How much I saved at Pigeon Forge using my tips! Results!

Are you ready to hear how much I saved at Pigeon Forge using my own tips?!

Last month, I wrote a post on “How to save money at Pigeon Forge”. This is a follow up post using my own tips! If you have not read my original post, you may wish to head over there then come back once you have read (or at least read afterwards) to fully understand.

Exactly how much did I save at Pigeon Forge using my own tips?

First of all, I want to say that everyone budgets for vacation in a different way. With that in mind, a set amount that I “saved” may or may not look like a lot to you. This is why it’s important to note a few important details of our vacation first, to give you the most accurate idea of our savings.

Please keep this in mind as I try to give the clearest idea possible on how much I saved at Pigeon Forge using my own tips.

You will need to carefully consider the details of our vacation that I include to comprehend the savings.

Some details to note here

  • We were on a 5 day/ 6 night trip
  • We are a family of 4. Two being young children
  • We had previous plans to be attend an event for 2 of the 5 days. We still ate as on vacation but we did not have time for extra activities during these 2 days that would otherwise possibly cost money.
  • We used many of the tips in my previous post to save money, including planning out our stay although we left some flexibility for spontaneity.
  • We own an RV. Therefore, we had the option to stay in a RV park. Staying in a RV park, still cost a nightly rate like a hotel but can have its advantages. (in Pigeon Forge this nightly rate is often just as much as a hotel)
  • Due to staying at a RV park, we did not have breakfast provided. We chose to eat breakfast from our normal groceries or skip and do a early lunch instead. Therefore, our vacation was based on 2 meals a day.

On to our savings!

I’m going to break down how much we saved at Pigeon Forge into categories to relay a better understanding. The categories will be…

  • Lodging
  • Dining
  • Family fun activities
  • Other digital savings (cash apps etc)

How much I saved at Pigeon Forge on lodging?

I was just about to click the check button for a 5 night stay at our RV park when I decided to Google promos for that specific park. What do you know? There was a HUGE discount! I got a whopping 20% off our entire stay which added up to being about a $100 savings!

With just those 2 tips utilized, I saved a total of $250 on lodging at Pigeon Forge.

We also saved money in lodging by price matching. By doing this, I know for a fact that we chose a cheaper option RV park, and yes, it was nice! No, it didn’t have all the bells and whistles as some, but it reached our expectations and was a great option for our trip. There may come a time we want to try out a higher end RV park and that’s fine too. 😊 One nearby campground we considered staying at would have cost us about $150 more for our stay!

How much did I save on dining at Pigeon Forge?

Dining and vacation is a big deal to us. My husband’s favorite part of the week is eating at the many different restaurants lol. So, this is an area we “plan” to splurge on. (All within the budget of course) 😜. It is also a area I look for some serious savings on!

1. We ended up eating 4 very “nice” dining meals

2. Five fast food meals

3. Had one “cook out”

We saved money at Pigeon Forge in this area by…

  • Using Coupons (about $5 worth)
  • Paying attention to prices before ordering (no exact amount that I can list)
  • Taking advantage of certain day specials at some restaurants (about $10 worth)
  • Drinking water at times instead of soda (at least $10 worth) note-this is a opportunity to save a lot more than that!
  • Having a cook out (about $30)
  • Focusing and budgeting for one “nice meal” per day. Then eating one less expensive meal as our second. (This saved us about $20 a day in the budget for total saving of about $100)
  • Eating breakfast at the RV (or hotel) (since most people probably do this, I will not include an amount)
This adds up to a total of $155 of savings on just the actual amounts that can be figured. This is NOT counting the savings from tips that I couldn’t really add in such as setting a vacation budget in general and planning.

How much money I saved on the “family fun category”

We saved money in this area by…
  • Using coupons ($8)
  • Planning within our budget (I can’t list an amount but this saved us more than the amounts I can list!
  • Choosing a select amount of “expensive” fun things to do. (We chose 3 things that involved pricey “tickets”. The rest we filled in with visiting, sight seeing, and less expensive things to do.)
  • Adding in FREE or cheap fun things (we spent a entire evening at Cades Cove and even seen a bear! It cost us nothing but the gas to get there. This evening filled with anything in town could have easily cost us around $75 or more and wouldn’t have lasted near as long.)
  • Checking and comparing online ticket prices (I can’t remember my savings here)
  • Using homeschool discounts ($19)
We saved well over $100 on family fun activities by using the tips listed above

How much I saved with extra cash back apps etc.

  • Fetch & upside ($3)
  • Credit card cash back (about $23)
I saved more then $25 in this category

Now for a total on how much I saved at Pigeon Forge!

The truth is, the top savers of my tips can’t be shown in numbers. Budgeting & planning will save you tons! Not to mention other tips I didn’t utilize well or forgot to mention.

With that said, just the numbers shown above that can be added, I saved a total of $530!

If you are interested in how to save money at Pigeon Forge, or any vacation, check out my post linked here on “Saving Money At Pigeon Forge On Vacation”

I’d also love to here how you save money on vacation. Please leave in the comments below if you have any tips!

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Saving money on spring break at Pigeon Forge!

aerial view of city during daytime
Photo by Steven Van Elk on Unsplash

Do you need some tips on saving money at Pigeon Forge wherever you take spring break at this year? Then keep reading!

Here are my best, tried and true tips for saving money at Pigeon Forge! I love going to Pigeon Forge and we usually go every year but let’s be real. Pigeon Forge, TN is one of the most expensive places that you can spend vacation at. That’s right, Pigeon Forge states that the average family of four will spend $5,609 on a 7 day trip to Pigeon Forge! Whaaaaaatttt?!

Okay, yall, I’m no pro but I can tell you that we have NEVER spent near this much during our yearly 6day trips here. But I can easily see how one could if they are not using some strategies to save money at Pigeon Forge. If you don’t know where to start to save money at Pigeon forge or on vacation in general, then keep reading for my 21 tips plus stick around for some inexpensive or FREE things to do near Pigeon Forge.

10 Tips to save money while In Pigeon Forge

  1. Plan your trip. Most of these tips will only work if you plan your trip. If you like some spontaneity, then plan for it too 😂. I usually budget for a extra 100 dollars for spontaneous plans and thanks to my lodging coupon, this expense is already planned for. Even with planning, you may find a evening with extra time or see a new place you want to go. When you plan your trip, make sure to set a vacation budget. Talk to your spouse and consider what you would like your vacation to look like. Then compare that to your finances and agree on a reasonable budget that fits into your families life. Once the budget is set, stick to it! Sticking to your budget can save more than anything on this list.
  2. Once your budget is set, talk to your children about what your vacation will look like. Find out what they are looking forward to most and be sure to implement some of their desires into the plan. If the kids know that 1 meal a day will be eaten ‘out’ from the start, it can help prevent disappointment and urges to spend unplanned money when it’s time to eat the other meals at the “cabin”. Same concept goes for all vacation spendings.
  3. Price match the place you are staying.This may take some time but you can save so much by doing this!
  4. If you are going with another family. Consider staying in one larger place and splitting the cost. It may be cheeper in the long run. Especially if this gives you aces to cook some meals.
  5. Consider cooking part of your meals through out the week. find Crock pot meals and things that are minimal work and cleanup. If you are in a group, split the meal prep duties and cost.
  6. When eating out, pay attention to menu prices before committing, also ask about specials, family meals or non menu items. We went to a diner for ice cream in Pigeon Forge and the cheapest ice cream on the menu was like 5-6 dollars. I asked the waitress if they had any other options for my children. Come to find out, they didn’t list the basic one scoop Sundays for only 3 dollars which was exactly what they wanted anyway.
  7. Another way to save on dining is to purchase gift card at discount in advance for places like Golden Corral, steak N’ shake, Cracker Barrel etc. Sams Club often sells bulk gift card at discounted rates and Dollar General often runs their gift card on sale.
  8. Save gifted gift cards from holidays for vacation!
  9. Check for online coupon codes before reserving ANYTHING. This goes for early tickets and even lodging. I did quick Google search this year only moments before reserving and found a $100 off of our RV park! I was so happy lol.
  10. Make a list of the most expensive things you would like to do, then carefully choose one or two . Keep the remaining list on hand for future trips back.
  11. Fill in the other time with less expensive and FREE activities (I’ll share some of our favorites at the end)
  12. Give your kids and yourself a set amount of “spending money’. Don’t expect yourself not to bye anything. Unless you are really committed at least. Setting a spending allowance will help you spend your money wisely and save money that would have been nothing but spontaneous purchases. If your kids want more spending money let them find ways to earn it ahead of time. As far as that, if they are old enough they could earn all of their spending money.
  13. When your trip is planned you will have time to compare online ticket prices with actual ticket before adding in your promo codes. Make sure to print any online tickets before hand if applicable.
  14. For those tickets you do not buy online, be sure to check the store and restaurant lobbies for brochures w/ coupons and coupon books.
  15. You can also ask desk workers about coupons or specials they are running
  16. Skip tons of souvenirs and take pictures instead! You can print these later for a fraction of a souvenir price. And the memory that the photo shares will last way longer then a magnet or water globe.
  17. Pack meals, snacks, and drinks for the trip to and from Pigeon Forge to save money for when you’re actually there.
  18. Check museum sites such as (Titantic, Alkatraz, Aquarium) for homeschool discounts. Be sure to bring required material to receive these discounts.
  19. Ask about AAA discounts
  20. If you have a credit card that has cash rewards, consider saving all cash rewards for vacation!
  21. Make use of money saving apps! You can cash in rewards for gift card to use on vacation with apps like with FETCH! You can also save on gas and restaurant expenses just by using apps. Saving 20% on your entire McDonald’s order is worth having the app to me. Remember that a little goes a long way. If you would be interested in a post on money saving apps, let me know in the comments below!

Inexpensive or free things to do in or near Pigeon Forge

  • Drive for a scenic view up the mountain
  • Walk the trails along the Smoky Mountain State Park
  • Walk the river trail near the Smoky Mountain Knife Works
  • Visit the Smoky Mountain Knife Works
  • Visit the Christmas Shop
  • Ride the Trolley
  • Get a inexpensive treat at the Apple Barn gift shop after you look around
  • Walk around the shops near the OLD MILL
  • See the iron smith at work on some days near the Old Mill
  • Feed the bears at the 3 Bears Gift Shop
  • Visit Cades Cove for some historic sites, great views, and possibly a bear sighting!

What’s your favorite cheap or inexpensive thing to do here and how do you save money at Pigeon Forge ? Please share in the comments & Don’t forget to subscribe for post updates and special content!


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Why I don’t usually purchase these 21 items

piggy bank with coins
Photo by Skitterphoto on

I’d say we all have items we omit from our regular grocery list to save money. I find it interesting the different things that people choose not to bye. So, I thought I would share some of my own today. Here is a list of 21 items of which I do not usually purchase or include in our regular grocery list. Please stick around and let me know in the comments what items you do not purchase, I would love to hear!

Now, onto my list of 21 things I don’t usually purchase!

  1. Paper towels (because rags work great)
  2. Dryer sheets &
  3. Fabric softener (dryer balls replaced my dryer sheets & my fabric softener!)
  4. Individual snacks (we mostly by the bigger packaging and split into baggies. This saves ton of money and I can control other portions according to the person)
  5. Pajamas for my son (may sound strange but he sleeps in cotton “comfy” pants & casual T-shirts that double has travel clothes)
  6. Gallons of water for bottles (we are done with bottles now but my filtering pitcher still replaces TONS of bottles of water a week!) *huge $ saver here!
  7. Soda Pop (we just don’t need the extra sugar nor the extra expense)
  8. Laundry Stain remover (Original Dawn is my go to & that tiny bottle last forever!)
  9. Snack cakes (again, we don’t need the extra sugar nor expense)
  10. Smell good body wash (we purchase a cheap ‘3 in 1″ man’s wash for the whole family. It’s inexpensive, easier on my skin allergies, & reduces the clutter to 1bottle. Ps I do purchase special shampoo for my hair)
  11. Shaving cream (a squirt of conditioner works amazing! & last way longer!)
  12. Personal meals (make your own w/leftovers & meal prep containers. You will save boo-koos!)
  13. Juice (flavored water is much better on my kids teeth and cheaper)
  14. Everything name brand (when I say “everything” I mean that I do not bye everything name brand, not that I don’t bye “some” things name brand. In other words, don’t knock it (generic items) till you try it.
  15. Pre bottled sports drinks (big containers of powder mix for Gatorade is so much cheaper guys!)
  16. Disposable razors (I’ve had my Venus razor for over 10 yrs. It’s disposable heads last so much longer and shave so much better then disposable razors. It may be an expense up front but it saves in the long run!)
  17. Disposable Double AA batteries (I’ve been trying my best to switch to RECHARGEABLE batteries, why wouldn’t I?
  18. Music CD’s (Online music saves me money & space, use a radio app or music downloads to keep from using up tons of data with music videos)
  19. Big Macs & Frappe’s ! ( I love both of these! But did you know you can usually use the McDonald’s app rewards to get both for FREE ?
  20. Mini trash bags (these look nice but tying a grocery bag snuggly can keep the neet look while illuminating a expense)
  21. Furniture polish (personally a damp microfiber rag works great for my dusting needs but I also don’t own much “real” wood)

Exceptions to these items I don’t usually purchase!

I would not be honest if I didn’t tell you that there are indeed exceptions to these items I don’t usually purchase. That’s why I said “usually” . The fact is, these items are not regularly on my grocery list but I do, on occasion, purchase many if not all of them.

For example, we do not “usually” purchase juice in our home. With that said, I do keep some juice concentrate in my freezer for health issues that may arise.

Another example would be disposable AA batteries. Although we try to use our stash of rechargeable batteries, I do keep a few disposable AA’s tucked away for emergencies when we “forget” to recharge batteries or we are running low.

And even though we don’t keep snack cake and pop rotation regular in our fridge and cabinets, we do purchase limited amounts of these items for travel days!

the fact is, limiting these items still saves money. You don’t have to give something up to see results.

In Closing

Are you not convinced that limiting or illuminating certain items from your grocery list can save you money? Maybe you just don’t see how a couple items can make much of a difference. Then you need to check out my post on “Decluttering your grocery budget”. It may change your perspective!
I hope this list has inspired you to consider cutting a few unneeded items from your life

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Happy Homemaking


How To Declutter and Lower Your Grocery Budget

What? That’s right! Today I’m going to show you how to declutter & lower your grocery budget . At least once a year for the past 2-3 years, I have began this practice of “decluttering my budget”.

My first experiment with this process was a few years back when we found ourselves getting a little lax with our finances. During the mission to “reclaim” our budget, I found that some of my purchasing habits were no longer budget worthy. That’s when I decided it was time to DECLUTTER!

What exactly does declutter mean?

Declutter : “To remove unnecessary items from“

That sums it up about right! It’s so easy to let unnecessary purchases slip into our everyday and every week spending. That doesn’t mean that you have to necessarily give up all these items. But oftentimes, there are cheaper options that have nothing to do with loss of quality. And .. yes, sometimes we do need to give up things!

Why Should I Declutter My Grocery Budget?

Taking time to “declutter” your grocery budget helps put your spending back into prospective and can help fix an over spending issue.

This is also a great way to transfer from “no budget” into a “new budget” Or from a bigger budget into a smaller one.

How To Declutter & lower my grocery budget

1. First, I began checking my every week spending.

I am looking for items that I could possibly save on, substitute, or omit completely from my grocery list.

You want to look for

#1 very expensive items

#2 anything you use a lot of

Next you will Begin a list of these items.

Don’t worry about figures yet, just start the list.

As you go about your day and notice qualifying items you use, add them to the list. Check your online grocery app for frequent purchases or add items as you add them to your physical grocery list.

3. Once you have a few items on the list, you can sit down and begin your “Decluttering” process.

To declutter, you will need to do some figuring.

You will need…

note pad




Choose one item form your list. You want to begin by asking yourself these 5 questions.

1.Is this product something I need or really want to keep purchasing?

2.If yes, could I make or purchase this item for cheaper? If no, mark off of list.

3.How much do I currently spend on this item,on an average, annually? You can do this by multiplying the average amount you spend on the item by 52 (for 52wks in a year) or multiply how much you spend a month on the item by 12 (12mo the per year).

*Figuring by the year is very important!

This shows you exactly how much your small expense add up in comparison to your usage. It can be surprising, at times , what seems so little can add up to when used regularly!

4.How much less could I make or purchase item for per year?

5.How much would I annually save and

is it worth the exchange?

If it’s not worth it, mark from list and continue to next item.

*Here is the exact savings results I had from two of the items on my grocery declutter this year.  I did this 5 step  process to these two items and this was my result!

Just by changing the brand of washer cleaner that I use to a equal quality product, I was able to save $71.76 per year! That’s an entire week of groceries for my family!

Imagine what your saving total could be after decluttering an entire grocery list!

This was not even my biggest single item savings this year . My biggest savings declutter had to be from our OLLY multivitamins. I simply swapped which store I would purchase these SAME EXACT vitamins from and discovered that I could save approximately $87.36 per year ! Just on vitamins.

These same steps can help you declutter and lower your grocery budget in the same way!

How Long Does it take to Declutter and lower your grocery budget?

This process can be a little time consuming but don’t feel like you have to do it all at once and remember, once your saving it will be so worth it! I like to start with a few items then as I think of more products to add to my list I’ll continue the process, breaking it up in 2-3 small sessions.

I don’t recommend waiting too long in between sessions for fear of forgetting exactly where you are at in the process.

No matter how you do it, all at once, or over a couple weeks, be sure you stay at it until you are complete.

Why Should You declutter and lower your grocery budget Every Year?

I declutter and lower my grocery budget at least once year for the same reason I declutter my home over and over. And that is because time has a way to build up “clutter”.

Life happens, we add purchases we didn’t need last year without considering the most frugal options. Sometimes, prices fluctuate or new items are available changing the “best buy” and other times life gets busy or we get slack adding things we just don’t need.

All that said and I personally have found that decluttering my grocery budget once a year is definitely NOT overdoing it!

If anything, it isn’t enough.

Tips For Success while you declutter and lower your grocery budget

• Don’t forget to keep ALL the notes of your savings and tally them up at the end!

This is where you will see the big results of you’re labor, and just think, next time you shop, you will see even bigger results!

You can also use your savings notes for future checks on savings as new purchasing opportunities arise so, don’t toss them out to quick.

•When considering ordering items as grocery replacements, do not forget to include shipping cost, if there is any.

•Never assume a “bulk” bye is cheaper. It often is, but sometimes it is NOT.

•Realize that sometimes convenience is worth the money, as long as it’s within your budget and is really beneficial to your families life.

In Conclusion

Decluttering our grocery budget has really helped me “stay in the budget.” I hope it helps you in this way too!

Please let me know in the comments below, if you try this or what you currently do to stay in you’re grocery budget.

If you have any questions about this process or the post please leave in comments below and I will respond ASAP. Don’t forget to subscribe directly below for post updates and access to my subscribed homemakers page where I keep all of my FREE printible’s that accompany many of my post! PS Don’t forget to confirm your subscription in your email to finish the process.


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Happy Homemaking!



How to save money while decorating for fall

Save money while decorating for fall with these tips!

woman arranging flowers on a vase

Photo by Liya Zerya Konuş on

How to save money while decorating for fall this year! If you are lacking money or space this fall, but still want the feel of fall throughout your home, then this post is for you! So keep reading as we explore how to save money while decorating for fall this year. 🤗🍁

Last year’s autumn season had me feeling lost and down as I realized I was across the country from my storage tote’s of FALL DECOR. My RV seamed so lacking without the hint of fall scattered across the counters. Needless to say, I am used to MAJOR fall decor and I new I HAD to do something about it. Raiding the stores for fall decor, of which I really didn’t need, wasn’t really logical nor in the budget . So… what did I do? I got creative! Here are many of the tips I used in my home to save money while decorating for fall. 

Creative tips to save money while decorating for fall

1.Choose a main focal point when decorating for fall

Choosing a main focal point to focus your fall decor around will draw attention to that space and really stand out screaming FALL to all who enters.

This prevents the need to cover every single household surface with seasonal decor. When using this method in the past, I would sprinkle a few small items throughout the other places to tie it all together. Think of it as setting up a Christmas tree by your fire place mantle. The decorated mantle and tree would be the focal point although a few other Christmas decor items may be scattered around to add to the whole rooms Christmas feel. 


2.Use what you have, FIRST when decorating for fall

When I say to use “what you have” I’m not necessarily talking about the fall decor you have stored in your basement although that would be a given too. 😜

What I mean is to look around your home and see what everyday items you own that could be incorporated with your fall decor.

I did this and found that my orange candle and antlers looked great with my fall decor. Matter of fact, sitting by a few pumpkins they looked completely the part and I’ve  even been asked if they was just part of my fall decor or belonged to my regular decor. 

3.Repurpose used items while decorating for fall

I seen a photo of this adorable toilet paper roll pumpkin from .

Isn’t it the cutest ever?! Check the link to see her options with this craft.

Another idea that I have personally used in the past is to purchase corn on the cob for dinner, serve the corn ,and keep the shucks . I dry the husk out for a couple days and use them as gorgeous fall fillers around my fall displays and banisters!  Another thing I love about this is that once fall is over, I toss the shucks and don’t even haft-a worry about storing them. 

4.Save money decorating for fall by making use of nature

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year to make use of nature as part of your fall decor and it’s also a amazing way to save money while decorating for fall!

Skip the expensive store bought items and collect your own pine cones, and acorns this year.

Spruce them up with paint, glitter and cinnamon or add them to a vase, wreath, or hearth as is . You can even make many pine cone wreaths with a quick Google search and a metal craft wreath base from dollar tree! This leads me to my next point…

5. Google DIY fall decor ideas 

Many wreaths cost anywhere from $25-$80 at local stores nowadays. Consider making your own as I mentioned above. 

Even if you are not crafty, YouTube has some great tutorials that almost anyone could follow. Just make sure your opting for the “cheap” DIY’s.  

6.Purchase a favorite “center piece” when decorating for fall

Purchasing just one favorite fall center piece item and decorating around it with your DIY, re-purposed , dollar store, and the items you already have can really cut down on your fall shopping list and help you save money while decorating for fall this year. 

Last year I splurged on this old red truck to build my fall decor around. I purchased it on sale for 40% at a Michaels craft store. The truck really made my dollar store pumpkins pop in the bed. 

I made sure to bye it at its sale price and I chose a item I can use as Christmas decor too! I didn’t mind the splurge since I will be using this piece of decor for about 4 months out of the year and for years to come.

7. Do not discard dollar stores when you are decorating for fall!

Don’t disregard Dollar Store and discount stores for fall decor, especially “fillers” ! Just be carful not to over spend, one dollar spent 20x times can add up fast!

Do keep in mind that some dollar stores seem to sell out fast, so as a mental note for Christmas and for fall next year, check these places early.

8.Blend your fall decor to your regular decor, colors,& designs.

This allows you to use your regular decor with the fall decor instead of replacing it all, therefore you will need less fall decor to fill your space. 
I did this with my fall pillow this year. Instead of purchasing 2-3 fall pillows, I purchased 1 that matches my current pillows & living room decor. I’m

9.Use fall photos as decor to save money while decorating for fall

Grab your phone or camera and take some quick fall photos of your kids. (You can even make it a family day!) 

Print photos at your local photo shop, add them to an old frame, and you have a very unique, VERY ADORABLE, one of a kind, fall decor piece! You can use these same photos for Thanksgiving or Christmas cards. I love this idea, it’s so personable , affordable, and everyone loves it!

10.Signal your senses when decorating for fall

Still don’t feel fall enough for you? Try getting in the mood with some fall smells and foods!

If you usually stay stocked up on air fresheners, pick up a fall scent your next go around.

Like more of a natural  option?

Add Cinnamon  sticks to a cooking pot of water, simmer then turn off for a wonderful natural  fall smell.

You can even add fruit slices such as apples, oranges and whole cranberries. I, personally, like doing just cinnamon sticks then after a day of use, I will drain water, dry sticks out, and use them again the next day. They smell good for days! This is a great cost effective way to smell the air full of fall.  

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11.Make extra

My last tip is a little different…

If you would like to have a little extra cash to purchase your more seasonal decor (or even Christmas gifts) with, consider making more of the types of items mentioned above and selling them. 

You may be surprised who all would love to snatch one up one of your homemade fall wreaths, a fall pumpkin roll, or a fall photo shoot. Our first year married we were quite strapped money wise, if it hadn’t been for pumpkin roll orders we would have had no gifts that year. I, who had made no pumpkin rolls previously was able to profit over $400 worth of pumpkin rolls during the fall season just by word of mouth. Don’t underestimate your abilities. 

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Happy Homemaking!

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What are the benefits of giving everything it’s own home?

silicone spatula on a kitchen drawer
Photo by Castorly Stock on

Giving everything it’s own home has so many benefits!

  • Prevents overflow
  • Saves money
  • Simplifies housekeeping
  • Has many flexible benefits
  • Saves time

More on the benefits of giving everything it’s own home…

My friend’s daughter can not stand when her mom asks her to put something in its “home”. She declares that only “PEOPLE have homes, NOT THINGS! “However I, along with her mother, beg to differ! I am a firm believer in giving everything it’s own home.

So, why is it that so many people use the term “home” when referring to items? Probably because of the MANY benefits that come from giving each item a designated place in your house, AKA “home”.

Here are just a few benefits, I myself have discovered by “giving everything it’s own home ”. Yes, I said EVERYTHING!

Giving everything it’s own home can prevent overflow 

When everything has a home, and it’s all put away, you can tell if you actually have room for more possessions. How can we expect ourselves to keep everything put away, if there physically is not enough space for everything to be put away? I mean, let’s be reasonable here! Sometimes (so guilty) we expect too much.

Let’s give ourselves a break! Maybe there really is a legitimate reason I haven’t been able to “keep up” lately. It wouldn’t hurt to take a moment to evaluate and find out! If you don’t have the space to “home” everything you now own, then it is a good sign that maybe you need to rid of a few items and is a great reminder to slow down on the purchasing!

Giving everything it’s own home can save you money!

I often ask myself “where will I home this?”  before making a new purchase. If I cannot think of an available “home”, then I automatically know that I need to rid of something to make room. I don’t know how many times I have walked away empty handed, realizing I didn’t want the ‘new’ item that bad after all.

Giving everything it’s own home simplifies housekeeping

How can we expect ourselves to keep everything put away, if there physically is not enough space for everything to be put away? I mean, let’s be reasonable here! Sometimes, (so guilty) we expect too much of ourselves. Let’s give ourselves a break! Maybe there really is a legitimate reason we haven’t been able to “keep up” lately.

It wouldn’t hurt to take a moment to evaluate and find out!

After giving everything it’s own “home”, you should begin to practice the habit of placing things back in there home after each use. This will super easy, because now, you don’t even have to think about what to do with each item. Thanks to already doing the hard part!

And even if some things do get stranded… that is okay! When you finally  get the chance to pick up, those scattered items can quickly and effortlessly make it back to their “home” and easy to find for their next use.

Giving everything it’s own home has many “flexible” benefits

One thing I love about giving everything it’s own home, is the flexibility of benefits.

For example, when my first child hit the toddler stage, I was constantly putting back each item as he dragged them from their “homes”. I continuously fretted and worried that he would hurt himself or break something.

My first solution was to temporarily place my items up high or out of reach each time I caught him after something. Then I would put them back where they belonged, once he had fell asleep or moved on to “other” things😂 .

One day, my husband suggested that by moving some of these things “permanently”  it would probably make my life a little easier.

(Now why hadn’t I thought of that…..)

After a little bit of consideration, I quickly tucked my pride away, and got on it, re-homing many of my items.

I’m a creature of habit and the homes I had made for each item had became part of setting my routine BUT my husband was right, it was time to MOVE on. (Literally & figuratively)

Over the next little bit, I began to re home item after item, everything from decor, to furniture. And yes, my life got much easier!

Now I can rest assured in knowing that, when my house is picked up and everything is put back in its “home” it is pretty much childproof in this state!

This has became a huge incentive of mine to regularly put things away.

*You can use this same concept to “pet proof” your home or to make it handicap accessible etc.

Giving everything it’s own home is a time saver

Imagine with me, you need your keys, hammer, or ice cream scoop. You’ve spent 5, 10, maybe even 30 minutes searching, all to no avail. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you instantly knew where your needed item was? Every single time! (Well… almost every time lol) Giving everything it’s own home can do just that!

In Closing

I would love to know if you practice homing items and if so, what benefits have you noticed in your life from it? 

If you enjoyed this post then please like and share!

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I Purchased Groceries For 25 Dollars A Week This Month!

A Prosperous Budget

First of all, I give credit for my love and understanding of the importance of budgeting to my Dad. At a young age, my Dad had me purchasing candy bars and reselling them in our home for lessons on “profit” and “budgeting” ????. I quickly became obsessed with working for cash, saving, and tracking every penny I made or spent.

Once married, we was automatically on a budget. I couldn’t go without saying, it is Jordan Page I give credit to for teaching me many budget & cooking techniques that allowed my slim budget to prosper greatly.

Before I found Jordan’s channel, keeping my budget was super hard and sometimes, nearly impossible. Once I began to apply Jordan’s concepts, our budget was liberated in so many ways!

If you struggle with budgeting in any way, I highly recommend checking her YouTube channel & cooking blog out ASAP!

(Linked below)

What I love about Jordan most,

she not only does an amazing job helping you set a budget but she also teaches you how to LIVE IN IT!

Throughout Jordan’s budgeting concepts, she teaches somthing called “ shelf cooking”. Basically, in her own words, shelf cooking is ….

“Cooking with what you ALREADY HAVE and supplementing for the rest.”

To be able to do this, Jordan teaches you to use your creativeness and how to “stock up” when grocery shopping.

(And no, you do not need a extra storage building or bedroom for stocking up!).

Living in an RV, I’ve found I can still keep a month supply of toilet paper, several lbs of frozen meat, and plenty of canned goods. I stock up on sales just enough to save myself money but not enough to have food stored in my closets. (If you store food in your closets, that’s great too!).


So what about the $25 A Week??

Jordan encourages her subscribers to enter September, (known as “Shelftember” by her members) with the goal to use up all of those unused, wasting away, ingredients and save a little cash in the process!

This challenge also encourages you to tighten down on any loose ends of your current budget, reseting your mind towards saving and purchasing with purpose!

I myself am finishing up the 3rd week of the $25 challenge! Whoop! And you can do it too!

You may be wondering what my “groceries” consist of . My groceries consist of anything I purchase on a regular basis from the grocery store. Including but not limited to; food, toiletries, diapers, wipes, stock up grocery items, toilet paper, cleaners etc.

week#1. week#2. week#3

If you have no budget at all, this challenge may be a little overwhelming.

I recommend checking out Jordan’s budgeting videos below, practice them for a few months, establishing a regular budget that works for your family , then see if you’re ready for such a challenge.

You could even wait until next September, giving yourself plenty of time to “build up inventory”, then come September, you will be hot and ready to jump on Jordan’s “SHELFTRTEMBER” bandwagon! ..(or better yet, grocery cart ???? ????)

I’ve never had a budget,

do I even need one ?

YES!!!! No matter your financial status YOU STILL NEED A BUDGET!

The more I budget the more I grow to appreciate the values and benefits of budgeting.

When we first married, NOT budgeting wasn’t an option, it was part of survival! Later on things eased up.. I soon found our budget slipping . We quickly regrouped and reset a new budget that fit more of our current life & income status.

It would have been easy to just drop the budget all together. You may think, if the bills are met and there’s still extra money, why do I need a budget? Well…

Here are 10+ reasons YOU need a budget no matter your income!

1.A budget keeps you from wondering where your money went

2.A budget gives you FREEDOM to do more!

3.A budget allows every family member to know their spending boundaries and eliminates financial confusion and disappointments

4.A budget allows you to pay off debt SO much quicker!

5.A budget allows you to give more

6.A budget prevents overspending

7.A budget promotes good stewardship

8.A budget helps you prepare for emergencies

9.A budget helps you plan for the future

10.A budget relieves family stress

11.A budget doesn’t keep you from spending, it gives you more freedom to spend!

Seriously, who wouldn’t want a budget?!

Where do I even start?

I wouldn’t think to send you anywhere else than to the lady who helped me the most!

Check out these amazing tips & techniques in the links below.

Yes! You can do this too!


Don’t know where to even start on a budget?

Start here, where Jordan explains the basics of budgeting!

Jordan teaches you how to stock up & freeze meat on a budget

Check out this amazing “shelf cooking blog”! It is full of direction, tips, recipe, & more! (Also includes more on the $25 a week “shelftember“ challenge!)

To read a personal testimony of how budgeting changed my friends life, read this post here!

Save Money At Dollar Tree

You may not be able to grow your own money tree… but you can do the next best thing… That’s right! You can save money at you‘re local Dollar Tree! It’s as simple as that!

*Image credits to, Micheile Henderson

I feel like there is a couple misconceptions about Dollar Tree stores in general.

There’s those who purchase anything and everything at Dollar Tree because “it’s just a dollar” so how could you go wrong?

Then there’s those who think all (or at least most) of Dollar Tree products are junk and not worth the hassle.

I’m what I’d call “neutral” in this “vote”. I realize you can quickly waste money if you did all of your shopping at Dollar Tree. (Just because it is a dollar doesn’t mean it’s cheaper).

But on the other hand, I am a Dollar Tree Lover because I have found SEVERAL true money saving items, for which Dollar Tree has became my “Go To” store.

Each of these Walmart items listed below, can be found, (depending on location etc), in a similar comparable form at Dollar Tree For just ONE DOLLAR!

-My Dollar Tree money savers-

Are you a diet / light juice drinker? Great Value now has “light” juice in apple & cranberry flavor at a very reasonable & hard to beat price. But where I’m from, they are still lacking some of the other additional flavors.

Ocean spray carries them (@Walmart) for $2.78 per bottle as shown above.

Yes! Dollar Tree has several of these same flavors in same size as Ocean Spray for just $1 Depending on how much juice you and your family drink, that could be a potential 92.56 a year saved if you usually purchase just one of these “extra flavors” per week!

Are you balloon lover when parties come around? Depending on how many you need for your event, Dollar Tree could really help you keep the budget on your next party. They always have many “characters & designs” to choose from. You can also have mylar baloons purchased from online etc. blowed up for a small price.

(As far as I know they cannot blow up regular balloons, each time I have asked they do not keep the attachment.)

Just in case you didn’t know… Dollar Tree carries a really nice selection of name brand “Halmark” gift cards, for all occasions ! Many of these cards are comparable to these above at Walmart, sold from anywhere between $4-$7.

If your’re a frequent card sender this could be a big savings for you! Just 2x cards a month could be a savings of anywhere between $36-$72 a year!

There are many kitchen items available at Dollar Tree. Two of my favorites are their disposable foil pans, and their plastic 3qt storage containers (very similar to Wallmart’s 4qt shown above). I use these to store my dry kitchen ingredients like flour, sugar & beans. Sealing them from moisture.

The corn cob holders shown at the end, are not necessary a huge money saver, considering you will probably only be purchasing a pack or two once . BUT, I myself have had the Walmart ones shown above and they did not last. So for $2 less , I’ll happily pick up a couple packs for this summers corn cob grills. (These would be great gift basket stuffers).

This first photo is an actual Dollar Tree Product (I could not dine current photo of wallmart a version) . This is one of my all time favorite purchases at Dollar Tree. It is Shrink Wrap gift basket bag. I have spent between $4-$5 for these bags (in a pinch) from Wallmart .

if your purchasing items for a gift basket then don’t leave Dollar Tree without watching for basket fillers.

Dollar Tree has so many unique items that are great to fill gift baskets. Trying to find a bunch of “tiny, cute & useful” things for only $1 can sometimes be a challenge at other stores. I like to purchase my center ”bigger” basket items from elsewhere , then head to Dollar Tree for the fillers, plastic, & sometimes the bin depending on type of basket.

* Dollar tree also carries “bike bags” and several nice decorative gift bags in just about any size.

If your an avid crafter, Dollar Tree could be your best friend!

Vases are so cheap here! (Yes, they are a Dollar ????).

But really, have you needed to purchased several vases at once? Mabey as table topper center pieces for a party.

12x tables @Walllmarts $3 = $36

12x tables @Wallmarts $1= $12

Or mabey you have several grave sides you make flowers for. These simple cemetery vases are nearly $5 at Wallmart & can be purchased @ Dollar Tree for… you got it , ONE DOLLAR.

I’ve had much success in purchasing our car adapters from Dollar Tree, along with ear buds for my kids and glass screen protectors for my iPhone.

Calling all Crafters again! Cricut lovers, tie die enthusiast, school teachers, party planners, this item is for you! Decorate , paint, laminate, or dye to your hearts content!

The variety of colors Dollar Tree offers is great for costume making, crafting , or wearing.

One of these shirts would be a great frugal souvenir for a Child to take to summer camp. Pack a sharpie with it and let their friends all sigh for lasting memories that can be useful and proudly worn.

*In my past Sunday school class, I kept a container full of these t-shirts to put over the children’s outfits before messy projects. The mothers will thank- you. ????

Due to allergie issues I am not a regularly bleach user, I have friends who go through the boatloads! (more like bucket loads) ????… if you’re happy with generic bleach like great value above, then try out Dollar Tree’s generic gallon for less than half the price.

My 3 year old is really beginning to enjoy books. I am learning that suppling new interesting books regularly can really add up! My two favorite book shopping stores are the thrift store, & DOLLAR TREE. The photo above shows the first two books that came up under my Wallmart search for “lowest to highest” priced children’s books. Most of the books were $5, $6, and even $10. Dollar Tree, here I come!

Note- sometimes, you can even find a good adult book to read too.

Oh and don’t forget to pick up a travel book reading light !

Are you the type that likes to purchase the cheapest hummingbird feeders each year then replace annually? If your this person you need to check out Dollar Trees Hummingbird Feeder!

I personally do not recommend purchasing a ton of bottled pop due to the price. But…I also realize some people love it above all pop (my husband included lol). So…if you like to treat yourself occasionally, and you’re gonna be at Dollar Tree, grab one of their name brand bottles from the front cooler. They are only a Dollar and are much cheaper than the average $1.98 at Walmart or even more at gas stations.

Please take the time to compare items before purchasing. With Dollar Tree, I reccomend always checking the size, quality, and count before deciding if an item is worth the purchase.

The items I have shown above are not sold in identical form at Dollar Tree. I have purchased each item from Dollar Tree in what I would consider a “comparable” form. Some are the same brand, or even better quality and cheaper. While others may be a little smaller or less quality, but still fit my needs. Please compare these items to your personal needs to decide if it is a good choice for your family.

My Annual Saving OF Just These Items

Diet juice $92.56

1x per week. (This Statistic is from earlier this year. We have gotten away from drinking diet juice, need to get back soon!)

Balloons $10-$40 (average=$25)

Purchase 10x balloons per year

Greeting cards $80

Purchase a min of 20x cards per year

Foil pans $11.70

Purchase average 6x sets per year

Before Rv life I froze meals every wk, I saved about $60.84 formally.

Shrink basket wrap $18

Purchase average of 6x per year

Glass vases $14.85

Purchase average of 5x per year

Glass screen protectors $9

Purchase average of 2x per year

Children’s books $24-48 (Average =$36)

Purchase min of 8x per year

Hummingbird feeder $5.34

Purchase approximately 2x per year

Bottles Mountain Dew or other drink $12

Purchase approximately 12per year

I save a average of $304.45 Regularly at Dollar Tree! Just on these few items I have shared. What?!

This does not include extra items I may save on throughout the year, such as basket fillers, the corn cob holders, or a extra unexpected party requring a TON of vases.

This is my current regular yearly purchases of just these items listed. And that’s how I save money at Dollar Tree!

Did you know Dollar Tree has its own blog with cute ideas like these..

Thats right! It’s full of creative ideas made with their own products. Check it out with link below!

What items do you LOVE at Dollar Tree? Please leave in comments below and don’t forget to


if you enjoyed this post!

Erica, @

A Simpler Life