Save time and sanity with Christmas cards!

Christmas cards… you either hate them or love them!             (Sending them that is!). Keep reading to find how you can save time and sanity with Christmas cards this year!

How to save time and sanity with Christmas cards this year.

How To Save Time

•Use photos from earlier this year, don’t feel pressure to take a new photo right at Christmas.

•Save time by printing photo cards instead of writing in traditional cards. (A picture is worth a thousand words!)

•If you must have a new seasonal photo, try opting for family activity snap shots instead of a professional style photo shoot. A quick snap while decorating your Christmas tree, or standing in front of the parks Christmas lights can make such fun personalized photos, without all of the hassle and really save time and sanity with Christmas cards.

•Consider purchasing a address stamp or address stickers to save time adding your return address to each envelope .

•If you are tech savvy, you could also print labels for the recipients addresses, be sure to save them for future time saving.

•Let the kids help put the cards in envelopes, seal them, and add the stamps while you fill out the addresses

How To Save On Money

•Send cards to households as a whole instead of individual family members

•Deliver local cards in person

•Scanning your Christmas card list for “outdated” contacts to remove

•Calling friends whom you may not stay caught up with to wish them a merry Christmas instead of sending a card

•Giving homemade goodies in place of local cards. (Make sure you check ingredient prices for something loved but frugal)

•If you are really tight on money this year, you could send cards only in return as a matter of appreciation.

Consider sending out a Christmas letter instead of cards. You can purchase a letter outline on Etsy or make your own on a program like Canva. Be sure to choose outline that uses low amounts of colored ink for the best money savings furring printing. If you are interested in how I did my Christmas letter last year let me know in the comments below.

•Skip giving cards to every day acquaintances by giving them a 4x 6 Christmas photo or handmade goodie instead

•Sending a family photo and short Christmas greeting via txt instead of Christmas card is a nice “thinking of you gesture” (my favorite photo collage app is linked below.)

•When sending to members of a office or church, consider sending one card to the business or organization for the bulletin board, rather then sending to each individual.

•Send a Christmas slide show displaying photos from the year via email OR send a a photo E-card with a free online Christmas template

•Write a family Christmas newsletter in place of a card. This can include photos, life updates, greetings and more. Make it as simple or as elaborate as you wish. When your done, print the same letter for everyone on your list.

•Price match Christmas cards

•Check for coupons before ordering photo cards

•Get creative, try making your own cards with the kids help. Especially for those close to your children.

•Use a photo editor program/app or use your local Photo printing machine to type a holiday message on your own 4×6 photo, purchase envelopes and send!

•Don’t disregard Walmart photo cards, they have many options and their value card is one of the cheapest I’ve found.

•Sign up for photo printing website emails like Shutterfly then utilize the coupons and promotions you receive 

•Look into sending post cards to save money on stamps! Did you know a post card stamp is quite a bit cheaper then regular postage? If you can find reasonably priced Christmas post cards, (or make your own from the fronts of old cards.) You can save money on the stamps and skip the envelopes! 

How To Save Your Sanity!

•Need to drop a activity from your Christmas to do list? Send yearly Thanksgiving cards instead . They will be receiving them just before the early bird Christmas cards and that’s one task you can mark off before it even arrives!

•Use a damp wash cloth to seal envelopes, save your tongue!

•Take the dread and pressure off of preparing Christmas cards by turning it into a family event or date night. Turn on a good story or Christmas music, pop some popcorn and peel & stick away!

•Mail cards early to limit the holiday stress

•If you find yourself running behind (life happens), consider sending a New Years card to give yourself a little more time and less guilt 

•Log all addresses in a digital or traditional address book for next year’s ease

•Have extra cards made for those you may forget or for returning unexpected cards.

•Add this year’s Christmas card expenses to your future Christmas budget to avoid extra holiday expenses in the future. (Don’t forget to include your stamps)

•Include return address (this is for your recipient’s sanity not yours)

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Happy Homemaking!


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FREE photo “Piccollage” app great for E-cards! 

This video really took the stress out of getting a cute card photo of my toddlers each year, I save the pro photos for another time. (DIY Christmas Card Photo Tips On Your Phone featuring Don The Minimal Mom.)

How To Save Time In The Home (Part 1)

beige strap silver round analog watch behind adidas white and black superstar
Photo by Pixabay on

If you can save 30 minutes a day with these time saving tips you will have saved over 7 days of time in one year! That’s enough time to plan a entire vacation! imagine saving 3hrs a day with just a few tweaks to your habits and you will have a extra month and a half that you didn’t know you had! even at just 5 minutes saved per day you would have a whole extra days worth of time each year.

Now that your head is spinning with ways to save time let’s jump into the tips below!

Save time in the morning

Wake up before your kids!

Waking up a little earlier than your children can help you accomplish those top priorities such as devotions with less stress and no interruptions resulting in a sort of “time saving” success.

Having a morning routine can save time

What I love about a morning routine is that it doesn’t have to begin at the same time every day. Just implement an everyday routine that the entire family knows and your mornings will go so much smoother and quicker because everyone is on board.

Teach your kids independence while they are young

Some children need more help than others but teaching them independency, with limits that they can emotionally handle, is a great way to develop good habits, good character, and save time. I have noticed that on some days, my children are more capable of independent responsibilities than on other days. We all have bad days and if your child is struggling, don’t fret to take the time to intervene and help. This doesn’t mean they will stop dressing themselves forever, they may just need a little extra attention or a boost in their mood for the day. Try to figure out the problem before blowing it off on “they just don’t want to do it”. A slow in progress does not mean the progress has stopped just keep moving forward .

Make a Plan for the day

Making a plan for the day first thing of the morning may not save time at that moment but it will save time later. Having a plan doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible, it just gives you direction to get going.

Keep quick & easy breakfast options

Having quick and easy breakfast options on hand can save a ton of time! There are several ways to do this. You can freeze breakfast sandwiches, waffles, etc. or cook a ton once a week & reheat. You can also revert to protein bars, breakfast smoothies, fruit, and microwaveable foods. If you love cooking a good hearty breakfast, try reserving a day a week (like Saturday) and go all out making it extra special meal for your family to enjoy.

Get your sleep

I think we could all agree that we do not operate at our best when we are tired. Making sure you are well rested can really help you get on the move and feel great in the process.

Take your vitamins

As with lack of sleep, lack of vitamins like vitamin D, B, and iron can lead to lethargic homemakers.

Make & use a to-do list

Having a to-do list and updating it first thing of the morning keeps your mind sharp on the task ahead. Try to prioritize by importance and not ease. Interested in how I use my to do list? Check out this post here or below.

Let your kids sleep in their clothes

This isn’t a everyday option in our home but I love this tip by Jordan Page. On travel days, I put my kids in comfy (wrinkle free) outfits. Our morning get ready flies by like this.

More ways to save time with kids

Set up a reward or cash earning system for your children

Growing up, I was constantly looking for ways to make extra cash. My dad would run out of ideas of extra work for me to do 😂. Opportunities to do extra chores (outside of daily responsibilities) to earn cash or privileges can be a great way to teach your kids about the value of money & work ethics, while also helping you out. Another benefit is that it keeps them busy with something productive and out of trouble for a time being.

Make diaper changing stations

As a new mom, one of my favorite tricks to save time that I learned was to make little “diaper changing stations” in every commonly used room of the house. This doesn’t have to look cluttered and can be as simple as 5 diapers and a pack of wipes tucked in the magazine rack. I myself, found a few diaper changing packs . Stocked them and set one in the living room, my bedroom, and the family room. You wouldn’t believe the trips this little “stations” saved me.

Stop and evaluate your priorities

A dear friend of mine told me that when she is overwhelmed by the duties of young motherhood, she stops and evaluates her priorities. Oftentimes there are things on our to do list that will fall to the wayside when put into correct perspective of our children. This concept can be used with any list of task.

Schedule deep cleaning

If your children are really small and need a lot of one on one, try planning your deep cleaning or major house projects while your children are occupied and need you less. Examples: during nap time , snack time, tech time, play time with daddy etc. This really goes back to prioritizing but either way, it can save you time and sanity!

Keep your diaper bag ready

Restocking your diaper bag soon as you get back home and while the contents are fresh on your brains saves time trying to dig through and remember what needs restocked and what needs taken out.

Let the kids help!

Kids need time to be kids yes! But there is still a time for them to help. Oftentimes they even want to, especially if you take the time to turn into some bonding fun. This leads me to my next tip…

Stop being so picky

I think we all, or at least most, have our OCD topic, some more than others. I was that person but thanks to my husband, I have tried really hard to be forgiving when it comes to my family’s help. My husband pointed out one day that even if he helped me fold the towels, he knew I would refold them… ouch. I didn’t even know he noticed. I made up my mind then that some things don’t have to be perfect when others are helping. Yes, there is a time to teach children how to do things but there is also a time to appreciate their best even if it’s not how “you” do it. As my husband says, “there’s more than one way to do things”, I have found less stress and time saved in not being so picky.

Have a designated snack bin

Taking time to stock a designated snack bin can be a great time saver between meals. Make sure to keep the snack bin accessible to the children. I like them to be able to choose a snack, eat it, and clean up all on their own. The only thing they need me for is permission before getting one. This snack bin can be a literal bin, a pantry cabinet, or even a fridge drawer.

Keep a emergency car bag

If you don’t have a emergency car bag, then you are missing out. When you’re done reading here, head over to my car bag post to see what’s in mine and how it can save you so much time from stopping at the store or running back home for emergency potty accidents, spilled milk, or a tummy ache! Emergency car bags are a must have for moms with kids but they could definitely be nice for those without children too! Ever forgot deodorant anyone? 😂

Be prepared for town trips with toddlers

Preparing for town trips can consist of something as simple as having a lollipop stuffed in your bag. You know your child and their limits. I like to have some treasures stuffed in my bag for when they get antsy. I try to utilize these items before the fits come because I personally do not care for rewarding outright fits.

Organize your kids clothing in a child friendly way

I recommend organizing your child’s clothes in a way that they can handle their own clothing. What do I mean by that? They should be able to find their clothing, dress themselves, and put clothes away by your direction. This doesn’t mean it always happens, but that it’s a possibility. Lol. This can only be done if you have a system in work that is age appropriate and if you take the time to train the children for this process. My 4 & 2 year old are fully capable of the clothing system we have set into order. We are using this system to train them for the day that they will be fully responsible for their clothing and in the process, it is a great time saving help.

Stop folding all of your kids clothes

I’ve heard of people who fold nothing, I just can’t do that. My drawers are neatly folded and organized. My kids drawers are also organized but since they don’t fold well and love to sort through clothing for the fun of it , we organize in “unfolded bin style”. This goes back to when I mentioned about organizing in an age appropriate way.

Note- church/wrinkly clothing is hung and currently taken care of by me .

One of my favorite ways to save time is to “Work while you wait” Here are a few ways to utilize this time saving method.

Save time by using the work while you wait concept.

silver microwave oven on white wooden cabinet
Photo by cottonbro on

1. Wash up a few dishes while the microwave is running

2. Clean the sink/ toilet while the little one is in the tub

3. Do some mobile banking while riding In the car or waiting on grocery pick up to load your car.

4. Turn your phone on speaker phone or pop in some wireless earbuds when you are on hold. Lay it down and proceed with your normal duties while you wait.

5. Delete unwanted photos from your phone while sitting in waiting rooms.

Save time in the kitchen

Meal plan!

If you don’t meal plan, you are missing out on a huge time saving, stress relieving, habit!

Pre-cook meats

Pre-cooking your meats in bulk then freezing them, cuts your cooking time literally in half! Imagine cooking a meal when your meat is already fully cooked.

Cook double

Cooking double, one for now and (freeze) one for later. Cooking double takes hardly no extra time and saves SO much time when you need a quick dinner! This can also save a ton of money on convenience foods & drive-throughs.

Try grocery pick up.

If you haven’t tried Walmart’s FREE grocery pick up, you are missing a HUGE time saver! You can do all of your grocery shopping this way or you can do most of it and run in for just a few specific items that you want to hand pick.

Cook on foil

Lining pans with foil can quicken pan clean up. It does have a bit of a cost but It is a cheaper option than disposable pans.

Take advantage of crock pots and instant pot pressure cookers!

If you have one or both of these, take advantage of your time saving, easy prepping cooking possibilities! If you’re unsure in using these two appliances, do some research or ask your friends for tips. You will be amazed by results! My instant pot set in a box for a year before I braved up to use it but ever since, I haven’t looked back!

Use crock pot liners

I used to be totally against crock pot liners due to the fact they costed a good penny… but, I have decided they can be super convenient and even worth the price in “some” situations. I do not recommend using crock pot liners for every crock pot meal but I do like to keep them on hand for outings, super busy days, and very sticky foods.

Purchase a Dollar Tree microwave cover

Yes, I am serious! This $1.25 item will cut your microwave cleaning down by like 75% percent OR MORE, depending on how much you use it lol. It’s so much easier and quicker to wipe down a plastic cover, while doing dishes, than to clean the entire microwave. Especially, if you’re cleaning up after someone else’s microwave mess that got left and dried. 😬

Line your oven

Using a oven liner can have the same effect as the microwave cover. They sell reusable liners or you can carefully line your oven with foil that can be easily disposed of as needed. Just be sure to keep the foil off of the burners.

Use paper plates on busy days

Paper plates do have a cost, I try to stick to actual paper instead of the higher end, microwave melting foam. These save me so many plates washed during the day that they have become worth the price in our home. Another tip is to line a real plate with the paper plate for a sturdy real feel base without the mess.

Reuse cups

Teach your family to reuse the same cup all day and you will save time by washing a lot less cups. Designate cup colors, personalize glasses, or choose places to set cups through out the day to help this work.

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Emergency Car Bag

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