April Newsletter Update & Our Full-Time RV Life!

Ready for a update on our Full-Time RV life?Let’s get rolling! (pun intended 😜)

Full timing in our ‘recently moved in RV’ has been such a blessing! I love my washer & dryer, the leveling system works great for what we are using it for, the colors match my style of decor perfectly, and the kids loft is amazing…. until they got a stomach bug, at least🤦‍♀️.

Full time RV life & Sickness

Tiny lofts with a puking 4&2 year old, does not combine well! Thankfully, I was able to drag their “waterproof” toddler mattresses down to the living room to ride out the rest of the bug. I did learn something new through this round of sickness though.. and that is…

I love elderberry syrup!!

Seriously ladies! Have you ever? And I mean EVER, tried this stuff?! ❤️❤️❤️

I had some tucked away, planning to add it to our immune boosting goals (but never had) when I began wondering if it would help with symptoms ‘after’ sickness had hit. I did a couple quick Google searches and found that yes, indeed it does! Matter of fact, with the correct dosage, elderberry syrup has been known (and even proven) to be a nausea reducer AND shorten the effects of the flue, stomach bugs, and colds.

Unfortunately, I didn’t discover this until after my son had born the brute of the sickness, it seemed like it helped him on his last day but I wasn’t sure if it was the syrup or if he was just feeling better🤔.

Then Jael was hit. As soon as she became sic I began giving her the syrup and wouldn’t you know, she only puked when the syrups time ran up (every 4 hours like clockwork) I soon realized if I made sure to keep the syrup in her, in a timely manner, she didn’t puke at all! Before I realized this, I skipped a does in the night and we fought a battle of 3pukes in 1.5hr timeframe which was exactly what my son had done though out the first part of the sickness. Once I gave her some syrup, off she went to sleep until her next dose and we was able to ride the worse of the sickness with much more ease.

cluster of black berries on tree branch
Photo by Елена Кузьмина on Pexels.com

I know your dien to know…

Did it shorten the sickness as well?

I cannot guarantee it did but I like think so. My son, who unfortunately only used the syrup at the very end, was sic with this horrible bug, on and off, for 6 entire days. My little girl was given the syrup right off and she was over the exact same bug and symptoms in less than 24hrs.

Considering the positive (and very noticeable) effects the elderberry syrup had on my child’s nausea, I can’t help but wonder if it helped with shortening the sickness also. It definitely didn’t hurt!

I can’t wait to see the immune building effects this natural elderberry syrup (also linked below) has on my family in the future! Has anyone reading used elderberry syrup or other natural stomach bug remedies? Please share in the comments below if you do. ❤️

Also, if you are interested in how I stay prepared for sickness or any other “child emergencies” on the go, check out “whats in my car bag” post below, it has been a LIFE SAVER so many times during every day child “emergencies”!

What else has been going on in our full-time RV life

During the month of April, we spent a most of our full-time RV living in Texas and Arkansas. We attended a total of 9 new churches and met a lot of wonderful new people. These 2 states are “new stomping grounds” for us.

Never Judge a book by its cover

My 4 year old (Judah) absolutely loves going to “new states”. The first church we went to in AR had a super nice play are. Judah began to tell everyone how much he loved Arkansas because “they have a playground” the only problem was, the next church in Arkansas did NOT have a playground 😂, it quickly reminded me not to judge things by first impressions.

Is Full-Time RV life “Always A Vacation?” & do you have family days?

Some may differ in their opinion on this topic depending on their situation, but for our lives, the short answer is, no. We live this life style due to a calling from God, not as a retirement or long life goal of adventures. That does not mean we don’t have a good time though, I am a firm believer that the “Will Of God Is The Happiest Place To Be”!

“The will of God

is the happiest place to be”

On the other hand, we do enjoy the benefits of seeing new places, meeting new people, and having many experiences. But the fact is, our goal in this life is to minister to others. With that said, much of our time is spent going to church of the evenings and traveling. Outside of travel days, my husband does a lot of preparing for sermons of the days, me and the kids do regular things like pre schooling, laundry, playing, cooking, and so on.

Family Day’s with Full-time RV life

Because we do NOT live everyday on vacation, we indeed DO take family days! Family days are a vital part of our sanity of living in a small space lol. We do have some exciting opportunities for family days due to the fact that we travel. Many times, our family days consist of something free like visiting this large Bass Pro we hadn’t been to before last week. Occasionally, we set aside some money to enjoy something more expensive like a local aquarium but this is not on a regular basis. One thing I love is how we can use these special family days as homeschool field trips or vise versa. If you are interested in Why I Homeschool or Homeschool tips checkout these post, also linked below.

Bass Pro Shop

A former ‘full-time RV life’ wife & mother gave me a treasured piece of advice this month. She began to expound on how busy our lives can get and “if we are not intentional with our relationships they will indeed fall between the cracks”.

Family days and date nights are two of those “relationship building” activities that me and my husband have to work on to keep alive, amid our hectic schedule. I have found that the revived spirit and strength we receive from enjoying each other’s company in these relaxing times is always worth the effort. If your family days or date nights are being strangled by business, finances, or whatever else, I challenge you today to BE INTENTIONAL WITH THOSE Relationships Check out my post on budget friendly date night ideas also linked below. I’m hoping to have a list of budget friendly family nights soon too!


I was blessed to witness several special moments in the services we have recently been in. I watched a a teen age girl weep as she walked to the alter and a young Mother give her heart to the Lord, but one of the greatest blessings I seen this past month would have to a little 9 year old girl who felt the touch of God for the first time. The Lord was moving mightily through the altar service and this little girl began to weep as she felt the touch of God for herself. Her Mother had recently wondered and worried over why her child hadn’t responded to God’s spirit yet, little did she know, her moment was just around the corner.

Witnessing a child feel the Lord or a sinner be saved, always brings me back to the reason we are here, for HIM.

Having a 4year old myself, I felt extra sensitive to this child’s experience. I can’t wait until the day my little boy feels God’s presence settle on his soul. I’m sure it will be soon and I want to do everything in my power now, to train and nurture his little heart for that day.

Updates Announcements

As far as my blog, I want to thank each of you that read, I really appreciate the support! I do have a exciting announcement hopefully coming soon… so keep watching your email!!

What’s next?

We are currently in full blown, kids crusade planning! Next month, we will be heading home for a couple weeks, where we will be hosting our first kids crusade of the summer.

Our kids crusade theme this year is “Sailing Life’s Sea With Christ” . Looks like we will be “sailing” through the states of KY, OH, GA, SC, and maybe even FL this summer, AHOY!

Related Links

budget friendly date night ideas

Why Homeschool?

Homeschool Tips

Elderberry syrup (that I used) This link is NOT an affiliate.

My Emergency car bag

More About My Families Exciting, Full-Time RV Life

full time RV life

Today, I thought I’d get on a little more personal level and take you a step farther into my family’s full-time RV life. For those of you that already know the jest of this topic, keep reading for a update on our full time RV living.

If you have read any of my past posts, you probably already know that me, my husband, and two small children live a full time RV life. But, you may have wondered a few things like… why we made this decision, how much we travel, what neat places we have been, what this year’s plans are, and so on. I may not be able to answer all of your questions about our full time RV life but this post should be a start!

Why do we live a full-time RV life?

Whether it be work or leisure, most but not all, live a full-time RV life by choice. Our decision, though ultimately by choice, was guided by a calling from God into the ministry. We made the choice to answer this call going on 2 years ago. We are now traveling the country wherever the Lord opens doors. My husband is what is called a full-time evangelist.

What does our day to day full-time RV life consist of?

My personal day time consist of a lot of the normal stay at home mom activities and responsibilities. Our blessing of a camper, to take with us as we go, provides us with a ‘home’ atmosphere of which I spend time tending to while caring for my family. Cooking, cleaning, meal planning, homeschool, and laundry often fill the early part of my day. If you are interested in how I control laundry overflows in a pinch or how I clean out and keep a small wardrobe, click on these linked post here or below.😊

My husband, on the other hand, spends a lot of his day time praying, studying, and preparing for the ministry. He also tends to things around the camper such as RV and truck maintenance and so forth.

Many of our evenings consist of the ministry, in which we attend many different churches, ministering to the people in sermon and songs.

What’s the biggest difference in our RV life and former “9-5” life?

For the first 7 years of our married life, me and my husband lived the ideal Mon-Fri work schedule. I was a stay at home mom with just a handful of housekeeping side jobs outside of the home, and we had every 3 day weekend off together. We had a perfect schedule and didn’t need to have much flexibility.

The biggest change between then and our current life style is definitely the flexibility issue. Full-time RV life, along with the ministry, takes a LOT of flexibility. You learn to go with the flow and not stress when things don’t go as planned. After living and learning this lesson for the past 1.5 years, I can see how this mindset can benefit anyone in any type of lifestyle. Let’s be real, even in the perfect scheduled life that we all love, things still go awry from time to time. Learning to make the best of it, no matter what, is a great benefit and blessing to the whole family.

Do we still have family days and dates even though we are always together?

Yes! Especially because we are together, living full-time in an RV can sometimes feel like the walls are closing in. This doesn’t mean you don’t love each other or that you are a bad family. You sometimes just need a break and the easiest way to do that is to plan a family day outside of those 4 walls.

The fact is, it’s easy to forget about family time or dates when you are always together. Some people relate “RV life” to a “full time vacation” and although we all admit to the flexibility and excitement traveling can bring, we still need a break from the monotony of our everyday responsibilities. That’s where family days and dates come in. No, my kids don’t get super excited over a long road trip anymore because that’s part of their life, I can just imagine convincing my four year old that his camper life was just a big camping trip 😂 but, if I tell him we are going to a local park for a picnic or to a local aquarium, he would go through the roof with excitement because it simply breaks up the monotony of our everyday life.

The same goes for dates, me and my husband don’t have a traveling baby sitter so we have to get creative. Date night may be staying up late after the kids go to sleep and playing a game of chess, or it might be a late car ride for ice cream. It takes a little more effort but dates are vital when you are cramped in a camper for months at a time, you need that time to just clock out and enjoy each other’s company.❤️Click here or below for date ideas after the kids go to bed!

Things I’ve learned living a full-time RV life

  • Be flexible
  • You don’t need near as much things as you think
  • Too much stuff piles up quick in -500sq.ft.
  • Kids don’t need much to be happy (link- a simple toy room)
  • There is a lot of wonderful people everywhere
  • The will of God is the happiest and safest place to be
  • When God calls you, He will make the way
  • RVs break, it’s part of it, fix them and roll on!
  • Travel can be expensive, budget & take advantage of money saving apps.
  • RV maintenance is a necessity to prevent many problems!
  • RV life takes love, patience, and understanding with each other
  • Take advantage of the outdoors (RVs are only so big)
  • Purchase a good RV & Truck, you won’t regret it
  • You can learn a lot about your RV problems online
  • Find a dependable RV handy man that you can call when problems arise. He may not be able to always get to you but he can give you suggestions and help with maintenance when you are home.
  • When ordering parts, price check! Amazon and RV trader are our favorites so far
  • Make travel days fun for your children, happy kids make happy travels. Check out my post here for travel boredom busters!
  • Amazon Prime can be worth the subscription with their 2day shipping and easy returns
  • Anywhere can be home if you take the time to make it a home
  • Traveling in a RV is the only way to go when you are fulltime!

What’s our plans this year?

So far, we have been to OH, KY, VA, WV, MA, PA and TN this year. Later this year, we plan to spend time in SC, KY, and OH hosting kids crusades, we are really excited about starting this part of the ministry back up. Before the kids crusades start, we plan to spend some time in AR and surrounding states. We can’t wait to see what else the Lord has in store for us this year, only time will tell. In the meantime, we will be settling into our new camper over the next several weeks, in between travels. We recently were provided with the opportunity to trade our RV in for one which is better suited for our full time living. We are very blessed and excited about our new home! Keep watching for pics and posts with it in the near future!

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Stick around for more links below on mentioned and related topics. What else would you like to know about our full time RV life? I would love to hear from you in the comments below! If you haven’t subscribed already, be sure to do so directly here below.

Happy Homemaking 😊

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