How to exercise with little ones

Today I wanted to write a post, giving some tips on how to exercise with little ones.

I have been on a journey to become healthier lately. Exercising has always been on my “need to do” list but never became a priority until recently. Now, exercising is a staple on my Sue Hooley planner and is neatly planned on my Caliber app schedule.

Part of making exercise a priority has included my attempt to effectively fit exercise into my schedule, with little ones, (and without a baby sitter). Here’s how!

1. Include them

One of the best ways I have found to exercise with little ones, is to do an exercise that includes them.

This could be walking, swimming, biking, playing tag etc. I often walk for cardio and I have found my kids love this time to ride their bikes during my walks. This keeps them entertained while giving us both some cardio and fresh air!

I also have made good use of my sit and stand double stroller during walks with my little ones when they were smaller.

2. When trying to exercise with little ones…. Entertain them first

Sometimes, you can get your kids going with a game or activity within your visual area of working out. Once they are having a blast, let them know you’re going to work out while they continue to enjoy the fun!

Some of my favorite ways to entertain my children while exercising outdoors is bike riding, chalk, bubbles, wiffle ball, plastic parachutes, frisbees , etc.

As far as indoors, some of my favorite ways to entertain my little ones while I exercise (and keep them out of trouble lol) is book reading, Legos, play-dough, puzzles etc. I like to dig out a toy that is usually put up and only pulled out for special times. This way, it keeps their attention much longer and keeps the pieces from being lost. Another option might be to call grandma for some special chat time.

I also like to work out indoors while my little ones are finishing up lunch or enjoying a special snack. This keeps them in my sight and out of trouble.

3. Exercise while the kids are asleep

This is one of the simplest solutions and I realize it may not always work. Getting up before or staying up after the kids are fast asleep can seem ideal for a workout. Just don’t plan to rely on this option only and be sure to keep the other two options in mind for when this doesn’t work!

4. Multi task

Another tip for making time to exercise with little ones to care for, is to multi task when doing it. This obviously will not work for all types of exercise. Sometimes choosing an exercise that works best with children or one that can be multi tasked,may make or break your exercise routine as a Mama.

Personally, I have found the easiest cardio to multitask with, is walking. During my walks, I will often pray or catch up on long distance phone calls. Sometimes, I will listen to an audio book or just use the time to relax my mind. Doing these things help me “fit” exercise into my schedule much easier!

Once I began showing up for myself, I realized I actually do have time for exercise if I really want to, even as a Mom! The fact is, most of us will find time to do something if we will really prioritize it.

I encourage you today to take care of yourself and fit some type of exercise into your life too! And if your a mom, hopefully these tips will help you know how to exercise with little ones a little better. Taking care of ourselves enables us to take better care of our families. ❤️

I am an exercise “failie” that has been over two months now without missing any of my exercise schedule and yes I’m a mom trying to exercise with little ones! I also live a very busy full time RV life, we homeschool , and usually have plans every single evening with our ministry. My point? You can exercise too!

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