My Top 5x “Child Safety” Products (great for RV & small living spaces)

#1 Baby Gate

Mark told me more then once “just go buy a baby gate” and I wouldn’t listen.

Finally as I stood in the bathroom holding my soaked one year old, I’d had enough. I gave in and bought a baby gate!

This baby gate has helped me contain my little girl in those times I just don’t have enough eyes! It has helped prevent her playing in the “germy toilet” or turning on the RV’s scolding hot shower water in that one moment I turn my head. (Who decided RV bathrooms DON’T need locks anyway?????‍♀️????)

In reality though, a baby gate can really save you a lot of stress and keep your little one from any unsafe areas in your home.

If you’re like me and just don’t want to spend the money but you know deep down you could really use the help…Then please reconsider! This one time expense could simplify your daily chores by cutting out a lot of running back and forth and a LOT of panicked fret!

Now before you run off and purchase the fist baby gate you see…

Dont’s forget to :

1. Measure your space and decide if you

need an extra tall gate or not.

2. Decide if you want a swinging gate or

traditional style. You will pay more for

a swinging gate, but if you will be

walking through the space often, I

highly recommend the upgrade.

  1. Note: if you are gating the top of a stairway you will need a gate that mounts into wall studs. (Like the one I have listed below).
  2. Tap link below (bottom of post) to see this baby gate that I highly recommend. It is sturdy, tall, nice looking, and it adjust to much smaller & larger areas due to being a “stairway” gate.

    This baby gate has been a game changer for us! (Link @ bottom of post)

    #2 Door Alarm

    This little contraption has saved me many restless nights! No, it does not replace an alarm system, but it’s the next best thing! I purchased this little alarm from amazon. It has an alarm setting that alerts me (very loudly) if someone enters (or in my case leaves… lol) my RV unannounced. I can also set it on “chime mode” wich sounds like a doorbell of sorts, letting me know everytime the door is opened throughout the day. Once again, preventing any “escapee”????.

    This brand also sells separate window alarms. This is not the answer for someone seriously concerned of burglary when away from home, the batteries could easily be removed and alarm disabled and no assistance is called when set off.

    But if you’re just needing something reasonably priced to alert you anytime your door is opened via alarm or chime, then this is it! I highly recommend this little product. I consider it highly on my safety list. (Amazon link below @ bottom of post)

    #3 Knife Magnet

    After moving into a RV, I quickly realized I was in desperate need of a new kitchen knife storage system.

    Cabinet drawer knife storage was now unsafe with two toddlers, and a knife block wasn’t the best option in my case.

    First of all my RV counters are lower then a traditional home, my children would soon be able to easily reach the block.

    Secondly, a knife block took up much needed space on my tiny counter.

    After some research I finally came across the best alternative to my situation!

    The knife magnet! It keeps my knifes high and out of reach, it gives me more counter space, and is still very accessible.

    If you’re interested in a knife magnet, I purchased mine at IKEA but also has then available for purchase.

    #4 Baby Monitor

    I have not used many brands of baby monitors (actually only two). But I do love the one I own!

    A baby monitor is such a convenience. It’s great if your baby or child sleeps in their own room. Even if they don’t, it’s perfect to keep close tabs on your child during naps.

    In my case, our RV bedrooms are very close together but our air conditioners are very loud. This monitor helps me sleep better knowing I can hear (and see) the slightest call or cry from my babies.

    The monitor screen also displays the rooms temperature, wich is great for RV living, with very fluctuating temperatures throughout.

    Lastly, one of my favorite options of this product is its chargeable/portable ability . You can carry the pocket sized handheld viewer with you wherever you go. (Many of the upgraded monitors also connect directly through your phones !)

    My basic baby monitor is not name brand, it is a basic mode I and contains much less perks then some now offered. Unfortunately they do not sell my exact model anymore but I did post a few pictures of several monitors I found on to give you an idea of options and price ranges offered. Be sure to do your research and consider exactly what your needs are before purchasing one,

    If your needing a money saving option, you might consider purchasing the sound only monitor, I found this one in pic below for less then $20!

    #5 Miniature Safe

    Once having my firstborn, we quickly added this little safe to our possessions.

    It is wonderful for protecting little hands from dangerous things such as pocket knives or concealed weapons.

    It can be unlocked via key or passcode. And even has an alarm setting for unauthorized opening attempts.

    This safe is perfect for RV’s or small space living and is on my top list for child safety in our tiny home.

    These 5x safety products have simplified my daily living by providing me a peace of mind while I’m busy about my daily household duties. They are sorta the “eyes in the back of my head” if you follow ????

    My blog is not intended to encourage mindless spending on things you don’t need.

    Before purchasing any item, always consider your personal situation to decide if the item is really a good investment for your family and if the item is worth the financial sacrifice or splurge.

    A good investment can only be a good investment if you actually use the item.

    $ Money saving tips $

    • Make sure to purchase the model & make that will best fit your needs.
    • If applicable, check with friends about preowned options for sale or loan.
    • Check discount & second hand stores

    • Compare prices, especially online stores.
    • If item is for a coming baby, consider adding item to a registry or baby shower list.
    • Wait & purchase with baby shower money or gift cards you may receive.
    • Ask for items for Christmas or birthday. Most of these items will benefit you as much as that baby anyway ????‍♀️.
    • Save for it. A item does not need to be “big” or expensive to save for. You should always purchase things within your budget.

    What are your favorite safety products?

    Feel free to share in the comments below. I would love to hear them!

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    Baby Gate

    Door Alarm

    Miniature Safe

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