How To Hide Your Laundry Pile Up In A Pinch!

Ever wonder “How To Hide Your Laundry Pile Up In A Pinch?“

Maybe you are thinking, why wouldn’t I just wash it? Yes, that’s ideal! But… I think we all have had that moment when it just got OUT OF CONTROL and,just so happen, company is due to arrive soon. Now what?

How My Tip Was Born..

My tip for hiding your dirty laundry in a pinch was first thought of as I stared

at a overflowing pile of clothes in the floor. I couldn’t stand it another minute but unfortunately, with my tiny RV washer, tossing a load in would not even put a dent in the overwhelming sight.

I considered tossing the pile into the shower and shutting the door but we needed showers… the extra bed, laundry room, bedroom, or basement, in my case, wasn’t a option. My mind went to my mom’s tales of her dad folding and hanging all of his dirty clothes due to his neatness. We always laughed at her memories of sniffing pappaw’s clothing to see what needed washed.

With A Little Change..

No worries! I never planned on hanging up dirty clothing in the closet 😂 but it did get me thinking…

The way we fold & hang clothing obviously makes a difference in space. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t spend so much time choosing the perfect way to organize our dresser drawers and suitcases and there wouldn’t be the ultimate rolling or folding debate. No matter if you are a folder or a roller, we can all agree that “wadding” up our clothes and stuffing them into our drawers or suitcases is NOT the space saving solution, therefore it would automatically NOT be a good hiding solution on either!

Now For The Actual Tip!

Dump your laundry basket of clothes out. (That’s right!). If they are already in the floor, then you are ahead of the game lol.

Quickly sort the clothing into your washing categories. (Might as well take advantage of the process)

Now lightly and quickly fold each large item before placing it back into the laundry basket . You do not need to focus on matching corners or being precise. Basically you just want to fold the clothing over a couple times “flattening” it verses “wadding” it up.

To fit the most clothing discreetly within your hamper, you will need to fold the items close to the diameter of your basket.

Don’t worry about folding the small items like socks etc.. just lay them out flat in between the larger items.

Does This Really Work?

Yes!! Look at the pics to prove it 👍. This doe not “fix” the laundry issue but, it does show you how this little trick can give your atmosphere and sanity a lift until you can get caught up!

The pics shown below have the same exact clothing in each photo.

result example of how to hide yourr laundry pile up

How Long Does This Take?

Well … this depends how fast you are. Personally, this HUGE pile took me less then 10min and that was while chasing two little ones in between .❤️ To some, this may not be worth the time. To others, like me, it’s totally worth it just to give the room a quick do over until I can get caught up. Of course, remember you are sorting the clothing for future washing so go ahead and toss a load in while you’re at it ! This helps cut down on the time also since it is “dual purpose”.

If you have enjoyed this simple little tip please Like subscribe and share below!

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