis Laronda, she would answer a undoubted YES! But even better then that, she can verify her confident answer with the proof in her own prayer life and through her testimony.

With her permission, I quote her testimony of prayer…

Sis Laronda was woken one night with a feeling of urgency. She recognized this all too familiar call from above, the call of prayer. As a mom and grandma to many children, she began to pace the floors, not sure who or in what direction to pray. As she passed by the old bunk to her now grown son, she knew that he was the one whom the prayer was meant for. She spent a good while in prayer at that old bunk bed that night until finally the heavy burden had lifted. She then went back to rest, probably wondering if she would ever know the meaning of this late night call.

wooden bunk bed inside the room
Photo by Douglas Rafael Fonseca on

The next morning, Sis Laronda had a visit from her son. Somewhat shaken, he began to tell her of his night as a firefighter and how he had been called to a horrific fire. Little did the fire fighters realize just how close the beams were from crashing on them until light came. Her son had no idea someone was interceding for his close call. Sis Laronda also had no idea exactly how important her prayers were!

We don’t always get the privilege of knowing the outcome and results of our prayers. But we do have the guarantee and promise, as children of God, that our prayers indeed DO matter!

Is Prayer A Priority in your life?

Is prayer a priority in your life? I ask this question, not because I’m some expert but because this is a area the Lord is continuously working on in my heart and life. It is so easy to let the cares of this world slip in, and before we know it, our priorities are all mixed up. Taking evaluation can help get our priorities back in order .

“Mommy , when are you going to pray today?” Asked my 4 year old little boy the other day. I quickly explained that I had gotten up before Him to pray and that I made morning prayer a regular habit. I went on to explain how we should begin everyday with God. As he happily walked away with my answer, I pondered his question. Although I was happy that I could say I had prayed, I was troubled at the fact that he wasn’t so sure…

My mind went back to a Mother’s Day banquet I had a attended before I married. The honored elder lady began to advise the mothers of the crowd to never forget to pray in front of your children. I had indeed forgotten lately. I had prayed alone, I had even prayed with my child daily, but praying in front of him where he could witness the spirit of God and he could see the example of prayer, this I had a slacked on.

So I ask you now as I asked myself, When do you pray? Is prayer a priority in every area of your life?

When should I pray as a Mom?

The truth is, finding “time” to pray as a mom can be a challenge. Not that we don’t want to and not that we don’t try, but even when we do get down it’s often interrupted by the many needs and distractions of our tiny blessings. This is why prayer must be a priority in our lives, if it is not, it will not happen.

I’ve heard so many humorous stories of mom’s trying to “stow away & pray” . One friend noted her 5 kids playing church and riding her back like a horse as she plead before the Lord. She hated to scold them when they were “shouting” , encouraged by her prayer. 😂 Sometimes as mom that’s just how it is. It helps when you realize that your not the only mom standing face forward in the battle of prayer.

black brothers standing on sofa in living room
Photo by Monstera on

The battle of prayer

Why isn’t prayer easy? Because it’s just that…it’s a battle! No battle has ever been easy. Prayer is us fighting for our soul. It’s us fighting for our family. Fighting for our home and fighting for those little ones that make us a mom. When you realize that the children who seem to distract your prayer time are exactly what you are fighting for, the distractions don’t seem so bad and the priority of prayer seems even greater.

-If prayer fights for so much, then my prayer is worth fighting for!-

Five times a mom should pray

  • 1. Alone before God
  • 2. In front of her children
  • 3. With her children
  • 4. With her husband
  • 5. Always without ceasing

I realize as a Mom, that all of these prayer times may not happen every single day. These five types of prayer are ways I personally have found to be beneficial and even detrimental to my prayer life. With that said, I do believe if prayer is a priority in your life then prayer will take place every day in some way.

Why should I pray …

1. Why should I Pray alone before God?

Alone time with God gives you an opportunity to give 100 percent of your focus to Him. It’s a special time that you can lay your daily burdens at his feet and receive strength. It’s a time of renewing, reviving, and refreshing. God deserves this time and we each need it.

Jesus set the example many times as he would stow away and pray. As s mom, a 40 day trip in the wilderness to pray may sound wonderful at times, but we all know this won’t happen 😂. Sometimes, we are more like Hannah, who slipped away for a bit once everyone was served, taking her plea before the Lord. Slipping away, even if it’s a few minutes during the kids nap time, is a important part of your prayer life that can be refreshing, renewing, and as in Hannah’s case, even life changing. God can do more for us in 5 minutes than we can do in alifetime.

(1 Samuel 1:18-19)…So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. And they rose up in the morning early, and worshiped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her. Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived , that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel…KJV

2. Why should I pray in front of my children?

Praying in front of your children sets the example of prayer in their life. This gives them an opportunity to experience what a true relationship with God is like and the importance of it in your life home. It is indeed a way of training your child after the things of God and being a light to them.

3.Why should I pray with my children?

Praying with your children teaches them to pray for themselves and to have a one on one relationship the God. Through their prayer they can experience God in a personal way at a young age. Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said , suffer little children , and forbid them not, to come unto me…KJV

4.Why should I pray with my husband?

Praying with your husband binds your marriage with prayer. It unites you together to face the daily battles and shows your children you are fighting together for them .Matt 18:20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them KJV

5.Why should I pray witout ceasing?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing KJV Many people misinterpret this commandment and say “it is impossible to pray all day” . The idea here is to have a mindset of prayer. As the day goes on, we can make a habit to pray about the things theough out the day . It’s amazing how much your mind can be renewed and spirit lifted when this type of prayer is practiced. Turn your daily worries into prayers and your scattered thoughts into praise then watch the results in your mind , spirit , and home.

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because He trusteth in Thee

Make Prayer A Priority

If you are struggling with prayer time as a mom, I suggest doing everything in your power to place prayer at the very top of your priority list. When prayer is a priority in your life, it will happen. That doesn’t mean there won’t be times your prayer time isn’t interupted by moterly duties, but if prayer is a priority, you will make sure it happens one way or another.

When prayer is a priority in your life,
it WILL happen

I believe in beginning my day with prayer. Why wouldn’t I begin my day with prayer when I have no idea what I may face in the hours to come? I personally need the strength I receive in prayer to get me through the day.

I also realize as a mom, sometimes my morning prayer routine is interrupted. Whether it consist of me over sleeping, my children under sleeping, or something else. Then there is othertimes, I just need to fit some more one on one time with God.

Here are some tips I use to prioritize prayer in my life as a busy mom.

Tips to prioritize prayer as a busy mom

•Wake up a little earlier then the rest of the family to find time to pray alone or with your spouse. If you are not getting enough sleep, you can even go back to bed after prayer time!

•We all want to teach our children to sit quietly while we pray, and while there definitely IS a time for that, I try not to focus on this meanignful lesson of respect every time I go to prayer. Sometimes, my prayer life needs my full attention. In these times, I will often occupy my children elsewhere and although I am still implimenting rules of respect, they will have something to keep them busy for a bit while I pray. For example- instead of sitting quietly on the couch, I may set out some puzzles in the next room for them to quietly play. I will let them know up front that mommy is praying and they must sit and play quietly and only get me if there is a emergency.

•Don’t feel bad to take up someone’s offer to watch the kids while you go pray! If your spouse offers to watch the kiddos while you get some things done, add prayer to the top of that list and don’t feel a bit guilty. Because remember, prayer is a priority!

•Invite your kids to pray with you. You may be surprised how good they cooperate if they are included, especially when they begin to feel the presence of the Lord.

•Find time to pray during your child’s nap time or quiet times.

•If you are a walking prayer, go outside and walk laps while you pray. This works perfect with little children, esspecially when there is a play set nearby.

•Stay up after the children go to bed. If possible, start laying them down a little earlier to give you some time to pray before you end your day. The only thing better then ending your day with prayer, is beginning it with prayer. I recommend practicing both.

I am no expert on this great topic of prayer .But as I challenge myself I hope to also challenge another mother or wife to prioritize prayer higher than ever in their life and to keep fighting on.

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