How to quickly clean out my closet

I clean out my closet as a necessity being part of a full time RV family!

full time rv home

Home IS Where You Park It…

I guess I should start out by clarifying that when I say ‘clean out my closet’ I am referring to clothing. Although I do store a few items in my closest besides clothing, I do try to make the main use of my closet for clothes and clothing related items such as shoes, hats, belts, etc.

How to quickly clean out my closet

closet cleaned out
  • Remove excess hangers
  • Remove & store ‘out of season’ items
  • Remove definite “don’t keep” items
  • Remove “don’t wear” items for further examination (more on this below)
  • For each item you choose to keep, shift it to its appropriate place in the closet for quick organization

A closer look at cleaning out my closet

Remove excess hangers

Removing excess hangers is a quick and easy way to clear up some space. You can take them completely out for good or you can add them back in neatly on the side when you’re through.

Remove and store out of season items

Storing out of season clothing items separate from your closet is a great way to free up some space. Be sure to give your storage space a limit and rotate the seasons accordingly. Some great seasonal clothing storage solutions are : A small tote, A shrink storage bag, a square cube bin, or a old zip up bed set bag. Be sure to store the items away from moisture and keep them sealed well. If your entire seasonal storage cannot fit comfortably into your wardrobe, it’s time to downsize!

Remove definite “don’t keep’ items

Definite no keeps are those items that you wonder how they even got in your closet. The shirt you have been meaning to get rid of or the dress that really belongs to your sister. Removing these items is another quick and easy step to clean out your closet.

Remove “don’t wear” items for further examination

Now for the last step to clean out your closet! This step has always seemed a little bit daunting to me and that is why I save if for last. No, not because I’m putting it off but for the exact opposite. I believe getting the super easy steps out of the way clears a lot of space up fast and gives you a boost of motivation, making this last “harder” step seem less overwhelming.

Many post I have read instruct you to rid of all of the items you do not wear without further examination. This is one area I differ on when I clean out my closet.

Before you toss the “I don’t wear” item in the donation bag, I would like you to ask yourself a question.

Why Don’t I Wear This?

The answer to this question can direct you in this last step to clean out your closet.

Here are some common answers you may find yourself with

  • It doesn’t fit anymore
  • I like it hanging up but I don’t like it on me
  • It is uncomfortable
  • It’s sentimental
  • It was given to me
  • I spent a lot of money on it
  • I have others just like it
  • It doesn’t fit my lifestyle
  • I just never get to it
  • I forgot I had it
  • I don’t like to iron

Let’s break it down

It doesn’t fit anymore

We all have those clothing items that just don’t fit anymore right? I’m not going to suggest you get rid of ALL of your too small clothing, nor am I going to suggest you keep it all. Let’s be real here, consider your current situation. Are you in the process of losing weight? Is your situation temporary due to a pregnancy or illness? How “too small” is this particular item? Do you really love this item or do you just love its size?

Asking yourself many of these question can help you recognize the reality of situation better and make a confident decision. It’s good to have a small selection of items for weight loss but don’t go overboard, make yourself a storage limit for these items away from your wearable clothing.

Also, keep in mind that many people like to splurge on a few new items after weight loss. Some even use it as a weight loss incentive, consider if you are one of these type of people when making your decision.

I like it hanging up but I don’t like it on me

So many times my closet has been littered with this exact type of clothing. It looked so cute when I bought it! Maybe I didn’t try it on or maybe your taste has changed. The best solution I have found to deal with these items, is to simply depart from them and be sure to try on clothing before purchasing whenever possible.

*There is no reason to allow a item to clutter your closet if you wont wear it.

It is uncomfortable

When I was a teenager, it didn’t really matter to me how uncomfortable clothing was, if I liked it, i bought it. The difference between now and then is this; then, I actually wore the uncomfortable purchase. Now, it mostly ends up sitting in my closet. If you’re uncomfortable clothing has ended up on your “don’t wear” list, then you are probably in the same stage. It’s hard to break old habits but how about we part with these uncomfortable clothes and STOP PURCHASING THEM in the future.

It’s sentimental

Sentimental items can be hard to deal with. Each person carries their own amount of sentimental feelings. A few things to consider would be…

  • start wearing the item and enjoy it
  • store it in a memory bin
  • make something out of it (there are so many adorable items you can make from old clothing nowadays. (try a Google search)
  • display it (depending on the item, there are shadow boxes etc)

It was given to me

This item probably lands in several of the other “don’t wear” categories because if it didn’t, you would be wearing it. Whether your Grandma bought the wrong size, or your friend purchased her style instead of yours, now you have this item that you feel like you can’t part with. Here are a few suggestions I use when I clean out my closet, hopefully they help!

  • Consider the person before making your decision. Is the buyer more practical or sensitive ? Did they make a sacrifice for this purchase or was it a pass down? Do they notice everything or are they forgetful and care free? Knowing your gifter can help you handle each piece of clothing wisely. You never want to be or even appear to be ungrateful.
  • If you simply do not like the item, try it on with several different items before you completely decide against the piece. It may end up being the perfect match to something after all.
  • If you still do not like the item, try wearing it a few times around the giver or take some cute pics in the outfit to send to them to show your appreciation. Then after you have gotten some use from the item and some time has passed re visit the item. You may find you like it after all or you may decide to part with it. Sacrificing your feelings can be a great part of being thankful.
  • The last tip I have here is to be honest. This relates to the wrong size not if you don’t like the item. If someone tells you they have the receipt if you need to exchange, take the liberty to kindly tell them the item does not fit. Be sure to TRY IT ON first, to show your sincerity. Most buyers would much rather you return the item for the correct size than for their purchase to not be used. This also lets them know your correct sizing for future purchases.

I spent a lot of money on it

Spending a lot of money on a item that you no longer wear can cause a lot of guilt. What you must realize is, that holding onto the useless item does not make the situation better but only worse. My advise here is to simply let the item go and remember how you felt when purchasing new items. Allow this to teach you to be very specific in your spending choices.

I have others just like it

Having too many of a type of clothing can result in overlooked pieces. This is a great opportunity to donate! Figure up how many of this type of clothing you need between your wash cycle and toss the rest.

It doesn’t fit my lifestyle

Do you have 5 exercise shirts but never exercise? Maybe you have a wardrobe full of T-shirts that you only wear on the weekend. Realizing what you wear and how much you wear it can really tell you what categories of clothing you need most . Don’t hoard clothing you don’t wear.

I just never get to it
OR I forgot I had it

Anytime I have clothing that lands in this category, I count it a great opportunity to clean out my closet some more. I mean think about it, you won’t even miss these items when they are gone!

I don’t want to iron it

Hopefully, I am not the only one that by passes a outfit due to its need of ironing 😂. No joke, I have enough ironing to do with 2 “men” in the house, I figure why buy clothing that needs constant ironing for myself when ladies clothing have so many iron free options. If you are like me, i recommend passing that wrinkly shirt on and doing the wrinkle test next time you shop!

For each item you choose to keep, shift it to its appropriate place in the closet for quick organization

This is a quick organization tip. Organize while you declutter and declutter while you organize! They should go hand in hand.


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How To Hide Your Laundry Pile Up In A Pinch!

Ever wonder “How To Hide Your Laundry Pile Up In A Pinch?“

Maybe you are thinking, why wouldn’t I just wash it? Yes, that’s ideal! But… I think we all have had that moment when it just got OUT OF CONTROL and,just so happen, company is due to arrive soon. Now what?

How My Tip Was Born..

My tip for hiding your dirty laundry in a pinch was first thought of as I stared

at a overflowing pile of clothes in the floor. I couldn’t stand it another minute but unfortunately, with my tiny RV washer, tossing a load in would not even put a dent in the overwhelming sight.

I considered tossing the pile into the shower and shutting the door but we needed showers… the extra bed, laundry room, bedroom, or basement, in my case, wasn’t a option. My mind went to my mom’s tales of her dad folding and hanging all of his dirty clothes due to his neatness. We always laughed at her memories of sniffing pappaw’s clothing to see what needed washed.

With A Little Change..

No worries! I never planned on hanging up dirty clothing in the closet 😂 but it did get me thinking…

The way we fold & hang clothing obviously makes a difference in space. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t spend so much time choosing the perfect way to organize our dresser drawers and suitcases and there wouldn’t be the ultimate rolling or folding debate. No matter if you are a folder or a roller, we can all agree that “wadding” up our clothes and stuffing them into our drawers or suitcases is NOT the space saving solution, therefore it would automatically NOT be a good hiding solution on either!

Now For The Actual Tip!

Dump your laundry basket of clothes out. (That’s right!). If they are already in the floor, then you are ahead of the game lol.

Quickly sort the clothing into your washing categories. (Might as well take advantage of the process)

Now lightly and quickly fold each large item before placing it back into the laundry basket . You do not need to focus on matching corners or being precise. Basically you just want to fold the clothing over a couple times “flattening” it verses “wadding” it up.

To fit the most clothing discreetly within your hamper, you will need to fold the items close to the diameter of your basket.

Don’t worry about folding the small items like socks etc.. just lay them out flat in between the larger items.

Does This Really Work?

Yes!! Look at the pics to prove it 👍. This doe not “fix” the laundry issue but, it does show you how this little trick can give your atmosphere and sanity a lift until you can get caught up!

The pics shown below have the same exact clothing in each photo.

result example of how to hide yourr laundry pile up

How Long Does This Take?

Well … this depends how fast you are. Personally, this HUGE pile took me less then 10min and that was while chasing two little ones in between .❤️ To some, this may not be worth the time. To others, like me, it’s totally worth it just to give the room a quick do over until I can get caught up. Of course, remember you are sorting the clothing for future washing so go ahead and toss a load in while you’re at it ! This helps cut down on the time also since it is “dual purpose”.

If you have enjoyed this simple little tip please Like subscribe and share below!

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